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Can't believe they are running Christian/ADR at Summerslam. Everybody knows he is jobbing too. Surely a more interesting scenario would be:


- RVD getting the shot and winning the strap, carrying it for a while, giving it a bit of prestige

- Orton getting the shot and winning the strap, and then using his MITB to try and unify the titles at some point down the line


The RVD return has been badly botched anyway, no meaningful feuds or programs, just a few random matches. They could have actually built some momentum there, but already he is just another guy.

I think they're doing RVD-Orton at SummerSlam, and RVD will probably go over, because Orton is turning heel and cashing in at the end of the night.


It wouldn't make sense to take the belt off Del Rio since the eventual build looks to be Dolph beating him for it. Christian is getting the "reward the vet on his last run with a big payday" spot, and I'm fine with that. Him and Del Rio will have a good match, and Christian is good enough to get the fans into it even though everyone "knows" he's losing


Agreed, I think it will be a very good match. This Summerslam is shaping up to be the best since the excellent 2005 one.

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Del Rio himself has to go down as one of the blandest, dullest main eventers the company has ever had. This guy screams mid card at best, yet he has consistently been pushed to the moon as both a face and a heel. There is nothing remotely interesting about his character, and his ring work is solid without ever being especially exciting.

I never really cared for Del Rio before but I've actually been digging him a lot more since his 2nd heel run started. I thought the double turn match at Payback was very good, and like the additional aggression he's been showing in the Ziggler matches.
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I think the ship has long sailed on any sort of Christian world title run. I would have liked the one in 11 to have lasted longer before he inexplicably turned heel weeks into it. That was shitty, great matches with Orton aside. They could have fed him some heel challengers for a couple months before doing the Orton deal, he had a ton of momentum coming off of Edge retiring and they squandered it.


We'll always have his ECW title run ;)

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I am way behind in my Raw watching and am just now getting to the episode where Daniel Bryan runs the gauntlet. But I want to say how much I am completely in love with Brad Maddox's character. I know everyone is tired of the wrestling authority figure but I feel like Maddox is a very fresh, fun take on the concept. I read someone on this board or DVDVR say he feels more like the son of Eric Bischoff than Bischoff's own son in TNA and I see a lot of that too.

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say The Wyatt Family is terrible. This promo is so embarrassing, thank fuck nobody else was in the room when it came on. Just another one to add to the list of dreadful pseudo-supernatural Kane feuds as well.

I haven't seen RAW yet, but for a little while, I've found Bray Wyatt goes a little too over the top with his promos. There are moments in their presentation where they have the right amount of a dark feel to them, other times, especially with moments in Bray's promos where he overly cackles, they become self-parodies.


The bright side of this is if they do flop quickly, perhaps Brodie Lee can be repackaged and put in a position where he's able to showcase his skills some more.

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Are those Smackdown spoilers for real? RVD jobbing clean in the opener? Del Rio/Christian in the main event, the exact same match they are running at Summerslam? I'd suspect it was a dark match, but if that is so than the main event if Kane v 3MB in a handicap match...


Unless they are planning to run Alberto del Rio v Christian v RVD v Randy Orton at Summerslam, which would be kind of cool.

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Smackdown this past week was fucking awesome. Orton/ RVD was a blast, as they bring out the best in each other. Bryan/ Wade and Alberto/ Christian were both really, really good. The Brock promo was fucking money, and the Bray Wyatt promo was KILLER. Kofi/ Fandango was good and that posting Kofi took was sick. Even the Ziggler/ Kaitltn/ AJ/ Big E stuff was pretty good. And the Sandow/ Cody stuff at the end was hot, given that up to now, it's been a lukewarm break-up. And the crowd was fuckin' hot.

Great show.

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Smackdown this past week was fucking awesome. Orton/ RVD was a blast, as they bring out the best in each other. Bryan/ Wade and Alberto/ Christian were both really, really good. The Brock promo was fucking money, and the Bray Wyatt promo was KILLER. Kofi/ Fandango was good and that posting Kofi took was sick. Even the Ziggler/ Kaitltn/ AJ/ Big E stuff was pretty good. And the Sandow/ Cody stuff at the end was hot, given that up to now, it's been a lukewarm break-up. And the crowd was fuckin' hot.

Great show.

Great, now I actually have to watch most of it. THANKS DUDE.

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Smackdown this past week was fucking awesome. Orton/ RVD was a blast, as they bring out the best in each other. Bryan/ Wade and Alberto/ Christian were both really, really good. The Brock promo was fucking money, and the Bray Wyatt promo was KILLER. Kofi/ Fandango was good and that posting Kofi took was sick. Even the Ziggler/ Kaitltn/ AJ/ Big E stuff was pretty good. And the Sandow/ Cody stuff at the end was hot, given that up to now, it's been a lukewarm break-up. And the crowd was fuckin' hot.

Great show.

Great, now I actually have to watch most of it. THANKS DUDE.



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No problem, man.

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You know, I try to stay positive about stuff since I think sometimes there's a lot of negative-for-negative's-sake people out there, but even I don't see how this Los Matadores gimmick is going to be anything other than Conquistadores 2013.

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You know, I try to stay positive about stuff since I think sometimes there's a lot of negative-for-negative's-sake people out there, but even I don't see how this Los Matadores gimmick is going to be anything other than Conquistadores 2013.

Which iteration? Serious 1980's Conquistadors or irreverent 2000's Conquistadors?

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