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I'd say PWO has a definite contrarian streak compared to more mainstream views in wrestling forums, like the usual take on Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle compared here to elsewhere. There's lots of nuance and difference in opinion here, but there are lots of (more) common opinions that cut against the grain. It was pretty jarring when I first started lurking here about a year and a half ago.

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If that's true, I don't want it to be true at all. I want more Shawn Michaels fans, Kurt Angle fans, Davey Richards fans, Dragon Gate fans, Tanahashi fans and even ... HHH fans to post at this board. I'd rather it just be a hodgepodge than for us to be seen as some type of monolith.

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I don't think PWO is a monolith at all, but here's the thing: PWO has a lot of people who have watched an awful lot of wrestling. It has a particular type of poster who has gone back and watched hours and hours of footage from territories and from around the world. And ... it just so happens that those sorts of fans are much less sold on, for example, the idea of Shawn Michaels as GOAT than your pure WWE fan who rarely ventures to watch anything outside of WWE.


Part of it is education / exposure to footage / approach to fandom. That's just a basic truth. As people's horizons open, their opinions change. As they watch more stuff, their once WWE-centric views get adjusted.


That isn't to say that everyone draws the same conclusions or that PWO necessarily has consensus on anything OR even necessarily to say that someone who watches a ton of old footage is going to come to the conclusion that HBK isn't in the GOAT conversation -- it's just to acknowledge that the main different between here and a lot of other places is that people bother to watch lots of stuff that is off-the-beaten track.


Just being brutally honest, the typical poster here doesn't even speak the same language as your average WWE-centric "smart" fan. It's night and day. Those types of fans aren't really going to post here because they aren't the sorts of fans who watch anything outside of their comfort zone anyway. They don't want the reality of their vision of wrestling challenged, so why would they come here? The sort of guy who is going to come here is typically someone who is ALREADY DISPOSED to widening their horizons. Hope this makes sense.


I don't think it's a consensus thing at all, it's an approach thing.

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Just wanted to pop in and say that I find it pretty endearing that others on Twitter have started referring to certain matches and wrestlers as PWO approved, or something PWO would like. To me that just speaks to our tendency to look a little deeper rather than going with the general consensus, or at least what is presented on the surface.


Is there really a type of wrestler PWO likes? We have pretty diverse tastes.



I don;t think it has to do with presenting unified tastes but in the penchant this board has for delving deeper into wrestlers. With such an approach comes diversified taste, and as I said in my initial post, going against general consensus based on the opinion any number of posters have formed based on their deep diving.

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If that's true, I don't want it to be true at all. I want more Shawn Michaels fans, Kurt Angle fans, Davey Richards fans, Dragon Gate fans, Tanahashi fans and even ... HHH fans to post at this board. I'd rather it just be a hodgepodge than for us to be seen as some type of monolith.

I don't think it's a bad thing, it's actually what kept me coming back here. Whenever someone did argue for Shawn, Kurt, etc. their opinions were respected, not laughed off. I think it's good that PWO stands as a place where revisionist history of wrestling (not a pejorative) is something of the standard. Like JvK gets at, PWO isn't a contrarian monolith, it's more that PWO isn't drinking the WWE kool-aid narrative of who the all time greats are.

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there are also some really new people here who should count as "active". myself, pol, shining wiz, a few others...


i do think there is a great potential for groupthink here, in part because there are folks like dylan who put inhuman amounts of work into big comprehensive arguments. it's just not realistic to expect a strong enough counter to stuff like that, so "patera is a HOFer" (just an example) may come off better than it should here. there is no Dark Dylan to battle him!


but even beyond that, the entire basic structure of the internet makes it a breeding ground for hivemind mentalities. this place does about as good a job as you can hope in combating that, but it's just the nature of the beast once a place lasts long enough.


also speaking of dylan i just noticed he became a mod. must be real new, good stuff!

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, so if someone thought that the way to end that Modern vs Past discussion was THAT, well I don't know what to say. I enjoy posting here but that felt pretty shitty.

Some others were saying the same thing to me on Twitter the past two hours. I didn't know what they were referring to specifically but I do now. The situation makes my point for me perfectly.


This isn't even what I said and I was more than clear in making my point(s):



We've gone into the realm deliberately misquoting people game which is pretty sad. At least directly reply to the points I made.

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I hope you feel vindicated.

I do. The situation is at the point that people don't want to talk about it on the board for fear of reprisal and are contacting me off the forum or via DM/PM. Some who largely disagree with me just advising me talking about it isn't worth it for the fear of reprisal and that some posters refuse to engage with opinions different to their own. That advice is ringing true.

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I did drop the subject essentially in my last post of the locked thread. A lot of out of respect for Loss and I didn't want to be redundant. The thread lock got a number of people contacting me.


I spread the word about Good Will Wrestling as much as anyone all over the place. I am genuinely not trolling and I've never gone out to troll on PWO. A troll would probably say the same thing obviously but I am being strictly truthful. This weekend I just gave my honest thoughts. That's it.


Once again I will emphasise in general I really enjoy the board and appreciate my membership of it. There's far, far, far right then there's wrong about it.

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  • 1 month later...

I'll be honest, it's gotten to the point where I don't give a shit what others think of this board or the people who post here. If you're here there's a reason you're here, and if you're not then there's a reason you're not. I don't have time for trollish arguments, so I don't engage in them anymore. And for the most part this place is free of them and engages in discussion I actually seek out. Not sure what this means in the long run, but whatever, I don't really care about this whole "How others perceive PWO" nonsense anymore.

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Instead of writing "the board" just list the people who hold the opinion or examples of people who hold the opinion.


However, I disagree with kjh's point above because I see the same generic views repeated in far too many places, and members who post on PWO don't owe shit to the rest of the internet.

Why can't I like being part of more than one group and respect other groups? :(


Pointing out the people you wish to engage seems like a fair rule and not generalizing seems fair as well.

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