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If Bryan weren't portrayed as having the talent to back himself up Loss' criticisms would be spot on, but Bryan has beaten Cena and Orton clean and regularly fends off all members of the Shield at once. Bryan's the guy stepping up and telling them they're wrong, by showing it. I do agree they need to make that more explicit though and they've really taken every possible edge off of Bryan's character to the point where he seems like a cheerful, catchphrase spamming midcarder who happens to get the biggest reactions on the show. Given that I can kind of see how someone actually could buy Bryan as being "B+" as part of the actual narrative.

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Who is stepping up to say "I disagree, you are completely wrong" and proving it repeatedly?

The crowds chanting "YES!", HBK on RAW, Bryan himself, Cole, Lawler. ..


Not quite what I meant. I feel like you need someone opposing HHH with equally biting criticism of his own career.

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Well the whole story of Triple H here is he used to be the "anti establishment" guy that the front office didn't believe in because of was SO UNCONVENTIONAL AND REBELLIOUS but now he's become a corporate shill and turned into the same people who tried to hold him back. So his doubting and holding back Bryan isn't only wrong but hypocritical. Someone coming up to Trips and saying "hey you didn't draw either, you weren't really an A player" doesn't make sense because his comments as such about Jericho, RVD etc. aren't meant to be seen as astute business analysis but stereotypical and wrongheaded corporate talk people had supposedly said about him and his boy Shawn.


Of course that angle of things is a silly Trips ego stroke but hey.

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The problem with painting HHH as "the guy the office didn't believe in back in the day" is the audience that is geared to get heat with knows he was pushed down everyone's throats from day one.


It's not even like HHH: Company Man is a new gimmick. Hell, right now you can go to WWE On Demand and watch Raws from 1999 where he's part of the Corporation.

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I thought since the title was held up that the payoff would be Bryan going over in the cell but with the booking the last couple of weeks I think it's obvious Orton is going over tonight. I know it's been hit or miss but I've liked this whole angle for the most part and I'm going to be pretty bummed about this if it goes through

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Maybe all the people who bet on WWE will put their money on Orton, and Vince will change the match just to fuck with them. Because as you know, internet fans are too small a number to worry about, but a handful of people betting on worked matches warrant changing PPV finishes.

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WWE does a really good job of telling a story of unconditional love. Shawn and Hunter had a tough argument a week ago but in the end Shawn defended the love of his life even under difficult circumstances.


Furthermore, I'm proud of WWE's boldness for giving fans a story of homosexual love. It's a controversial topic but they've really nailed it out of the park the last seventeen years.

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WWE does a really good job of telling a story of unconditional love. Shawn and Hunter had a tough argument a week ago but in the end Shawn defended the love of his life even under difficult circumstances.


Furthermore, I'm proud of WWE's boldness for giving fans a story of homosexual love. It's a controversial topic but they've really nailed it out of the park the last seventeen years.

Billy and Chuck wish they got this much airtime. Hell, this angle has been building for 15 years...

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Guest Nell Santucci

It is almost like no one has ever had a best friend so close that they considered each other brothers. It has definitely got to mean they are gay instead.

I want the fans to chant "Shawn is gay" tonight like they did on that Friday Raw in August 1997.


Anyway, Shawn will turn heel over this. He can't do this and not get serious heel heat. It'll be Shawn against Bryan at WM imo.

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For the people who only care about the action and nothing else, cena vs Sandow was a great match. But that finish was just garbage if you are not. John Cena should never take time off of injuries because if you are going to continue this Superman treatment then go all the way with it.


The argument will be "Well nobody really gives a shit about Sandow anyway". Well after this finish you have every right to say it.

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