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Bob Armstrong

Tim Evans

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I've been watching some Alabama wrestling from 1982 and became a big fan of Bullet Bob. First, he's a heel which I think he only did twice in his career(here and in late 95 in Memphis during the SMW feud). He's teaming with the Flame vs Ron Fuller and Jimmy Golden. He's a different type of heel as he doesn't bash the fans but just tells the truth while smoking a cigar. Then later in the year, he turns babyface and has a feud with the Original Midnight Express(Randy Rose, Ron Starr, Norvell Austin and Honkytonk Man). Bob has to one of the best interviews ever in wrestling.Watching the SMW set, he basically carried the whole babyface side with his mic work. Of course, it ran it's course as it went on but that's the booking's fault. I also loved his run in the short run USA wrestling vs Mongolian Stomper and Nazi lover Ron Wright. I don't know if he's a GOAT contender but I think he ranks up there.

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We don't have his peak and I want to watch what Tim is watching. Having said that the role of SMW Commissioner was made for Bob Armstrong. Loss and I have talked about this before but I don't think there has ever been anyone more suited for a role in wrestling than that. The way he would deliver on all the big angles and moments was absolutely perfect. And for a guy his age he still had some tools in the ring.

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Big fan of Bob Armstrong, like Will and Dylan said we just don't have enough footage of him at his peak. I would also love to see what Tim is watching. I am a huge fan of Alabama/Southeastern wrestling. How much of his heel run do you have Tim? I have the heel turn, a couple of his promos from this time and they are pretty great.



Here is Bob Armstrong's heel turn. He was a special referee in a NWA title match match between Ron Fuller and Ric Flair.


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Bob Armstrong as a heel in late '95 USWA is incredible, because he's doing this "aww shucks" act and he is HATED despite never really throwing a punch or being caught doing anything terribly wrong. He just reeks of insincerity so much that no one likes him. Lance Russell's interactions with him are priceless. All he's doing is just a minor twist on the SMW commissioner persona, which is what makes it so great.

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Bob Armstrong as a heel in late '95 USWA is incredible, because he's doing this "aww shucks" act and he is HATED despite never really throwing a punch or being caught doing anything terribly wrong. He just reeks of insincerity so much that no one likes him. Lance Russell's interactions with him are priceless. All he's doing is just a minor twist on the SMW commissioner persona, which is what makes it so great.

Whaou. After watching him being the best commisisonner ever in SMW, and being such a great babyface (although I was sick of his feud woth Cornette after a while), that sounds pretty awesome.

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  • 1 year later...

There is some footage from Bob Armstrong wrestling The Mongolian Stomper in the Gulas/ Welch territory . Two or three matches from the mid 1970's . I don' t know much Florida , Georgia or Knoxville / Southeastern footage that exists . There is a alot of Southeastern / Continental Alabama matches.


I like to see footage of Bob , Brad , Scott and Steve in one place. That would include Memphis , Southeastern/ Continental , Mid- South / UWF , Georgia , NWA Crockett , Florida , WCW , USA Wrestling , Smoky Mountain & USWA . The Southeastern territory was my favorite , I watched on Jackson , TN tv station . Just great wrestling, really under rated .


I know Brian has he fans , but I really only seen his USWA work , which is when he was breaking into the business. Also there would be alot of Tracy Smothers and Tim Horner in the mix , which is not bad. The Armstrong family is just great .

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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I'd chime in and say Bob Armstrong is great. Even in his 50s he does a great job working the crowd in his masked Bullet gimmick with all the goofy dancing before the match, and in the ring he can still go. I can only imagine how good he was in his 30s.


A great promo too, my favorite stuff I have seen from him is I think like 1983 where he turns babyface again by begging Ron Fuller to let him be his partner against Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs, and let Bob try and make up for costing Ron Fuller the World Title when Bob turned heel over a year ago. One of the best I've ever seen at really connecting with the audience and making you believe in everything he says.


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  • 3 months later...

Honkytonk Man was in the Midnight Express?!

I just saw this comment. the Midnight Express timeline is hard to follow. I think I have it fiqure out. I


Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose became teaming in 1981 . They won the Southeastern tag title. At first they were just Rose and Condrey , later someone created the Midnight Express gimmick . I guess the first Midnight Express was booked by one of the Fuller brothers . I really don't know.


Norvell Austin feuded with Condrey & Rose . Austin teamed with the Armstrongs , Paul Orndorff and Jerry Stubbs against the MX . Norvell turn on his partner , I think it was Stubbs , and joined the MX.


The three MX members work under Freebird rules , all three men were champions ,and ruled Southeastern Wrestling. Later they moved to Memphis.


In Memphis the MX feuded with Steve Keirn , Bill Dundee . Ricky Morton and the Gilberts. At this time Randy Rose returned to SECW . Norvell Austin and Dennis Condrey remained in the Jarrett promotion .


In Memphis the MX concept was dropped by Jarrett . Austin and Condrey joined Jimmy Hart's First Family.


Back in SECW , Randy Rose started the Midnight Express , INC . The MX Inc. consisted of Rose , Ron Starr and Wayne Farris.. At this point I believe Norvell Austin was in Memphis. Austin may have made some SECW shots , but he had a long Memphis run.


Condrey , Bobby Eaton and Jim Cornette were sent to Bill Watts by Jarrett as part of the famous trade. I always assumed Condrey bought the MX concept to the new Mid South booker , Bill Dundee. I really don't know , maybe Dundee bought the MX name back.


Norvell Austin stayed behind in Memphis Austin and Koko Ware formed the PYT Express. They were managed by Tux Newman a.k.a. Jeff Walton . Walton was from the defunct LA promotion



I always thought that the MX , Inc. was operating in SECW while the new MX was starting in Midsouth. I could be wrong about the timeline , I am only using my memory. Anyone have anytime to add.

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