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It amazes me that guys like Mike Awesome still get vilified for jumping ship on ECW.

For all the talk ECW fans and performers give about "the business" they forget that it is a business. If you aren't getting paid enough to even cover your travel expenses then by all means go make money elsewhere.

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It amazes me that guys like Mike Awesome still get vilified for jumping ship on ECW.

Watch you talkin' bout?




Yeah, I thought that was pretty over-the-top even back then before Awesome's death. And Joey and all the other ECW mutants should realize wrestlers leaving for actual paychecks weren't the reason their promotion went under.

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And the catch is. He wasn't leaving for more money. He was leaving so he would actually get paid. I remember reading an interview or a recap of a shoot with him about it and he said he was driving all over the place and not getting paid and he had had enough. I don't see how anyone could still hold something against the guy.

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It amazes me that guys like Mike Awesome still get vilified for jumping ship on ECW.

Watch you talkin' bout?




Yeah, I thought that was pretty over-the-top even back then before Awesome's death. And Joey and all the other ECW mutants should realize wrestlers leaving for actual paychecks weren't the reason their promotion went under.



But Joey, as the voice of ECW, would have only been playing up to the "mutants" as you put it. Effectively, he was playing a character and catering to an audience. Joey Styles is easily one of the most sane, down to earth people involved in wrestling.

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It amazes me that guys like Mike Awesome still get vilified for jumping ship on ECW.

Watch you talkin' bout?




Yeah, I thought that was pretty over-the-top even back then before Awesome's death. And Joey and all the other ECW mutants should realize wrestlers leaving for actual paychecks weren't the reason their promotion went under.



But Joey, as the voice of ECW, would have only been playing up to the "mutants" as you put it. Effectively, he was playing a character and catering to an audience. Joey Styles is easily one of the most sane, down to earth people involved in wrestling.



I don't know if I would agree with that. Joey has done interviews where he lets his feelings known about Mike Awesome. Unless this is one time he is playing a character full time, I think he was legit pissed at him trying to leave WCW with the ECW belt in his hands.


Probably as bad as the One Night Stand broadcast I would agree with you

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I liked it except Bret believing in his own hype and occasionally steering an unrelated topic back to talking about himself. It would appear that it's true that he and Flair have buried the hatchet considering he put him over a little stronger than in previous interviews though still voicing his old criticisms.


Except the fact he worked a 45 minutes match with Davey Boy at Wembley and that his popularity in Europe was akin to Beatlemania, it was an interesting interview.


One of the most striking thing to me is that he said he doesn't like to call it in the ring and that he plans his matches beforehand (said the only time he had to talk during a match was against Davey because he forgot everything so he had to lead him though everything on the spot).

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The Shane Helms YouShoot was horrible. Totally the wrong format to have him in. Really enjoyed Bret's, which was entertaining as much for the insight into match planning as it was for the eye-rolling moments. The worst probably when they got into the ladder match with Shawn and Razor.


"It's the idea that's great, not the match."

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Guest Eduardo James

Except the fact he worked a 45 minutes match with Davey Boy at Wembley and that his popularity in Europe was akin to Beatlemania, it was an interesting interview.


One of the most striking thing to me is that he said he doesn't like to call it in the ring and that he plans his matches beforehand (said the only time he had to talk during a match was against Davey because he forgot everything so he had to lead him though everything on the spot).

I'm forgetting the exact quote, but he said it was something Flair did that annoyed him and his generation had evolved past in-ring calling.

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The worst probably when they got into the ladder match with Shawn and Razor.


"It's the idea that's great, not the match."


Oh yeah, I forgot about this one. That was pretty bad.


Like Corny said in one of his podcasts pimping his new sponsor KC : "It may be bullshit, but at least it's the bullshit from the guy who was there. You know wrestling…"

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Vince Russo shoots on his time in WCW, the end of Bret Hart's career, how he really feels about Dixie Carter, his "racist" booking, his WWF writing success, why the internet marks ruin wrestling, making himself World champ and MUCH more!!!

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