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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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MVP did a few as well.

For all the talk of "Benoit Tributes" MVP is the only guy I know of who openly admits he does so in some of his matches. A touchy subject but I atleast understand his point of view and whear he's coming from since he's gone into a lot of detail on why in diffrent interviews in the past.


For pretty much everyone else I highly doubt it's being done in a concious effort to remind the fans of him & more that yeah, they just kinda happen to do moves that Benoit also did. Even Davey Richards is more trying to ape Dynamite (which NJPW specifically told him they wanted him to do) then Benoit.

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I have to think that multiple Benoit spots being used on a show the 5 year anniversary weekend were conscious decisions by the talent.

From what I can tell, nobody even realized it was the anniversary of the slaughter. The problem is that these guys do all of Benoit's moves on a regular basis.


I liked Benoit as much as anyone else and I still respect his work ethic, dedication and athleticism, but inviting allusions to him is just stupid.

Yeah, there's the kicker. I got a lot of whining on other boards that those moves don't mean anything inherently wrong and shouldn't be banned. My response is, what the hell is the point of doing them? This is only three or four things we're talking about here: diving headbutt, crippler crossface, maybe rolling germans, maybe the throat-slash taunt. That's a tiny fraction of a percentage of all the overall shit than any wrestler can do in the ring. What is so vital about those moves that they MUST be used? Why not simply do something else, especially when there's so many other options? There's hundreds and hundreds of other things which, y'know, don't remind the audience of a dude who strangled his wife and son.
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Enlighten me on Dick Togo. Is he a pro wrestler paying tribute to a mass murdering pro wrestler? If not, is the mass murderer someone who killed their own son? If so, is Togo's tribute based around using the same techniques within his matches that were used to kill his son?


Kevin Nash mentioning Lee Harvey Oswald in a promo is a little different than a Republican strategist praising him in a speech for his efforts in defeating a Democrat.

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For all the talk of "Benoit Tributes" MVP is the only guy I know of who openly admits he does so in some of his matches. A touchy subject but I atleast understand his point of view and whear he's coming from since he's gone into a lot of detail on why in diffrent interviews in the past.

Where is he coming from then?


Short version, he doesn't condone or excuse what Benoit did at all but he was really good friends with him and Benoit helped him out a lot in his career, even before he signed with WWE so MVP sees him as a good person who did a horrible thing because he lost his mind in the end due to a # of factors.


Long version, like I said he covered it in a lot of interviews you can listen to if you're curious, it's interesting stuff so i'd recomend tracking them down. Of note, he talked a lot about Benoit in his iwantwrestling.com interview w Dave Lagana tho that site isn't up anymore so that one might be hard to find, I think he touched on it in his Art of Wrestling interview with Cabana and for sure he talked a lot about it in his recent MLW radio interview from a couple weeks back http://mlwradio.libsyn.com/rss

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I'm watching the final days of the USWA in August 1997 and Bradshaw debuts as a member of Dutch Mantel's "Team Icon" with Rod Price and Doomsday(Kane). During a interview, Bradshaw mentions it was Dutch who found Bradshaw in Europe and brought him to the WWF. I know Dutch worked for the WWF as Uncle Zeb in 95/96 managing the Blu Brothers and Bradshaw but was he also a member of Creative? Like Bill Dundee in WCW when he managed Regal and worked behind the scenes too.

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Togo is a huge fan of Che Guevara and had the last match of his retirement tour in Bolivia because it was the country Che died in.

Well, that was certainly a very awkward way to shoehorn a rightist political crack into a wrestling discussion.


I'm not a right-winger. But I don't see this going anywhere productive, so I'm just going to drop it.

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I'm not a righist either... far from it. But Che was a douchebag who gets romanticized by people who don't know better. Granted, he wasn't as big of a douchebag as Henry Kissenger, but still...



He's admired by people because he was a son of privilege that dedicated his short life to third world freedom struggles, which yeah is pretty far from a wrestler purposely falling on his head a bunch and then killing his family or a cowardly thug with several mini-Holocausts under his belt like Kissinger. It's nothing I expect an American liberal (read "rightist" to most of the world) that lobs ineffectual pejoratives at people who operated under circumstances of genuine adversity to understand.
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Togo is a huge fan of Che Guevara and had the last match of his retirement tour in Bolivia because it was the country Che died in.

Well, that was certainly a very awkward way to shoehorn a rightist political crack into a wrestling discussion.


This is sort of why I didn't respond. It's impossible to talk about Che Guevara and keep it pro wrestling only, and I'm not sure I want to make comparisons between Chris Benoit and Che Guevara.

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Guevara also aided the cause of nuclear arms proliferation, and openly admitted that he would've nuked the USA if he'd controlled the missiles. He also has a well-documented history of being a torturer and executioner. Let's not pretend that he was some kind sudamericano equivalent to Gandhi.

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It's impossible to talk about Che Guevara and keep it pro wrestling only, and I'm not sure I want to make comparisons between Chris Benoit and Che Guevara.

Quotes like this are why I love visiting this board so much more than others.

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So, stumbling onto the Doc/Kawada '93 Carnival match in full on YouTube, and knowing that the full Misawa/Gordy match is out there, etc, is anyone keeping track of what classic AJ stuff has been unearthed on the Samurai shows or...?

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Guevara also aided the cause of nuclear arms proliferation, and openly admitted that he would've nuked the USA if he'd controlled the missiles. He also has a well-documented history of being a torturer and executioner. Let's not pretend that he was some kind sudamericano equivalent to Gandhi.

You should perhaps consider the unique goals that Cuba was able to achieve by nuclear proliferation and how little sense special criticism of a figure for merely talking about the possibility of nuking the only country with the distinction of actually using nuclear weapons against non-military targets to achieve a political end makes. And I'm certainly bothered by all the jackboots, rapists and thugs he executed. Liberals, man.
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Kyle O'Reilly from ROH was on the PWTorch podcast this week and came out with a tit bit straight out of Jim Herd era WCW. Kyle spoke about how Cornette asked Sinclair why they didn't buy advertising during Raw for the markets they are promoting shows in. Sinclair said ROH viewers don't watch RAW as only kids watch Raw. As much as people talk about the booking they seem to be fucked at a corporate level.


Bare in mind this comment pre-dated Cena's joke comment on Raw this week about the only people who watch Raw are nine year olds in a retort to Chris Jericho who called Cena's material lame.

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Nuclear proliferation is one of the greatest things that happened to human civilization. Murderous tyrants in DC having a monopoly on a bomb they were willing to use to rain hell fire on kids was not a benefit to anyone.


In wrestling related news, does anyone think this potential Chikara/TNA working relationship is going to end well for either? I'm not saying it won't and I think it could make TNA tv more interesting. But I am always sort of wary of stuff like this

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