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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Jump on this my North American friends in case of it being taken down


When Wrestling Was Golden: Grapples, Grunts and Grannies (BBC - 2012):

Thanks for sharing man. It was a really enjoyable look at an area of wrestling I knew next to nothing about. I especially liked the parts on Street and Nagasaki.

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Obviously the idiots on WWE.com have been reading too much Grantland and thought they had a brought idea to rip it off, and do it poorly. A contrast to how these are better done:




FWIW, I did enjoy WWE.com also ripping off the old Bob.com tactic of breaking a *small* article across a slew of pages.



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I was thinking about Mike Shaw's perils of showing up when he did in 93 (I know. The things I think about). Earthquake was on his way out, yes, and Typhoon soon after, but the roster had Yokozuna, Bam Bam, Kamala, Hughes, with Mabel about to come in. What the heck COULD they do with him but something like Booger. It made me think of the diversity of the roster, mainly, and the complaints over the last five years that WWE had a huge deficit in that area.


This made me wonder: have we finally hit the point where people can no longer reasonably complain about the WWE roster being full of guys who all look the same?

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Guys this is exceptionally special take the time to click on the following links and try not to get glassy eyed in the process. 5 year old with cancer got to finally meet Daniel Bryan after a youtube campaign:





The unedited video of the meet:


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Here's something you guys might enjoy The Great 1,024 Wrestler Tournament

That'd actually be a cool concept if it was better organized & not on facebook


Yeah, it's not perfect. Maybe we could adapt the idea for a thread here or something.



Weirdly enough, Online Onslaught is running one as we speak, the two seemed unconnected. I have been voting, but there is a strong WWE bias. With many "knowledgeable" voters not knowing who Tenryu or Hashimoto were and Michaels & Angle heavy favorites to take the whole thing. My favorite thread so far was debating the merits of Sandman vs Tommy Dreamer. I thought it was Sandman in a walk, but Dreamer squashed him like 39-2, but it was a fun thread. Explaining to a bunch of indy wankers that KENTA/Naomichi Marufuji are not the end all be all of puroresu was not as fun.


The best part of the first round is usually those paired have a connection and the guy usually tries to find a humorous connection. His masterpiece so far is Chris Benoit vs Brain Damage.

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What Dave wrote in the Observer today:

There has been talk of bringing back some veterans from the past (such as Shelton Benjamin, who has not been signed but they are in talks with, and who asked for and got a release from his ROH contract 12/16 to allow him to legally negotiate a deal), who wouldn’t get a big push, but would be names on the card who can work with a lot of the younger guys and help put them over.

Mike Johnson said the same thing. This is actually the plan. Far cry from the Finlays, Steamboat's cameo matches on house shows and the Jerichos.

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