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[2017-05-20-WWE-NXT Takeover: Chicago] Tyler Bate vs Pete Dunne


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From the 2017 MOTY Thread:



Tyler Bate vs. Pete Dunne - WWE 5/20

WOW. Crazy, crazy good match. Dunne brought the stiff strikes and the joint manipulation while Bate really came to shine as a pretty natural babyface. His power spots and comebacks came off really well. He pulled off probably the best deadlift into powerbomb counter to a triangle I've ever seen which followed probably one of the best worked triangles I've ever seen. Then you have the extremely great finishing stretch which was really a master class in stringing together false finishes. I bought into nearly every single one right up the perfect finishing point. Also, that airplane spin. Crazy. This is just under Okada-Shibata and just edges the AOP-Revival-DIY match. Currently my #2 MOTY.



5 star moment: the slugfest.

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I liked the back & forth technical wrestling during the early stages of the match. Dunne on top was awesome as long as it lasted. Bate is really good working from underneath. They quickly went into the 'epic' mode though - busting out big bomb after big bomb after big bomb; I definitely enjoyed it, but I would've liked to see them work the built to that section of the match a bit better. The Airplane Spin spot was tremendous. Definitely my favorite of the whole match. ***1/2

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I liked the match quite a bit. Bate did his usual stuff, but with some more urgency and a little extra. Dunne was doing his thing really well. I am a big fan of both men. As people have mentioned, the strike exchange was quite good and the airplane spin was bonkers. Bate - for his age - is really good as working as champion and his downfall was really well put together here.


****1/4 (just outside my top 10 for the year right now)

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  • 4 weeks later...

This was ultra-generic videogame pro wresting.They tried to include some non-spotty work to balance all the Orange Crush and wristclutch into a tornado DDT moves, but the match never seemed to develop real intensity as they constantly had to move to the next spot. For example, notice how quickly Bate dropped his selling in order to hit his crowd popping dives, before the uninspired finish. While it wasn't terrible I have no interest in seeing more of this stuff.

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This was ultra-generic videogame pro wresting.They tried to include some non-spotty work to balance all the Orange Crush and wristclutch into a tornado DDT moves, but the match never seemed to develop real intensity as they constantly had to move to the next spot. For example, notice how quickly Bate dropped his selling in order to hit his crowd popping dives, before the uninspired finish. While it wasn't terrible I have no interest in seeing more of this stuff.

I'd be curious what you thought of Bate vs Gallagher from NXT TV.

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  • 5 months later...

I think this is a match that would be enjoyed way more live than 6 months after the fact, and also as part of a whole card and a great Takeover atmosphere rather than watched on its own with no build. No doubt they had the crowd going absolutely insane, and the spots in isolation were really cool. Bate is technically super solid and has a great look - he has the feel of a guy who is going to be top tier in 3-4 years. Dunne does nothing for me. Bate's missed dive at the end was just absolutely insane, but my favourite spot was the airplane spin.


The match certainly had some memorable spots - airplane spin, missed dive, moonsault, the brawl, but that's all it really is as a collection of proficient spots with no connective tissue. Hard to deny they had the crowd going nuts but in isolation months later this didn't click for me, but I can see why fans of the style and the UK indy scene would dig it. Not a 2017 MOTYC for me but worth watching to see what you think of the hype.



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  • 2 weeks later...

While the selling was fine for the most part, I agree that they moved from spot to spot a little too quickly and didn't let things breathe enough. Otherwise, this was really good. Nice heel-face dynamic and a very strong mix of modern high impact wrestling with stiff strikes and solid grappling and submission exchanges. As mentioned, some individual spots were pretty memorable. Clever finish. *** 3/4

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  • 4 weeks later...

Liked most of this a good bit - Dunne always sprinkled in extra punches, or grabbing the chin on the armbar - or the kicks at Dunne's head after a kickout. Little stuff to mask rest spots. I don't have any false reservations that the joint/hand stuff was meant to go anywhere, and I don't think they focused on it too long to where it stuck out as a whiff later. Biggest issue I have is both guys struggling to get to their feet, pulling up on the ropes, but can then race to the turnbuckle and flip off. I like the aerial stuff fine, but jesus drag a leg or take an extra second to not completely shake the match off. The finish is a good callback to a counter Dunne does earlier in the match, but he again then races back into the ring which stuck out (although I get the idea of urgency/adrenaline here). I'm focusing more on the shortcomings for me and leaving out a ton of great stuff that should very much be watched. Easily one of the best WWE produced matches of the year. ****1/2

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  • 2 months later...

I have horrible taste in pro-wrestling and do enjoy these intense indy Jr. style matches every so often, so I had a blast re-watching this today, however I wouldn't call this a 5 star classic or anything along those lines.


Bate's rolling kick, Dunne's shocked face when Bate kicked out of the Orange Crush and Dunne countering Bate's huge over the top dive with an elbow were my favorite moments in this.

Good fun.

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  • 2 months later...

Where to even start with this? Bate is a fantastic plucky underdog. Dunne is vile prick heel. Dunne works on the hand of Bate and twists it in way it should not be twisted. That slugfest. Dune's elbows. Bate's barrage of aerial attacks in the lead up to the finish. J.R. sounding like he's actually enjoying the wrestling he's watching. It's the complete package. All this needed was a bit more of backstory/build-up to get the ★★★★★ treatment.


WWE MOTY by a country mile.



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  • GSR changed the title to [2017-05-20-WWE-NXT Takeover: Chicago] Tyler Bate vs Pete Dunne

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