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WWE's "Unseen Matches" DVD

Ricky Jackson

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  On 6/16/2017 at 11:15 AM, thebrainfollower said:

Def a must buy but I am shocked by the lack of Macho Man vs. Undertaker honestly.

Yeah I thought that would make the cut for sure since they've shown clips on their site before.


Anyway I'll still buy it. I was hoping for Warrior vs Taker in a Casket match and that does make it. Not the one from St. Louis but another from NY. Should be fun.

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  On 6/17/2017 at 4:16 AM, PeteF3 said:

What complete Hogan/Jake match would be on tape?

Possibly their first match in Providence, where they showed a clip in the promo about the rematch. Hogan also pinned Jake in 1992 on the same show the Mountie beat Bret for the IC title, which they showed highlights from during the Royal Rumble so may have taped the whole show.

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So do we think that they raided the physical archives for this, or that it consists largely of footage that they had already digitized?


  On 6/17/2017 at 4:37 AM, flyonthewall2983 said:


  On 6/16/2017 at 10:46 PM, The Chief said:

I've been our of the loop with their home video for a few years now. Do they still do Blu-ray releases?


Yes. Don't know why this isn't one of them. Yes it's mostly stuff recorded on VHS but that hasn't stopped them before as they put out WCW and ECW collections on Blu.


Hate to be that guy, but not all videotape is VHS.

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  On 6/15/2017 at 5:03 PM, PeteF3 said:

Here it is!


I'm most excited to see Duane Gill & Barry Hardy's match as "The Toxic Turtles." Other matches of note include Bret vs. Davey Boy from 6/30/92, Hogan vs. Flair from 11/91 (not the Dayton match, unfortunately), a test run of the WM7 blindfold match from January, Flair vs. Piper, a Piper's Pit with the Brooklyn Brawler from 1992 when there were plans to bring that back, and tryout/dark matches for Brian Adams (in '89), Chris Chavis as "War Eagle," the aforementioned Turtles, and the Tazmaniac. I'm sold.


Really disapointed that they didnt give us Savage vs Taker when they teased the match on youtube ages ago. Very pleased to see Dibiase/Sid as had heard about this in PWI along with the Piper/Blawler Pit.


I know they are thinking about a idea to have a Warrior DVD and a Savage DVD called unseen matches so there is hope.

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Excited for:


Dibiase vs. Sid

Kamala/Shango vs. Hart/Warrior

Demolition vs. Colossal Connection

Hart vs. Anvil

Michaels/Hart vs. Lawler/Hakushi (That is a killer match-up I never knew I wanted to see!!)


I love this kind of stuff, hoping for a couple hidden gems

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  On 6/19/2017 at 2:15 AM, supersonic said:


  On 6/18/2017 at 7:05 PM, flyonthewall2983 said:

What is there as far as Turner/Time Warner-era WCW "holy grail"-type matches?

Flair vs. Steamboat

Sting vs. Callous

Pillman vs. Liger

Benoit vs. Booker series


Also, I've read that there were plenty of Nitro dark matches as well. And if they could get the rights to it, that Christopher Knight vs Danny Bonaduce match from Spring Stampede 94 would be an interesting curiosity.

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Found some really bad news about the set.




Late last week we received and posted the full list of content WWE has in the works for the “UNRELEASED 1986-1995” DVD which we now know will be filled with 45 exclusive hidden gems!

As the news spread online our listing was spotted on a few websites with several “extra” matches added on top, taking the total to 58 matches, possibly originating at PWInsider.com.



WrestlingDVDNetwork.com can unfortunately and categorically confirm that those extras are NOT present in the final listing of the 3-disc DVD set. For one, the disc space would already be nearing capacity with the 45 existing matches before attempting to squeeze in another 13 bouts.


Why couldnt they just release a Blu Ray version to include them?

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  On 6/18/2017 at 5:54 AM, clintthecrippler said:

I can't find the link right now but there are Blu Ray extras listed on 411 Mania but nothing that's super holy grail-ish.


Attitude Era Unseen has no commentary, including dark matches from Raw and PPVs.



Shawn Michaels vs. Jerry Lawler

Wheeling, WV • June 6, 1995

Hulk Hogan & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Andre the Giant & Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase

Hershey, PA • January 26, 1988

Steel Cage: Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan

Wheeling, WV • October 2, 1989

Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Toledo, Ohio • June 10, 1990

Papa Shango vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Ottawa, Ontario • June 1, 1992

Kamala vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Landover, MD • September 1, 1992

Kamala & Papa Shango vs. Undertaker & Ultimate Warrior

Worcester, MA • July 20, 1992

Ultimate Warrior vs. Papa Shango

Terra Haute, IN • October 27, 1992

The Mad Monk (Mike Shaw aka Friar Ferguson/Bastion Booger) vs. Bobby Young

Phoenix, AZ • April 5, 1993

The Harris Twins vs. Dale Wolfe & Tim Patterson

Phoenix, AZ • April 5, 1993

Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Perfect

Phoenix, AZ • April 5, 1993

The Harlem Knights (Men On A Mission) vs. Mike Bell & Tony Devito

Portland, ME • May 5, 1993

Phantasio vs. Rad Radford

St. Louis, MO • July 26, 1995

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