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Suggestions for sub forums


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Since I am late to the game, I have been trying to navigate these threads so I don't keep asking questions that have already been addressed. Do you guys have any suggestions for any sub forums that can be created to keep track of things. We can create subforums for each fed. We can create a trading forum or drafting forum. At the very least, I think we should have a sub forum for the feds once shows start to be booked. A forum for each fed may be too much but at least a forum with nothing but the fed threads where people are booking. Let me know what you guys think.

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A sub-forum for each fed would be nice. It'd be an easy way to post weekly results and happenings and an easy way for people to navigate each fed without getting bogged down in a bunch of other stuff. Some feds will end up being more entertaining than others, so the sub-forums will be an easy way for people to follow the feds they find the most interesting.


One thing to figure out if we go the every fed has a sub-forum route: Does all discussion about that fed take place in the sub-forum, or is the sub-forum only for show results and other goings on, with discussion happening in the general forum?


I don't want any password-protected forums. There is no way to "win" this game so keeping certain things confidential is pointless. Part of the fun of this thing is seeing the various interactions between people and promotions. If you really want to keep things only between certain people, then use PMs. (Plus I'd forget any password.)

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I created the promotion sub-forum for now. Lets see how deep and committed people are before we go nuts and start having sub forums for each promotion. JVK had only one thread for his WWF fantasy booking and it was easy to keep track of.


I am not going to create password protected forums if people are turned off by the idea.


We'll adjust according to the needs of the project.

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