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I am catching up on RAW, but that opening segment is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Totally awesome mindfuck of an angle that blew me away, and hopefully they have the balls to see it to its logical conclusion with a Cena turn.

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John Cena is the most marmite promo in the history of wrestling. Opens the show with a believable, intense, interesting promo. Two hours later he is cutting an awful jokey style interview about donkeys, putting on silly voices and coming off like the most uncool idiot you've ever seen.




hopefully they have the balls to see it to its logical conclusion with a Cena turn.


How do they go that route, though? Nobody wants to see Cena doing 'psychological' style stuff with The Wyatt Family in a boiler suit, it would soon get old and ridiculous. They should save the Cena turn for something huge, anyway, this feud doesn't feel like it is right for it. Obviously him cheating to end the streak would have been perfect, but that is gone now. Costing Daniel Bryan the title would give him crazy heat.

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  On 4/29/2014 at 2:22 AM, anarchistxx said:

John Cena is the most marmite promo in the history of wrestling. Opens the show with a believable, intense, interesting promo. Two hours later he is cutting an awful jokey style interview about donkeys, putting on silly voices and coming off like the most uncool idiot you've ever seen.



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  On 4/29/2014 at 2:22 AM, Loss said:

I am catching up on RAW, but that opening segment is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Totally awesome mindfuck of an angle that blew me away, and hopefully they have the balls to see it to its logical conclusion with a Cena turn.


After they showed another Cena Make-A-Wish emotional video I don't think there's even a chance of him losing on Sunday. Let alone a legit heel turn.

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  On 4/29/2014 at 2:22 AM, Loss said:

I am catching up on RAW, but that opening segment is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Totally awesome mindfuck of an angle that blew me away

Yeah man, that was cool as fuck. One of my favorite things I've seen in wrestling, angle-wise, ever. The rest of this RAW has been pretty blah so far. I still have an hour to go.

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  On 4/29/2014 at 2:22 AM, anarchistxx said:

John Cena is the most marmite promo in the history of wrestling. Opens the show with a believable, intense, interesting promo. Two hours later he is cutting an awful jokey style interview about donkeys, putting on silly voices and coming off like the most uncool idiot you've ever seen.




hopefully they have the balls to see it to its logical conclusion with a Cena turn.


How do they go that route, though? Nobody wants to see Cena doing 'psychological' style stuff with The Wyatt Family in a boiler suit, it would soon get old and ridiculous. They should save the Cena turn for something huge, anyway, this feud doesn't feel like it is right for it. Obviously him cheating to end the streak would have been perfect, but that is gone now. Costing Daniel Bryan the title would give him crazy heat.


If he's gonna win on Sunday, that's their best bet imo. Have Cena feud with Bryan for a couple of PPVs, with him getting increasingly more frustrated as he can't beat D-Bry and the crowd booing the fuck out of him until he can't take it anymore and finally turns.



But who am I kidding, they are not turning him any time soon. I'm glad he's been involved in an interesting feud since forever though :)


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I'm not even sure Flair was drunk. He's normally way over the top and tries to steal the show when he's wasted. Besides I highly doubt they would've let him go out there if they knew he was drunk.


I'm worried about him. Ever since Reid died he seems so out of it. It's like we are watching him turn into the Iron Sheik :(

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That Flair promo was fantastic. He was just the right side of crazy, fired up old man, the crowd loved him and he relished it, all came over pretty well. If he stayed sober he could still do a job as a manager or non-wrestling personality, one of the most enjoyable talkers in the business even/especially when he is inebriated. Plus he still looks cool when he has the WWE makeup and wardrobe team behind him, a regal don of the business, unlike the pathetic old waster he cut in his TNA days.

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  On 4/29/2014 at 3:09 AM, Strummer said:

So Evolution goes over after Flair turns on the Shield , right? Feud is extended. But Batista is taking time off.. So...


The classic "Whoever wins the brawl at the end of the go-home show loses at the supercard" (because I'm refusing to call them "specials") trope seemed to be invoked when the Shield ended up with the comeback at the end. BUT... they teased the triple powerbomb but didn't deliver. Hunter is eating the powerbomb at ER and the Shield go over.

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That Cena promo was good stuff. He was mainly serious, but was doing a "Ok, I was unsettled..but I've got my head together now and I'm gonna repond by being me" which includes joking around to deflect how Wyatt has gotten into his head. His character has ALWAYS been someone who uses jokes/ raps/ insults to mask any fear or nerves he has. Shit, I'm like that. I always fall back on jokes in my life when I'm upset or freaked out. And it still ended with "I'm gonna put a foot up his ass." which rules.


BNB is so much fun. I love it when you can see a guy embracing his gimmick and enjoying it. And he and RVD had a fine match. The post match stuff was fun as well. The Shield promo was cool, I loved the way it was shot.


Batista's suit looked like a cross between Cary Grant in "North By Northwest" and a test pattern.


I love Ric Flair. And I get the idea of him saying the The Shield are the NEW faction of awesomeness...but Jesus Christ... :lol: It was like that drunk Uncle you love who stumbles up to the mic at a wedding, says some shit that has some truth mixed with babbling about old times, and then stumbles away to pass out in the coat check room.


That being said, the Shield/ Evolution segment was fucking AWESOME.


Hour number three sure picked up from the first two hours.

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This week was interesting.


I liked the opening segment a lot. Cena's promo was fantastic and Bray's orphanage choir was horrifying. I did get a laugh out of imagining Bray running an orphanage and Luke Harper being the cook. Cena's promo later in the night was dumb but ended strong.


I was talking to Dylan about the Bryan-Kane feud and literally predicted an attempted kidnapping of Brie by Kane. So, we got our annual attempted kidnapping from Kane. I thought it sucked. I did enjoy the Bryan-Stephanie promo beforehand, and Brie cursing Stephanie was hilariously awesome.


Barrett is great. He is continuing to get over with every crowd. He even had some chants tonight. RVD still sucks. I'm not too thrilled about Cesaro being in a triple threat involving RVD and Swagger but at least we'll get more Zeb-Heyman confrontations.


I'm actually excited for Torito-Swoggle. I have enjoyed the feud and it has given them and their groups something to do. Plus, I think their match at ER will probably be good with fun spots.


The Usos tag was laid out in the most bizarre way possible. It felt like a good match with all of it's parts mixed up. It was still fun though.


The Ziggler-Sandow-Jackman segment was really bad but amusing. I feel bad for Sandow.


The Sheamus-Titus segment started out great, then ended badly. It made no sense.


The final segment was kind of embarrassing. Flair wasn't as sad as he usually is these days. He still was sad. HHH was the more embarrassing of the two. His performance in the brawl was astonishingly bad. He sold the spear like a 12 year old who's afraid to take a bump in his backyard wrestling federation. He fucking sucks.


Overall, this show was okay. There's stuff I'm looking forward to at the PPV. Other stuff I don't really care to see at all.

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