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The rascals of Byker Grove go the matches to enjoy Drew McDonald, Johnny "Legend of Doom" South, Flint's Greatest Professional Wrestler the Boston Blackie, and someone masquerading as Davey Boy Smith who I thought was Johnny Smith when I was 12 or so. Anyone know who it is? It looks like it was put together by Orig Williams looking at the talent, which raises the mystery of why he didn't use the WCW ring he kept from the 1993 UK Tour?


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New Jack on Jenny Jones as someone brought in to motivate at risk teens to behave, which he does by violently cursing them and calling them pieces of shit while raving about how only their mama's really love them and Jenny pleads with him to stop has to be high on the list.

Didn't he also do the same on Maury once?

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Holy shit :




I haven't read it yet, but this is pretty amazing. Le Monde Diplomatique is like the best, most detailed newspaper in France, it's only monthly and it goes pretty deep into issues (and it's the only real intellectual, left wing newspaper too). One page on lucha libre and as always, it seems pretty well documented and has something to say about the americanization of lucha since the inception of AAA. I love that newspaper. :)

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As stated before, rappers referencing wrestling in their music is nothing new, but here's two examples of wrestlers I couldn't really imagine ever getting referenced in a rap song being mentioned.




"unmask his ass like Mil Mascaras"




"tonight I plan a double murder with "Maniac" Mark Lewin"

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In the HBO series The Newsroom, there is an episode set on the night bin Laden was killed.


As the staff is trying to pull together what the impending Presidential address could be, The Rock's hinting at something big tweet from earler in the day is brought up.


Also one of the newsroom's staffers' girl friend assumed it was related to The Rock facing Triple H at WrestleMania XXVIII. Granted the character was baked at the time, but kind of hilarious considering Rock-Cena was announced the night after the Wrestlemania a few weeks earlier!

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Always fun to stumble onto the oddest pro-wrestling reference. In "Une affaire privée", a french movie by Guillaume Nicloux from 2002, the moody detective is seen in his underwear working in his bed in front of a TV where a bloody Hidoh is dropped into a barb-wire board, in an FMW deathmatch.

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Seinfeld and wrestling converged against last night!




TLDR? The bassist of Kings of Leon mocked wrestling on Twitter. A Canadian indie wrestler used the "jerk store" comeback from the Seinfeld episode "The Comeback" on Twitter and things just escalated and escalated from there, with the Kings of Leon bassist's weak, arguably embarrassing retorts and his eventual attempts at clarity failing miserably. A day later, more and more wrestlers have done the one thing you should count on a wrestler to do - stomping a mudhole in this jabroni.


And as long as we're talking about the unmatched peaks of 90s sitcoms, I'll leave this here too in case anyone else wants to join along in bashing this poor dude's unfortunate decision to criticize pro-wrestling...



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