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WWN Live-Evolve, I-ppv's


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Sabre Jr. is the guy for me who continues to be in some of the best matches of the year despite not seeming to be a great worker. I don't think it's fair to say that he's being carried in all of them, but when you're having long matches every month with dance partners like Gulak, Thatcher, Styles, Hero, Callahan, End, etc. - you get to be in some amazing stuff even if you're the weak link.

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I really enjoy Sabre Jr. if only for the fact that unlike so many wrestlers, he competes with the notion that his character is far better than other wrestlers at a particular thing and will utilize it to the best of his ability to win the match. He goes out there with the intention of twisting and tearing at your limbs until he gets a chance to submit you. He'll strike a bit, but mostly when it's a matter of pride. He doesn't slam or lift or fly much because his plan is to hurt your with grappling. He's not perfect but I appreciate what he's doing and enjoy his matches.


His selling is really annoying. Seems to be constantly attempting a woozy look, a dead-eyed stare into the distance and a limp body regardless of the stage he's at in the match.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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So it looks like Chris Hero is with EC3 and Drew Galloway. At first it was confusing but Hero's history in the WWE/NXT is kind of similar to them and since it seems to be the point of the faction is to fuck with the WWE the same they believe their careers in the WWE was then it makes sense.

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Did anybody catch EVOLVE 63? I haven't seen many opinions of it around from the usual suspects.


I caught 62 and I don't really try to figure out star ratings but I thought Riddle/Cedric, Hero/Thatcher, and the tag title match all were at or above the four star level. The Bravados in particular won me over big time with their performance.


Hero vs. Thatcher felt like a heavyweight boxing slugfest and ended without going into any overkill. . . if anything I felt it was missing a nearfall or two.


Everyone raves about Riddle but he felt on an even higher level against Alexander. Just his aura, his bumping, his expressions were all amazing. And Cedric was really strong in the match too.


Fred Yehi vs. Anthony Nese was also really good but I think I was a little lower on it than some.

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Haven't watched 63 yet but agree with most of your opinions on 62 besides the Bravado match. I am admittedly down on the Bravado's and thought they were fine in the Catch Point tag but it was drawn out way too long. I get the narrative of pushing up the Bravado's as tough men but it came across to me as bloated. I had it at ***. The Thatcher vs. Hero match was great and besides the annoying backdrop suplex no sell, pretty flawless in execution. I thought that was a hugely important match for Thatcher to regain some of his momentum.

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Yeah I initially thought the Catch Point/Bravados tag veered way too much into the super long closing sequence territory but I guess it went on long enough and kept building enough to bring me back around if that makes sense. Particularly the way it teased the half crab finish and built up Hot Sauce as a super tough guy. By the end it really FELT like a war to me, not just an overly ambitious match.


I kind of figured the no-sell suplex spot would be polarizing from Hero but I will say it at least fit into the context of that moment, so for that spot I think it was about as well done as possible.


I did start watching 63 but only watched Yehi vs. Alexander so far, which was another great notch to point to for the Yehi supporters out there.

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Haven't watched 63 yet but agree with most of your opinions on 62 besides the Bravado match. I am admittedly down on the Bravado's and thought they were fine in the Catch Point tag but it was drawn out way too long. I get the narrative of pushing up the Bravado's as tough men but it came across to me as bloated. I had it at ***. The Thatcher vs. Hero match was great and besides the annoying backdrop suplex no sell, pretty flawless in execution. I thought that was a hugely important match for Thatcher to regain some of his momentum.


I just watched that tag this morning and thought it was a mess, despite some nice moments. Way too long and way too many momentum shifts. Every tag match doesn't need to follow classic Southern formula, but each tag to a partner should mean something. The match should have some kind of shape. I don't know, they really lost me.


Hero-Thatcher and Riddle-Alexander were really good, though Thatcher needs to stop throwing slaps, especially against a striker of Hero's caliber. They make him look weaker than he is, and he has plenty of strike options between the uppercuts, the body punches and the head butts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone catch the Beyond Wrestling iPPV that was on WWN before Evolve 65? A lot of the same talent is working both shows


Cedric Alexander-Tommaso Ciampa was kinda meh. Never seen Ciampa before, but he was a little too jokey for me in this, bantering with crowd, etc.

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I was there live - loved Cedric-Gargano and really liked the Riddle-Strong match.

As was I. Honestly the best show I've ever seen live. Riddle/Strong was the best match I've ever seen live. Darby Allyn getting back body dropped to the floor was the most psychotic bump I've ever seen live. Chuck Taylor becoming a watchable wrestler was the biggest miracle I've ever seen live. Just a great day to reward my faith in pro wrestling.



How did Jigsaw do? I've been hoping to see him start getting shots on a bigger stage for ages.

Jigsaw/Sabre was the second best match of the show and really shouldn't be slept on. I always dig matches that have a clear three-act structure, and I loved how this built from a charming, light-hearted, Johnny Saintish WoS match into a nasty, stretchy, Terry Rudgeish WoS match into a crazy super indy finale. Jigsaw is a pretty underrated dude, and I hope EVOLVE gives him a decent spotlight.

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I was there live - loved Cedric-Gargano and really liked the Riddle-Strong match.

As was I. Honestly the best show I've ever seen live. Riddle/Strong was the best match I've ever seen live. Darby Allyn getting back body dropped to the floor was the most psychotic bump I've ever seen live. Chuck Taylor becoming a watchable wrestler was the biggest miracle I've ever seen live. Just a great day to reward my faith in pro wrestling


Darby is gonna end up in a wheelchair before too long. Besides that nutty back body drop, on both nights he did a trust fall dive off the turnbuckle to the floor, which was just as crazy.

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I was there live - loved Cedric-Gargano and really liked the Riddle-Strong match.

As was I. Honestly the best show I've ever seen live. Riddle/Strong was the best match I've ever seen live. Darby Allyn getting back body dropped to the floor was the most psychotic bump I've ever seen live. Chuck Taylor becoming a watchable wrestler was the biggest miracle I've ever seen live. Just a great day to reward my faith in pro wrestling


Darby is gonna end up in a wheelchair before too long. Besides that nutty back body drop, on both nights he did a trust fall dive off the turnbuckle to the floor, which was just as crazy.



Given the barricade setup, the trust fall dive was one of the safer ones for all involved in Queens.

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I was there live - loved Cedric-Gargano and really liked the Riddle-Strong match.

As was I. Honestly the best show I've ever seen live. Riddle/Strong was the best match I've ever seen live. Darby Allyn getting back body dropped to the floor was the most psychotic bump I've ever seen live. Chuck Taylor becoming a watchable wrestler was the biggest miracle I've ever seen live. Just a great day to reward my faith in pro wrestling


Darby is gonna end up in a wheelchair before too long. Besides that nutty back body drop, on both nights he did a trust fall dive off the turnbuckle to the floor, which was just as crazy.


And he took a Super Razor's Edge. Not entirely sure how he walked away from that match.

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