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WWE Crown Jewel: No Girlz ALLOWED~!


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14 hours ago, sek69 said:

I'd be curious to know the percentage of people in the crowd who are even aware of what is going on beyond a general sense of "the Saudis aren't someone we'd normally want to be so buddy-buddy with".  I would be surprised if there was a high level of awareness, but I was surprised at how many people were aware of the issues surrounding Snuka when they aired the tribute package for him and then cut to an uncomfortable looking crowd. 

I agree with this. I don't think a lot of the fans in the crowd last night even know what is going on in Saudi Arabia. My brother is a casual and he had no clue until I told him what was happening. That's the vibe I got from the crowd at least.

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Let's be real, WWE is a very small fish in the grand scheme of this situation. Yeah, it is disappointing to see them just shutting up and taking the money, but cancelling the event at this stage wouldn't have any effect beyond disappointing the fans who already bought tickets before this shit went down. Not worth getting so worked up over.

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53 minutes ago, fxnj said:

Let's be real, WWE is a very small fish in the grand scheme of this situation. Yeah, it is disappointing to see them just shutting up and taking the money, but cancelling the event at this stage wouldn't have any effect beyond disappointing the fans who already bought tickets before this shit went down. Not worth getting so worked up over.

WWE may not have good options at this point. They made their bad decisions months ago, and they may not have the ability to break their contract at this point. But that doesn't mean that they shouldn't get shit about it when it blows up in their faces.

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There are two Vince McMahons. There's internet/dirtsheets Vince McMahon, who is bad and should be blamed for every bad thing that ever happened in wrestling, and then there's on TV Vince McMahon, who did all those fun things in the Attitude Era and made hilarious evil faces. Two completely separate people.

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1 hour ago, fxnj said:

Let's be real, WWE is a very small fish in the grand scheme of this situation. Yeah, it is disappointing to see them just shutting up and taking the money, but cancelling the event at this stage wouldn't have any effect beyond disappointing the fans who already bought tickets before this shit went down. Not worth getting so worked up over.

Who's worked up? It's ok to make statements about WWE that aren't positive.

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3 minutes ago, C.S. said:

The talking point now is that WWE going there can lead to change

FUCK THESE MOTERFUCKING PEOPLE. (yeah, I'm all worked up. Problem anyone ?) 

Seriously, how dare they ? It's one thing to play pretend when you're talking about pro-rassslin' and shit. Ok let's pretend Stephy invented feminism and WWE is the very first company that produced any serious female pro-wrestling in the US, fuck that, in da World and these great japanese workers just took a quickie class in NXT before showing up that great at the MYC. But pretending the WWE doing a propaganda piece can "lead to change" as far as the politics of Saudi Arabia.... These people are gutless and/or brainless.

Honestly, between the ridiculous outpoor of hate on Meltz two months ago because he made some inconsequential (yes, really, sorry) comment on someone's body and the way they now defend their boss for doing propaganda work for a criminal regime who just trapped, tortured, murdered, dismembered and apparently decapitated a journalist (yeah, it's worth repeating again and again what we are really dealing with here next time you'll hear about the Crown Jewels show, it's all about praising and working for the regime who did *this*) ... yeah... ...where's the *vomit* emoticon anyway ?....

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It was fine to use that talking point for the first show (not really but work with me here), to think that a regieme that blatantly murders journalists critical of them will suddenly see the light because rasslin' came to town is just flat insulting.  Not to mention that the whole idea of murdering journalists is probably spank bank material for Vince's BFF.

It's also pretty funny to see Randy Orton of all people, who's not afraid to be unabashedly right wing on social media, sucking up to Saudi Arabia. They stand for the complete opposite everything a diehard conservative is supposed to stand for.  

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Nash surprises me. He's one of the few liberal voices on wrestling Twitter,  and not at all a fan of orange 45. Here's his exact quote. "9-11 was conducted by 15 of the 19 attackers who were Saudi's, our response was to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. Now a hit squad is responsible for the death of a Saudi Journalist. Should we hit Yemen and Iran. We'll never know the truth. Let's push Saudi Arabia to progress."

So he's calling out the Saudis, but is the "push them to progress" line actually referring to the event?

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1 hour ago, sek69 said:

It was fine to use that talking point for the first show (not really but work with me here), to think that a regieme that blatantly murders journalists critical of them will suddenly see the light because rasslin' came to town is just flat insulting.  Not to mention that the whole idea of murdering journalists is probably spank bank material for Vince's BFF.

It's also pretty funny to see Randy Orton of all people, who's not afraid to be unabashedly right wing on social media, sucking up to Saudi Arabia. They stand for the complete opposite everything a diehard conservative is supposed to stand for.  

I'm not so sure about that

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35 minutes ago, Johnny Sorrow said:

Nash surprises me. He's one of the few liberal voices on wrestling Twitter,  and not at all a fan of orange 45. Here's his exact quote. "9-11 was conducted by 15 of the 19 attackers who were Saudi's, our response was to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. Now a hit squad is responsible for the death of a Saudi Journalist. Should we hit Yemen and Iran. We'll never know the truth. Let's push Saudi Arabia to progress."

So he's calling out the Saudis, but is the "push them to progress" line actually referring to the event?

Thanks for digging the exact quote. Yeah, I'm not sure how that definitely refers to the WWE event. Hopefully it doesn't...

And yeah, what FMKK said about conservatives. They are much much closer than opposites, in many ways.

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1 minute ago, El-P said:

Thanks for digging the exact quote. Yeah, I'm not sure how that definitely refers to the WWE event. Hopefully it doesn't...

And yeah, what FMKK said about conservatives. They are much much closer than opposites, in many ways.

Nash goes on to say when asked that WWE should honour its contract as “its entertainment not a UN Summit”

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Yeah. It's pretty sad.

Plus the fact is it's not "entertainment" as in "just entertainment". There's a heavy political content there. Hell, it's mostly political. Because who the fuck cares about what happens on these shows as far as pro-wrestling goes ? I mean, from a "WWE UNIVERSE" point of view, if such a thing does or can exist in such a context, these are giant house shows. The main idea, why the shows have been bought, is promoting a "modern, progressive" image of and for the regime. "Just entertainment" would be bad enough, but it's clearly not it. (of course "just entertainment" doesn't exist anyway, but it's not the issue here)

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MBS already revealed himself as a mark for 90s wrestling, Nash probably figures that call's coming soon. 

Also it's interesting they apparently have chosen "it's just entertainment" as their hill to die on here. The John Oliver piece spilled the beans to everyone outside the wrestling bubble that this was a paid infomercial for the Kingdom, so trying to pretend it's just another show on their touring schedule makes no sense. 


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What are the chances approximately 99% of the people acting all outraged about WWE running Saudi Araba are also going to watch the show anyway?

Not that I care what people choose to do with their own personal time or anything, but there really is no excuse to straddle the fence here. If you're going to whine & complain loudly, do something. Don't just fake a stance. Take a stance. Otherwise, you're part of the problem.

I try to veer away from political topics in general. But really. WWE shows are the most uneventful, nothing happening shit on television. Nothing ever happens. Even sitcoms and animated shows that reset after every episode hold a tighter sense of continuity than anything in today's WWE.

It can't be about "good matches", because there's much better wrestling out there. And it's just as easily accessible in today's landscape. It can't be the characters, because they're never allowed to experience development or growth of any kind. They're strictly gimmicks and imprints in a vacuum. They're video game characters to be selected and paired together in new or different combinations sometimes. It can't be the stories, because they don't bother telling those anymore. If they feel the urge to try, it's a half-assed rinse & repeat of something that worked for them in the past. Everything is so stagnant and overly sanitized. LED boards and brightly lit arenas are NOT adequate compensation for the lack of LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE that matters in a good professional wrestling presentation.

And yet people still can't find it in themselves to step away for awhile. Well now there's an actual, genuine reason to stop watching. Nothing on this show will matter. If their track record & recent history hasn't taught you that, then you just don't care to learn.

This is WWE 2018. Nothing matters anymore. So now that they've gift wrapped you a meaningful reason to tune out, why bother? Does the fear of missing out REALLY run that deep in some fans?

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24 minutes ago, SomethingSavage said:

What are the chances approximately 99% of the people acting all outraged about WWE running Saudi Araba are also going to watch the show anyway?

Not that I care what people choose to do with their own personal time or anything, but there really is no excuse to straddle the fence here. If you're going to whine & complain loudly, do something. Don't just fake a stance. Take a stance. Otherwise, you're part of the problem.

Since I've been super angry about it, I guess I should address that one. 

I stopped watching WWE after the first Saudi Arabia show, not because I'm such an great social activist that I had to do something about it, ya know, but simply because it legit felt *wrong* to me. It's not like I have to pay for this stuff, it's on my TV. But still.

I have watched a few women's matches dating back from the last PPV (or the one before ? Who knows these days, not too sure) as I intended to only watch the Evolution joke of a PPV, so it was putting myself back on track with what was happening. I did put on the Australian debacle the other day as a background sound because it was happening during the day.

As of now, I'm completely done. The one *big* difference that stuff made with me was that last year, after the crazy Mania week-end, I was contemplating the idea of, what the hell, going to Mania in 19 or 20, just for the sake of it, do it one time and have fun even though I really don't care for the company. After the first Saudi show, that idea died immediately. And it's not coming back. Ever. So there's that. But yeah, honestly, I was pretty much done anyway, and watching the women PPV would have been the only exception really, because I have enjoyed the girls this last two/three years (hell, at points they were the only part of the show I really enjoyed). But now, it's just not worth the uneasy feeling. I feel these people are absolute pieces of shit now (the pic Bix choosed for his article was great, all the McMahons dancing around, basking in their unshameful glory). Not that I cared about them a whole lot before, but at some point, a line gets drawn. I'm not sure I said it before (I think I did.... I probably did.... yeah), but FUCK THESE PEOPLE.

I have been reducing my pro-wrestling watch anyway, and the upcoming months will probably be very busy for me IRL. With LU season ending sooner than later, it leaves me with iMPACT and the big NJ shows (and maybe MLW on Youtube) to fill my pro-wrestling fix if I need it. That's more than enough.

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It is going to funny if there ever is real progress in Saudi Arabia (and I mean real progress not allowing women to drive progress) how much credit Vince or whoever runs the company by then gives themselves for causing it.    

Also JBL loves using Tribute to the Troops as his starting point for most arguments on this.  Obviously because he came up with the idea.   They never went to there to promote democracy in those countries.  It was to provide some moral support to the people that were fighting against.   Nobody from the country was at that event.    I mean nobody gives Bob Hope credit for World War II being a success in the war against the Nazis do they



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