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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I wouldn't get TOO worked up about the RoH telling 3 guys they aren't going to use them for a while. Honestly, have they even been using the Bucks or TJP enough to justify the airfare? Do they draw enough to justify the airfare? RoH has frequently limited or cut back on guys they have to fly in from the West Coast.

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Chikara DVD is out already.


I think it is room for concern when you look at these factors:


1. They're losing money on a ton of their live shows.


2. They've completely poisoned the iPPV well with the constant technical issues. And kind of an a point to this. They're putting on which is essentially a free iPPV coming up this month because of how badly they've botched the last 3 shows.


3. The company was in the red when Sinclair bought them last year.


So they aren't hitting the numbers in their new markets, they've destroyed their iPPV business and they were already losing money before all of this happened. To be 9 months in with your new owner and to have him already pulling back on talent is a bad sign for a company in RoH's position currently.

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The Chikara show was super fun and a VERY consistent match to match. On twitter at least it was very well supported but not as well as High Noon. I am willing to put it a small percentage of that down to how fast paced and absorbing the show was.

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Do they draw enough to justify the airfare? RoH has frequently limited or cut back on guys they have to fly in from the West Coast.

To be fair, practically nobody in wrestling today is a big enough draw that they justify airfare. Wrestling's changed, and it seems like the total package of the promotion is generally more important nowadays than any individual worker.
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The indy draws are all legends none of whom ROH will touch. And even those guys can only draw with the right promotional efforts (i.e. not Gabe and probably not Sinclair either).


I get the argument for not flying in the Bucks or TJP but when I look at that roster I see a lot of guys I think suck shit or are boring as piss. As a wrestling fan TJP not being booked - and even the Bucks who I enjoy more as heels who get massacred - is likely to make my increasingly waning interest in that brand dissipate further


Then again the show is on twice a week in my area, in time slots that would be easy for me to catch, and I still never watch so how much less interest could I really have?

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I've given the RoH tv show multiple tries over the course of it's run. It's just tedious as fuck. Richards is just a bore. Honestly, watching that youtube video of Kevin Steen stuffing his face with cake after winning the title made him more interesting than Richards was for the entire year as champion. Also Kevin Kelly sucks. He managed to single suck all of the fun out of that Chikara trios match with how he played it and Nigel is barely better. Honestly, after hearing Ultramantis Black on commentary, he would be a huge upgrade over both guys.


As for TJP and the Bucks. I think both are a loss for the mid-card. I think they were good for changing things up on shows that were otherwise tedious with guys all doing the same act. I usually looked forward to the stuff they were involved with the most. The Bucks especially are a huge loss since that cuts the roster down to 3 tag teams. I would've seriously considered cutting Mike Mondo and Rhino before I would've ever touched the Bucks or TJP.

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Isn't it Davey Richards' gimmick to be the super serious whiteboy who thinks he's the ace in mid 90s All Japan? Part of what's made the angle with Steen great is how he's got under everyone's skin and made Davey flip out.

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Isn't it Davey Richards' gimmick to be the super serious whiteboy who thinks he's the ace in mid 90s All Japan? Part of what's made the angle with Steen great is how he's got under everyone's skin and made Davey flip out.

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Isn't it Davey Richards' gimmick to be the super serious whiteboy who thinks he's the ace in mid 90s All Japan? Part of what's made the angle with Steen great is how he's got under everyone's skin and made Davey flip out.

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Isn't it Davey Richards' gimmick to be the super serious whiteboy who thinks he's the ace in mid 90s All Japan? Part of what's made the angle with Steen great is how he's got under everyone's skin and made Davey flip out.

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Dave Meltzer on the LAW radio show last night said:


There is a big story business wise coming out tomorrow

That he couldnt talk about but was bracing for it mentally.


WWE Network?

Vince stepping down?

MMA crap?

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Does anyone else feel like the Dasher/TD version of the Throwbacks just isn't as interesting as Dasher/Sugar were?

Agreed. Sugar was a ton of fun, and while I like Touchdown, it is quite obvious the heel turn is coming. The problem with that, is I can't in any way see Dasher working as a heel.

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Orton got popped for weed not PED's. Interesting.

Isn't weed just a fine and not a suspension?



According to Rajah, Alex Shelley wants to go right to the WWE main roster and not do anything in developmental. I have a feeling that's going to rub a few people the wrong way.

Good for him. I've never understood their weirdness in forcing legitimate veterans to slum it in FCW or wherever before deigning to let them on television. Shelley's been wrestling over a decade, and has spent most of that time either in the top indy in the country or in the only other promotion with national television. He's not some young kid who needs to be taught how to work. Did guys like Punk or Danielson really learn that much from their developmental stints that they hadn't already learned from the million different companies they worked for, in over a dozen countries?
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I don't really think it's a bad thing for Shelley to go to FCW. Really, it could save him some trouble in the long run. He can kind of get used to what's expected from his new company, and not have to worry about getting the "he can't work" tag if he's on the main roster too soon.

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Love Shelly & think he's awesome but yeah, I think FCW would be good for him for the same reasons Log does.


Orton got popped for weed not PED's. Interesting.

Isn't weed just a fine and not a suspension?


They changed the rules on it a while back, guys started doing some type of fake synthetic weed instead (spice?) so then WWE baned that too. That's what Evan Bourne got poped for if i'm remembering correctly.

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Good for him. I've never understood their weirdness in forcing legitimate veterans to slum it in FCW or wherever before deigning to let them on television. Shelley's been wrestling over a decade, and has spent most of that time either in the top indy in the country or in the only other promotion with national television. He's not some young kid who needs to be taught how to work. Did guys like Punk or Danielson really learn that much from their developmental stints that they hadn't already learned from the million different companies they worked for, in over a dozen countries?

I'm not sure if Punk learned anything in developmental but he's sure as hell a lot better now than he was in 2008. Watch the Punk vs Jericho matches vs this year and then the KOTR Punk vs Jericho (or ECW Punk vs Benjamin which is even worse) match from 08. They're trying to accomplish the same thing but there's a hell of a lot more restraint and nuance and common sense.

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Dave Meltzer on the LAW radio show last night said:


There is a big story business wise coming out tomorrow

That he couldnt talk about but was bracing for it mentally.


WWE Network?

Vince stepping down?

MMA crap?


If it's the same thing I heard about yesterday and was sworn to secrecy on, it's definitely not #1 or #2. #3 depends on your definition of "MMA crap." I can't really say more than that but it is big.


(And if it's a separate story then this is going to be a big day)

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