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19 hours ago, SirEdger said:

So she went from trying to fuck up Nash's moment to being happy for him winning back the NXT Tag titles to being mad at him again?

Yeah, someone has major issues here and it might not be Nash Carter.

That's called victim blaming and it's at best very ignorant of the process of abusive relationship. At worst it's an extremely shitty thing to say, honestly, and it's why victim of abuse are afraid to speak up.

That's how it goes, without even going into genders :

Person A & B are in a toxic relationship.

Person A abuses (mentally, physically and/or sexually) Person B.

Person B cries, is in pain, wants it to stop, threatens to leave. Person A apologizes, cries, say it won't ever happen again and how much he loves Person B.

Person B believes Person A because Person B is in love and always tries to find even the worst reasons to believe it can get better, even after Person A lied many times before

Person A & B are happy again for a while.

Person A abuses Person B again.

Rince, repeat X times (1, 10, 100) until either something really bad happen (accident, suicide, homicide) or Person B is able to leave, which is NEVER easy.

As far as Kimber Lee & Nash Carter go, I won't say anything because I don't know what happened. But assuming someone talking about abuse is the one with issue is part of the problem. The one thing that is obvious is that there are bad stuff happening there.

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So we should believe this person, whoever she is, but not Kimber Lee when she talks about abuse ? Why ? 

Like I said, I don't know, nor do you, nor do 99% of people talking about it on social medias what really is happening here. And it's not a matter of "taking sides" either. I'm just not comfortable with the "Oh she accused him and then she was cool and now she's accusing him again, it's fishy" stuff because it's *always* used against victims of abuse. What actually is happening, I have no idea. Whatever it is, it's bad. That's all I have to say about this.

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17 hours ago, sek69 said:

This kind of has an "everyone involved kinda sucks" vibe

Agreed. That was pretty much the way this whole situation seemed to be going. I don’t necessarily think there are any clean hands here. If anything, this whole deal reinforced to me (for the millionth time, not that it needed any actual reinforcement) that Social Media is a festering cesspool. I will never understand the compulsive need some people have to air their dirty laundry in public.

Back in my day, we used to do horrible, emotionally scarring, heinous shit to each other behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes of the public, and we were all a lot happier for it, dammit.

Well…maybe not. But still.

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So apparently the former Wes Carter finally got around to formally issuing an apology today for being photographed imitating Hitler and giving a Nazi salute, which is what ultimately got him released by WWE.

I don’t know that there was anything he could have said which would have made it sound sincere or legitimate, but even taking that into consideration, he still managed to fall pretty far short of the goal, IMHO.

Firstly, he managed to get in a dig at his ex-wife, so I guess we’re still doing that. Secondly, he actually almost tried to make it sound like he had to have it pointed out to him that you know…the Holocaust was a bad thing, and something that you don’t actually make light of. Because, how could he have possibly figured that out before somebody pointed it out to him?

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Yeah, apparently he knew enough how to cosplay HItler, and that having a photo of such thing is bad (he said he was threatened with blackmail over it) , yet somehow didn't know *why* Nazis are bad until he did some research like....last month apparently? GTFOH with that.

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21 minutes ago, sek69 said:

Yeah, apparently he knew enough how to cosplay HItler, and that having a photo of such thing is bad (he said he was threatened with blackmail over it) , yet somehow didn't know *why* Nazis are bad until he did some research like....last month apparently? GTFOH with that.

It immediately reminded me of Michael Hayes acting all baffled that people were upset with him for using the infamous “N word.”

“But I’m not racist! We used that word all the time in the 70’s! And I was a big fan of Richard Pryor…and he said that word ALL the time!”

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He was a 20 year old kid at the time, who was unfortunate to have the pic get out there. Most guy when shaving have probably giving themselves a hitter moustache and done that in the moment. It's not a news story on it's own and I don't see any big issue with it, nor do I see it as him supporting Nazism, just something he thought was funny in the moment with his friends.

3 hours ago, The Thread Killer said:

Firstly, he managed to get in a dig at his ex-wife, so I guess we’re still doing that. Secondly, he actually almost tried to make it sound like he had to have it pointed out to him that you know…the Holocaust was a bad thing, and something that you don’t actually make light of. Because, how could he have possibly figured that out before somebody pointed it out to him?

 Um, I think he was entitled to use it to has a dig at his ex as she used it, to help get him fired, but the pic didn't bother her enough to not have a relationship or sleep with the guy. So does that make her an Nazi sympathiser because she had a relationship with him?

Also while the Holocaust was a big part of the hitter regime, where was he making light of the actual Holocaust, he was just doing a Hitler impression. Its a vast difference to that, to mocking the Holocaust. 

I do call snowflake issues on this story, if you are offended by that pic, you need to get some help

Vast difference to a kid doing it in his bathroom, than say Prince Harry dressing up as a Nazi and going to a fancy dress party. 

Unless there is evidence of him saying anything anti-Semitic, I say this isn't a news story.






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The American education system being what it is, I suppose it is possible he hadn't learned much about the Holocaust, but man that statement makes him come off as an ignorant moron. I think most companies, particularly public companies, and especially ones in entertainment, are going to get rid of employees having pictures of them just doing a little Hitler impression in their free time.

I'm sure you can see the difference in a satirical stage show/movie by a Jewish creator who participated in the Battle of the Bulge, and someone from the cast doing the HH with a toothbrush mustache at home, even if as a joke.

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It's silly. A guy taking a picture of himself with the Hitler face has exactly *nothing* to do with an artist making satirical content (be it a video on Youtube or a feature film) about a political figure. Honestly everyone looks bad here. So, Kim had that picture but it never bothered her apparently ? The guy had to take a leave of absence to "study the horrors of Holocaust" on Google to figure out why this shit was bad ? Just a clusterfuck of idiots, it seems like. Not that it excuses any abuse that may have taken place, of course.

8 minutes ago, strobogo said:

I think most companies, particularly public companies, and especially ones in entertainment, are going to get rid of employees having pictures of them just doing a little Hitler impression in their free time.

That's pretty much what happened too. The abuse story wasn't what triggered him from getting fired. And I mean, we have the guy who's rape charges against him have been dropped *wink wink nudge nudge* working against the DUI Express on weekly basis, so really, the picture was all it took.

In other news, while Rollins usually has a very bad Twitter game, but that one is pretty salty 



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My main point is, I don't think what he did means he deserves to be cancelled or fired for it. I'm not advocating doing a Hitler impression is a good thing. But it was just a dumb in the moment thing he thought was funny at 20 years old. Think people are blowing this up and using the anti-Semitic/Holocaust angle to justify someone getting fired for a dumb ill thought out mistake he made in his younger life.

 Think we are doing much more harm to society with this no second chances bullshit, we will end you now because we now deem what you did was so inexcusable and we as the mortally police pass judgment and you had your one chance at life and you used it up.

We not going to allow you the benefit of growing as an human being and to learn from your "mistake" and then hopefully life your life as a better person going forward. 

51 minutes ago, strobogo said:

I'm sure you can see the difference in a satirical stage show/movie by a Jewish creator who participated in the Battle of the Bulge, and someone from the cast doing the HH with a toothbrush mustache at home, even if as a joke.

 I just don't see it as a big issue to lose one's job over,  if he put it out there himself on ticktok, or YouTube with a vile hate message or there was more to this story like him doing Nazi party's with his friends. Then yes sack his dumb ass,  But just seems harsh to lose your job for being an idiot in your bathroom because someone else had an engender to get you fired for it.  

40 minutes ago, Blehschmidt said:

Yes because mocking Donald Trump and dressing up like Adolf Hitler and giving a Nazi Salute are totally the same thing.


I don't know, Donald trump is a vile racist using hate to separate his country to win an election. who knows how bad things would have got if he had stayed in power. He would probably be arming Russia as we speak if he was still in office.    


1 hour ago, El-P said:

That's pretty much what happened too. The abuse story wasn't what triggered him from getting fired

Obviously some of this lack of forgiveness and justifying the lose of his job is more to do with the abuse issues being raised against him, it does make this story easier to use against him.  

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I mean, from what we know to me it absolutely strikes me as "he was an ignorant moron" as opposed to "he's a white supremacist". So of course, there's a HUGE hypocrisy involved when WWE, a company run by a family that has actively supported a White Supremacist president that is absolutely responsible for the rise of racist violence and ultra-misogynist politics going on right now in the US, is firing a guy because he thought doing a Hitler pic was goofy and funny when he was a 20 years old idiot, because they don't stand for this, ya know... (and no, I won't mention MBS again because too easy)

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I think I'd actually agree that WWE's hypocrisy should be the bigger story, but dude chose to be a public figure, and public figures are going to get scrutiny for "dumb things they did when they were 20" in a public way. "X has done worse" is not a good justification for Y's behavior being brushed off.

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I agree. But one issue is that it always comes down to making a lot of noise about he smallest things while the elephant in the room always gets a pass. Usos get several DUI, endangering the lives of other people ? No big deal. I feel like there's always the nice excuse of "Hey, that's whataboutism !" to prevent acknowledging (if you will) the bigger picture, usually because the bigger picture is much more uncomfortable to look at and denounce. It's easy to pile on idiot Wes Carter (and like I said, this whole story reads like a clusterfuck of idiots and toxic people). But he's pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

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Honestly, my whole point when I made the original post about Carter’s apology, was that it was very poorly thought out in my opinion. I personally feel that when it comes to apologizing, there is no point if your apology isn’t well worded and most importantly…sincere.

I don’t think there is any way you could read what he wrote and come away thinking he was really sorry for what he did. Which personally, I have no problem with, if he isn’t actually sorry. If you don’t think what you did was wrong, then don’t say sorry. If you are dealing with consequences because people are upset about what you said/did, then either don’t apologize and be willing to accept the consequences, or sure…issue a fake apology but at least make sure that it sounds sincere. If he can’t apologize for something that he isn’t sorry about and at least fake sincerity, then no wonder his marriage fell apart. That is one of the keys to a successful relationship.

Carter was just making excuses, which really isn’t going to make the situation any better and it isn’t going to make it go away, after all this time. My personal opinion is that the whole situation was ridiculously stupid. I don’t think marital problems, relationship issues or interpersonal disagreements should be played out on social media for public consumption because exactly this kind of thing happens. It doesn’t offend me personally that he imitated Hitler because stuff like that generally doesn’t offend me. But I can certainly see why it would offend some people, and I can see why a corporation that is publicly traded would distance the from somebody who did that.

And for the record, if you can’t see why some people would be offended by seeing a picture of somebody imitating Hitler? Then you’re a moron and there is no point in engaging you in a debate.

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