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WWE Fastlane 2019


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  On 3/11/2019 at 2:43 AM, hammerva said:

Well unless it actually happens on RAW,  Dean is really leaving the company


He could still turn tomorrow (the original Shield turn happened on Raw too) and still leave the company after losing to Roman at WM.

Will he turn? At this point, I doubt it. But nothing yet is stopping it from happening.

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  On 3/11/2019 at 2:48 AM, KawadaSmile said:

I don't think he needs to turn at all. If you must do Dean/Roman, just have Reigns put the match at WM as a final attempt to make his brother stay. If Dean wins, he's free.


That's a really fucked up stipulation man :lol: way to treat your "brother" by trying to beat him and making him stay against his will.

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  On 3/11/2019 at 2:52 AM, Jmare007 said:

That's a really fucked up stipulation man :lol: way to treat your "brother" by trying to beat him and making him stay against his will.


Hahaha when you put it this way...

They could also have a face/face match, like they did at Survivor Series 2015. No forced labor stipulations, just a couple of brothers having a go :lol:

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Hopefully with 4 weeks left they cut out the shoot type shit with Ronda/Becky/Charlotte and just have them cut go home hype promos.  They've done so many angles with this feud the past 3 months that they really don't need to do much more.  Just hype the shit out of it now.  No suspensions and summer wcw 2000 promos

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Regarding Charlotte/Becky, I thought it was OK. I get the complaints and all that, but I don't think they had many options.

  • Charlotte winning would be horrible. They would make the crowd angry for no good reason, and they would have to find another convoluted way to get Becky at WM again.
  • Becky winning via flash pin or something would also make Charlotte look like shit. I mean, she couldn't beat someone who was on one good leg, what chances does she have against Ronda?
  • Ronda is dead set on beating Becky, more than she wants to beat Charlotte. They've established that. It makes sense that she would do what she could to get her to WM. Plus the karma of her tapping out to the Disarmher because she was too prideful and bull-headed would be dope.

Like y'all, I just hope they cut that 00s "off the script" shit.

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  On 3/11/2019 at 3:10 AM, KawadaSmile said:

Regarding Charlotte/Becky, I thought it was OK. I get the complaints and all that, but I don't think they had many options.

  • Charlotte winning would be horrible. They would make the crowd angry for no good reason, and they would have to find another convoluted way to get Becky at WM again.
  • Becky winning via flash pin or something would also make Charlotte look like shit. I mean, she couldn't beat someone who was on one good leg, what chances does she have against Ronda?
  • Ronda is dead set on beating Becky, more than she wants to beat Charlotte. They've established that. It makes sense that she would do what she could to get her to WM. Plus the karma of her tapping out to the Disarmher because she was too prideful and bull-headed would be dope.

Like y'all, I just hope they cut that 00s "off the script" shit.


I didn't watch this (I was in transit all day), but the best solution to me would be to have Ronda attack Becky while she has Charlotte in the Dis-Arm-Her. That way, Becky doesn't look like a chump who had to have Ronda bail her out, and Ronda could pass it off as not wanting Becky to have the satisfaction of a clean win. I guess that makes Charlotte look weak, but come on. If the billion title reigns she's had haven't made her strong enough, there's nothing that can be done. Plus, the whole point of the storyline is that she did nothing to earn a spot in the match and didn't deserve to be there. Or at least, it used to be. I don't know what the hell's going on anymore.

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  On 3/11/2019 at 2:21 AM, El Dragon said:

I love how in a match with a guy making his return from cancer and a guy who is leaving in a month it's the guy who is challenging tucking Brock Lesnar in a month playing FoP.


At this point, Seth is probably the member of the Shield the audience is least excited about getting into the match. Roman is having his first match back from cancer, there's happiness that Dean has returned to the side of his Shield brethren after a terrible heel run, whilst Seth is just there. 

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Cherry picking Fastlane

Mandy Rose vs Asuka. Well, Asuka is good. So is Mandy. Ok, that joke did not translate well at all, but it's kinda funny in French, I swear. I thought this was a decent little match, but that finish was completely idiotic. Awful acting too. Mandy is not quite Alexa Bliss in term of petite blonde bitch heel.

Three-way tag team match. The difference between the intros of Ricochet (hey there people) and Aleister Black (STAR) is quite something. Fun match, but honestly teh thriple-threat car crash format totally undermine most of these guys strong points (Revival, Roode, Gable). I don't think Ricochet was that impressive either after years in LU when he was doing much more insane shit, he also looks super small in that huge WWE ring. Black is a star (well, should be). Fun match but nothing special.

By this point, WWE directing makes me dizzy and gives me a headache...

Four-way US title. Four-way after a three-way. Odd booking. Why the fuck is R-Truth on my screen in 2019 ? This is so "One of these guys is not like the others." He's just about as bad a rapper and worker as he was when he was K-Kwik or when he was in NWA-TNA. Except he can't even do his goofy twists properly anymore. Fuck me, he's such a waste of space. The other three are terrific and don't let him get in the way too much. Rey is a mystery at this point (pu intended). How can he still be that great ? Rey vs Andrade or Rey vs Joe with some time and not cute booking at Mania could steal the show. Very good match.

Sasha & Bailey vs Tamina & Nia. Fun to see Sasha & Bailey basically run circles around two big oafs and go as quick as possible and try not to get hurt. At this point, Nia has reached Crusher Maedomari level of suck. She had to be one of the worst big woman worker I've seen. She can't even catch a feather like Sasha properly. Bad match, entertaining for all the wrong reasons. At least no one got a concussion. Yeah, but nia is a worthless nostalgia match at Mania, as long as she isn't ruining some good workers' time.

Three-way for the title. Wait, AGAIN a three-way ? Who booked this show, Heyman ? Well, despite the format that doesn’t do much for me most of the time, this was terrific. MOTYC level, probably. I guess Ali decided he was gonna steal the show, which he did. Hey, glad Owens is back at being that kind of worker, although he almost be-headed himself on that dive on Rowan. Bryan was his usual awesome self. With that result, I doubt that would do a Ali vs Kingston vs Bryan at Mania, which is too bad since Ali is so much more credible as a future champ. That finish BTW, was all kind of awesome. Someone mentionned Ali > Ricochet, well, agreed, and that’s from someone who enjoyed Ricochet quite a bit in LU (yet even there, he was surpassed by guys like Fenix working the same kind of style). Yeah, Ali can be pretty big, despite looking like Devon Storm.

Becky vs Charlotte was very good for what it was, and by that I mean the execution of the match. Charlotte is excellent at kicking ass, Becky sold really well. Ronda’s bit was well done (she sure can run)... Well, « We’re telling a story » as Bruce would say. Too bad that story sucks and really hurts what was the easiest, simplest deal ever. Still, the three-way should be great, so there is that, but WWE booking is the dirt worst.

Roman beat lukemia. Yeah ! Fuck cancer. I still won’t watch a match with Baron Corbin.

Well, one legit MOTYC on a WWE show is rare enough, so there is that. Some really good stuff around, although the three-way tag was kinda underwhelming considering who was involved, and the three-way US title match was a promise of two great feuds.

Sidenote, the French announcers actually mentioned that Shun Yamaguchi had lost his brother, which I thought was classy.

Tons of dead times on that PPV too apparently though. Was the Elias stuff really needed ? This wasn’t long enough already with the useless recap videos and stuff ? I dunno how I’ll be able to withstand Mania live, with a Shane-O Mac match, with a Nia match, with tons of bad bullshit… 

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