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Main Event thoughts:


- Ziggler gets an extended promo from on top of the ladder, where he reminisces (perhaps too much) on his cash-in after WM29. A long pause draws out "Let's Go Ziggler" chants, then Ziggler ties it up by saying he'll take back what's rightfully his at MITB. If you squint, maybe you'll see WWE planting the seeds for a heel turn - Ziggler looks a little too desperate to reclaim past glory at times here - but he works the six-man tag that follows in total babyface mode.


- The six-man tag wasn't memorable, unless seeing Seth Rollins slumming it in the IC title tier was some kind of fantasy booking home run for you. Rollins wins with a curbstomp.


- Bo Dallas after beating a Fandango dealing with Layla and Summer Rae (again): "women...are mysterious creatures." Not quite as funny as the "Mr. Butterfingers" line after Titus slapped the mic out of his hand, but I'll take it.


- Rybaxel beat R-Truth/Xavier Woods in a match that the crowd sleeps through. Killings is fairly energized here, so naturally he gets to eat Axel's finisher in a finish you could see coming miles away. Really awful bit of psychology in this match too, as Ryback draws Killings into the ring with a mocking "Wassup"....only to turn around and try to pin Woods while the ref is sending R-Truth back to the corner. Awful match...


- ...which, naturally, leads to mic time for Rybaxel to challenge Stardust/Goldust at MITB. Ye gods. These are two guys that should never be allowed to hold a mic ever again - both of them come off poorly here.


- Final segment is a Renee Young in-ring interview with Roman Reigns. Reigns asks Renee to take off her heels because he smells a trap -- this Shoeless Renee thing has got to be a rib, right? Reigns still isn't quite hitting the notes he needs to on the mic yet - he tries to get over "assess and attack" as some sort of code for him, but the crowd doesn't buy it. Triple H videobombs the interview to announce Kane/Reigns for Smackdown and Kane comes to the ring for a quick go-nowhere brawl segment to end the show. Kane is an utter heatsink that gets absolutely nothing from the crowd here.


Very skippable Main Event, if you ask me.

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Ryback is one of the only good mic workers in the promotion


"Good" is in the eye of the beholder, I guess -- in this instance, Ryback issued a standard big guy heel challenge, barely managing to get the word "challenge-ing" out in the process. The crowd was so enthralled that they immediately launched into half-hearted "what?" responses the second he picked up the mic. Maybe it was just a bad day at the office, but I've never heard Ryback say anything remotely compelling other than "FEED ME MORE."


Though, for bonus points, he also called Stardust & Goldust a "painted up bunch of hermaphrodites", which is an awesome follow-up to WWE's involvement in the NOH8 campaign for LGBT support a couple of months ago. So, sure, I probably graded him down for BAU delivery of bigoted crap.


What does Seth Rollins slumming it in the IC title tier even mean? It's a B-show. He can't wrestle only main event guys.


It means that I'm being overly snarky about WWE's treatment of the Shield break-up, which is a home run that they've managed to play into a standup double. Slotting him in the secondary MITB match and having him bounce off of recent IT title fodder like Ziggler and Kingston isn't the most inspiring payoff to Rollins for betraying the Shield when they were at the top of the heap. Other than taking little shots at Rollins in interviews, Reigns isn't even involved or even apparently interested in any sort of revenge for the betrayal. It just feels like a missed opportunity so far.


I get that they need to establish Rollins as a credible singles threat and, to that end, a push through the midcard is probably the best way to do it. It's also establishing Rollins as the lower-tier guy in Evolution, though, which seems to run counter to the already-flimsy motivation for betraying the Shield as a "business decision" -- why sell out for a second-rate return? Why not even tease the possibility of some dissension in Evolution over Rollins' defection: how does Orton feel when HHH introduces Rollins as "the future of the company?" How does Rollins feel about Orton, a guy he's already beaten over the last two PPVs, getting the shot at the title at MITB?


(Of course, the WWE's designation of who's an upper-card guy and a lower-to-mid-card guy nowadays is utterly arbitrary, so maybe Rollins will get crammed into the main event after the PPV. After all, Alberto Del Rio lost to RVD in both the IC tournament and the Beat the Clock a month or so ago and now he's got a world title shot in the MITB Main Event.)


Aside from that, the six-man tag was just lazy booking, much in the same way as the 4-on-3 tags were on Smackdown and Raw before -- it's getting all of the guys in the ladder matches out in the same ring at one time. Whoopty-doo.

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To be honest I am surprised Josh lasted so long. It never felt like they actually liked him as an announcer and he really didn't add anything as a backstage interviewer or host of the Pre & Post shows.

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Josh almost always looked out of his element there. I don't know quite how to pinpoint it or accurately describe it, but there was this disconnect with him being involved in most of the stuff he did during his time onscreen. Whether it's something as standard as standing there with a mic or hosting the real sports feel panel, it just seemed odd.


I might be in the minority, but if I'm reaching to find a bright spot - I kind of dug his work behind the booth with JBL. Can't recall how long they lasted, but it was just Josh and JBL there for awhile in 2013 or so. It wasn't as steady & solid as early JBL/Cole, but it wasn't as grating & irritating as recent JBL/Cole either. Somewhere in between. And it was even fun at times when JBL would poke fun at Josh being so young, so nerdy, or whatever the issue may be.

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I may be in the minority here but still think that Steph is terrible.


You're not alone. She was quite good at WM doing her best Woman impersonation at ringside with HHH, but since then her promos and acting have been pretty cringeworthy to me. Well, the awful angles sure didn't help.

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yeah Renee is replacing Josh


btw, if you rewatch the segment from Monday Steph goes to knee Vickie in the back to send her in the pool but completely whiffs and has to sort of push her while trying not to trip over herself in heels. The way it was shot made it not look that bad but from any other angle it would have looked terrible

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Roman Reigns doing an in ring interview told her to take her heels off so she could run away quickly since he knew there was going to be a trap for him. Considering it was taped the day after Raw it came off as a poke at Stephanie being late with her Mr. Wrestling II knee.

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If they're forced to pull Barrett from the ladder match, I have this really weird feeling that they'll bump down Cesaro into it, with him winning, so they can do the cash-in angle with Lesnar that we seemed to hear a lot about, even though that match became "Ambrose, Rollins, and five guys to eat bumps" around fifteen minutes after it was booked on-screen. Again, I absolutely admit that it's one from left field.

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Roman Reigns doing an in ring interview told her to take her heels off so she could run away quickly since he knew there was going to be a trap for him. Considering it was taped the day after Raw it came off as a poke at Stephanie being late with her Mr. Wrestling II knee.

I thought it might have more to do with this, though you never know:



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The line between "Mr. McMahon" and Vince McMahon has been crossed and re-crossed so many times, I'm going to confidently say we have not seen the last of Vince McMahon on Monday Night RAW, let alone all of WWE TV productions.


Will he wrestle again? Probably not...but I could easily seem him making an appearance on whatever the next big milestone RAW is (I've lost count).

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The line between "Mr. McMahon" and Vince McMahon has been crossed and re-crossed so many times, I'm going to confidently say we have not seen the last of Vince McMahon on Monday Night RAW, let alone all of WWE TV productions.


Will he wrestle again? Probably not...but I could easily seem him making an appearance on whatever the next big milestone RAW is (I've lost count).


1K 101 is up next I think, or it was the one before it perhaps? That has a nice ring to it... Should get some extra pyro and a Tatanka appearance!

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don't think this has been mentioned but another female fan was ejected at the SD tapings on Tuesday for hopping the barricade to go after Reigns. I know this isn't quite kerry Von Erich at the Sportatorium in 1984 but I don't ever recall this happening in the WWE this much

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The line between "Mr. McMahon" and Vince McMahon has been crossed and re-crossed so many times, I'm going to confidently say we have not seen the last of Vince McMahon on Monday Night RAW, let alone all of WWE TV productions.


Will he wrestle again? Probably not...but I could easily seem him making an appearance on whatever the next big milestone RAW is (I've lost count).

Vince will return to TV whenever he thinks that he will be able to boost Raw's ratings.

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