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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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9 hours ago, strobogo said:

The Hogan ep of EVIL is full of so much bullshit even for Hogan. Some of the more choice bullshit:

He implies that he was nearly broke and homeless at the time WCW signed him and saved him by giving him a paycheck.

There's a big segment about his creative control, and he legit said that the locker room's egos were out of control being offended at it. He went on to say that WCW went under because it was like the inmates were running the asylum. Just completely avoiding any responsibility for his role. 

He implies he had an idea to turn heel when he signed with WCW, then the very next segment he says it was Bischoff's idea, and Bischoff saying Hogan told him from the start he had no interest in turning heel. It also sounds like his main reason for being the 3rd man was because he didn't want Sting to get more attention than him. 

It portrays Hollywood Hogan as the ultimate cool bad guy anti hero that everyone wanted to be, basically talking about him like he was Stone Cold and not a mention of Hall and Nash being the cool ones in the nWo.

Acting like the match with Rock gave him and Vince the idea that he could combine elements of each character, as if there weren't both a Hollywood face run AND return to red and yellow nostalgia run in WCW. 

More than an implication that Vince McMahon was the one who pulled WCW off the air after the purchase, and that one came from the narrator John Cena. 

*face palm…rolls eyes*

Hogan did attempt an Austin like character during the infamous New Blood storyline era, but he was akin to Austin’s anti-hero babyface role, not a cool heel role.

Hollywood took more from Ted DiBiase as a “trying a bit too hard” way than say a Flair/Tully Blanchard type of true “cool heel”

Never mind it continues the carny BS that Stone Cold caught fire immediately as he rattled off the Austin 3:16 promo.  He was getting there, but it was a few months after the Bash at The Beach PPV that Austin was truly on the radar with the character.

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The funny thing is Hulk started getting booed pretty quickly after starting in WCW but of course his ego wouldn't accept it. Then they did that "dark side of Hulk Hogan" deal where he wore all black and was basically a prototype Hollywood Hogan, but that didn't last long either.

Of course there's also them having to do the angle where Eric Bischoff was presumed kidnapped by Hall and Nash and not in the booth for Bash at the Beach because he was backstage making sure Hulk didn't change his mind over doing the turn. 

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28 minutes ago, sek69 said:

The funny thing is Hulk started getting booed pretty quickly after starting in WCW but of course his ego wouldn't accept it. Then they did that "dark side of Hulk Hogan" deal where he wore all black and was basically a prototype Hollywood Hogan, but that didn't last long either.

Of course there's also them having to do the angle where Eric Bischoff was presumed kidnapped by Hall and Nash and not in the booth for Bash at the Beach because he was backstage making sure Hulk didn't change his mind over doing the turn. 

Love how that all got thrown into the tortured logic to bring about Bischoff’s own turn!

While it turned out for the best, in terms of character work and being a nWo/Hogan mouthpiece, it did need to bring his absence at Bash, tied in with a quick absence following his taking the power bomb through the table at GAB to give logic to why he’d turn, or “reveal” himself after all those months!

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7 hours ago, BruiserBrody said:

Maybe I am too deep in my own hobbies weeds here but I have long thought Razor Ramon's theme was the inspiration for Steve Austin's iconic music:


I assume Jim Johnston wrote both?  






The DUN DUN - da DUN DUN part especially feels like a sped up version of Razor's. 


But wait there's more!


I am sort of convinced Razor's music was inspired by the Unsolved Mysteries Update music:




All the way down to the squealing music add on...



I am probably drinking too much of my own bathwater again... 

Actually Austin said on one of the podcasts that Rage's Bulls on Parade was the inspiration for his theme.  It's pretty noticeable when you play them one after each other, especially on the back half of the theme.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads up that All Time Wrestling has launched on Kickstarter. It’s a wrestling board game that has 4 created wrestlers and 4 licensed wrestlers. The licensed wrestlers are The British Bulldog, The Macho Man Randy Savage, Kurt Angle, and Andre the Giant! 3 different tiers, solo mode, campaign mode, cage matches…..I backed the game. 

Here’s the link:


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In other news, Micheal Elgin is working NOAH's big show this week-end.
In yet other news, Alberto El Patron is supposed to work AAA's Triplemania this week-end. (ok, so apparently not after all. That would have been a very bad look for AAA and AEW by ricochet, since Young Bucks are working the main event)

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heh heh heh Ryback ingests the best shit. Who comes up with.....that?

(To be fair to the lunatic, amongst all the OMG gifs passing as comments in the replies, no-one refuted him. I thought he was offering an interesting perspective until he went...there.)

He's not backing down, either.

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In Not Surprising At All News, apparently Tessa Blanchard has already alienated herself from WOW by using promo class as an opportunity to tear apart one of the other wrestlers in a way that went too far in the eyes of a lot of the others. 

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18 hours ago, sek69 said:

She burnt the WWE bridge a while ago, and I don't think AEW wants someone with that kind of baggage even if her dad works there. 

Oh, it was tongue in cheek. People were making those rumors for what feels like AGES now.

In a few years we will ask the question "Where were you when Tessa Blanchard and Sarah Logan tore the house down at CYN: Capitol Charge?"

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4 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

In a few years we will ask the question "Where were you when Tessa Blanchard and Sarah Logan tore the house down at CYN: Capitol Charge?"


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Freddie Prince Jr is looking to start a promotion within the next 18 months. Will encourage workers to join Screen Actors Guild. Looking to purchase a venue, plans to give equal time to ladies and men, says he’s got funds to run for three years.

He’s already purchased lighting equipment, so that’s a start…

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Yeah that's what makes her story more hilarious and/or tragic. She's actually very talented and the only reason she's not a superstar somewhere making truckloads of money is that she can't stop being an asshole for five fucking seconds. 

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