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Here's an actual headline from Down Under

Ben Stiler has been found guilty of murdering Duwayne Johnson

Sentenced to be imprisoned for 27 years

And here's a link to the judge's decision


TL;DR "Benjamin Stiler, you have been found guilty by a jury following a trial of the murder of a young Indigenous man named Duwayne Johnson, whom you shot in the chest from close range using a sawn-off 12-gauge shotgun. Mr Johnson was only 26 years old at the time of his death...

The murder of which you have been found guilty is a particularly senseless example of the always-serious crime of murder. In the context of picking up your cousin from a house party in Wodonga, after he expressed concerns to you about the behaviour of some people at the party, for some reason you attended outside the party in your vehicle in possession of the loaded shotgun. Upon seeing Mr Johnson walking towards the car, you alighted from the vehicle and shot him from a few metres away to the chest, causing him to collapse immediately to the ground and die shortly thereafter."

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  • 2 months later...

I was listening to a podcast the other day (can't remember which) and they mentioned that some of the non-Lucas folks who had been at LucasFilm from the start, his wife, etc. had remarked that every idea he had was 20% a good idea, he just needed people to strip away the 80% of the idea that made it bad.


George Lucas was Vince Russo......

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