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Two loaded cards await at The Brawl in St Paul.

Damaged ribs could make Von Erich a liability in Wargames.

Adias's turn to the dark side is officially complete.

Fantastics and Glamour Boys get shorted for time and will look to settle their differences at the Brawl in St Paul.

I'm sure Tony just wants to have a friendly competition next week ;).

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I used to hate those great matches that just got started but TV time ran out.  Great booking to keep us hooked in.

Really looking forward to St. Paul.

Asylum is a great, entertaining heel stable.  Wonder if Kerry, Colon, etc will rise to the top?

I am really interested in Adias vs Iceman.  We have all had Iceman and he always seemed on the verge of big time.  Wonder of this will be the time!

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I think Brenda Britton has knee pads built into her outfits.

The line-up for Brawls looks pretty solid. Two nights of action for the price of one is not a bad deal at all.

Regardless of what Kerry Von Erich says, I think he is sadly outgunned here against the Asylum. Take out one or two maybe but the whole scary group? Nope that isn't going to happen. He will need lots of help against them.

Oliver PICKED UP Blackwell? Maybe Rip should get in on that weight lifting contest?

Glamour Boys? Fantastics? They're all the same.

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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 9-15-88


Larry Nelson: Hello everybody and welcome to AWA Major League Wrestling. Brawls in St. Paul is only 3 weeks away and we'll be talking a lot about that tonight. We'll be getting a War Games preview, because tonight's main event will see Carlos Colon team with the Gunslingers to take on the Asylum. You'll also see the bench press competition between Tony Atlas and the AWA world champ Nikita Koloff. All that and a lot more, so let's get to the ring. 


'Thrilling' Tom Brandi vs. Carl Kellerman


Brandi gets the crowd warmed up and wins the match with a flying elbow drop from the top rope. 

Brandi cuts a promo and says he's looking forward to a competitive match with Scott Putski in St. Paul. 


Commercial Break 


'Dynamite' DJ Peterson vs. Mick Richards 


DJ nails his opponent with the diving shoulder block from the top rope and gets the win. DJ pumps his fists and celebrates with the fans. 


Kevin Kelly, Coast to Coast and the Vin Man hit the ring and attack DJ! The crowd pops as the Bruisers charge the ring. Vinnie and family quickly exit. The Bruisers tend to DJ as Vinnie, Kelly and Coast to Coast have a good laugh. 


Commercial Break 


'Luscious' Lanny Poffo vs. Todd Rooney 


Poffo bodyslams Rooney, goes to the top rope and finishes things off with the moonsault. Poffo gloats for a bit, then skips over to ringside. 


Nelson: Lanny Poffo, at Brawls in St. Paul, you'll be facing a man who's taken the AWA by storm. I'm talking about Paul Orndorff. 

Poffo: AHHHHHH yes, the wonderful one. My goodness that man has a splendid physique doesn't he? He comes out with his muscles all oiled up and flexes them for everybody to enjoy. Well wonderful one, it takes a lot more than that to get the job done. You have to have brains which you are clearly short on. I am intellectually superior and my wrestling skills far exceed yours. At Brawls in St. Paul, I am going to take the wonderful one to school. 


Commercial Break 


Tatsumi 'The Dragon' Fujinami vs. Trent Watkins 


Fujinami puts on a wrestling clinic before finishing his opponent off with the Dragon Suplex. 

Boos as Ray Stevens enters the ring. He starts yelling and berating Fujinami. Stevens pushes Fujinami. Fujinami has enough and puts Stevens down with a chop. 

WHAM! From behind, Jumbo Tsuruta puts Fujinami down with a clothesline. Stevens slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. Stevens slides the chair into the ring. Jumbo picks up Fujinami and powerbombs him down on the chair! Jumbo looks down at Fujinami and slowly exits. Stevens looks into the camera and says "That's a taste of what's to come at War Games!" 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: I can't believe what we just saw. Jumbo Tsuruta isn't in his right mind and we can all thank Ray Stevens for that. Well, they've both been escorted out of the building and Tatsumi Fujinami is receiving medical attention in the back. Switching gears, as you all know the AWA has been affiliated with the CWA down in Memphis. On that note, here's a special video sent in by the AWA Mid American Champ Larry Zbyszko. 

Zbyszko is standing in front of an AWA banner with the title on his shoulder.


Zbyszko: You know, I'm so sick and tired of hearing about the CWA. And I'm even more sick and tired of that Daddy's boy Jeff Jarrett. That spudhead's been shooting his mouth off for weeks. Well, it's time a legend like myself teach that punk a lesson. Listen up young Jarrett and listen well. If you ever want to take a trip to Larry Land, come on down. Or maybe I'll see you in Memphis. As much as I dislike that place, it'll be worth putting you in your place right there in front of Daddy. 


Commercial Break 


Venomous vs. Sam Smith and Royce Ramsey 


Cobra hits the snap suplex and Kat follows with a senton for the win. 

Venomous cut a promo about their upcoming losers must unmask match in St. Paul. Kat says there's no way they're leaving St. Paul without their masks but they promise the Killer Bees will! 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: Fans, as you know, Greg Gagne has put a 100,000 dollar bounty on El Canek. I've been told that at Brawls in St. Paul, there will be a bounty match. I've also been told that it is unsanctioned and will be a no disqualification match. I have no idea who Canek's opponent will be but he has agreed to the stipulations. Now, after a successful tour of Mexico, please welcome back to the AWA, El Canek. 


Cheers as Canek comes out. He stops and waves to the fans, then walks over to Nelson. 

Nelson: (shakes Canek's hand but then his eyes get wide) Watch out! 

Canek turns around as a fireball shoots at him! Canek gets his arm up just in time as the fireball hits his arm. The fans then see The Sheik standing over Canek! Security quickly run out as Sheik pushes them out of the way and exits. Medics come out and start attending to Canek's arm. 



Commercial Break


The Olympians vs. Vic Dutro and Willie Lopez 


Rheingans hits a gut wrench suplex, then tags in Patera. Patera finishes things off with a bearhug. 

Olympians cut a promo about their upcoming match with Synergy in St. Paul. They say they can't believe what poor sports Synergy are. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson informs us that Tatsumi Fujinami is going to the hospital for back x-rays. He also says that El Canek's arm is being treated as well. Nelson confirms that the Sheik will indeed be Canek's opponent in the bounty match at Brawls in St. Paul. 


'The Fortunate One' Gary Young w/Dream Machine vs. Clyde Putnam 


Dream cheers as Young wins the match with a tornado DDT! 


Nelson: Well, you guys started something and I bet your regretting it. You messed up Jerry Stubbs's face but Mr. Olympia is back for revenge. 

Dream: Listen up babay! Gary Young messed up Stubbs face so bad that he's hiding under that mask. We don't care if it's Mr. Olympia, the endgame is the same. 

Young: That's right! In St. Paul, Venomous won't be the only ones leaving unmasked. I'm going to beat up Olympia so bad and then I'm going to yank that stupid mask off his head and expose his ugly face! 


Commercial Break 


We come back and there's a weight bench in front of the ring. 


Nelson: Ok, it's time for our big bench pressing contest. Let's bring out our participants. 

Norvell Austin leads Tony Atlas to the bench. Atlas is wearing sweats and a tank top. 


The fans cheer as Nikita comes out wearing red sweats and a tank top. He holds the world title high, then sets it on the ringside table. 


Nelson: At Brawls in St. Paul, Nikita Koloff will defend the AWA world title against Tony Atlas. Before we get there, tonight these two will have a bench pressing contest. 

Norvell snatches the mic. 

Norvell: Hold up a minute Larry. My main man and future world champion Tony Atlas has something to say. 

Atlas: Nikita, as I said, we're just competitors and this is just a friendly contest. You know, looking at both of us, well it's pretty clear that I have the better build. But it aint all about the muscles, you have to have strength as well. So, let's see what you got. Why don't we warm up with some reps.

Atlas puts about 300 lbs on the bar and sits on the bench. Atlas benches a few reps and gets off the bench. Norvell towels off the bench and welcomes Nikita. Before Nikita sits down, Atlas gives him a chest flex. 

Nikita stares at Atlas, lays on the bench and benches a few reps, then sits up and gets off. Nikita turns to Atlas and gives him a chest pose. 

Norvell and Atlas nod with approval. 

Atlas: Nicely done Nikita. Ok, let me add some real weight. 

Atlas grabs a 45lb plate. 

Norvell picks up some weightlifting chalk and throws it into Nikita's face! 

Nikita is rubbing his eyes. Atlas runs over and hits Nikita in his gut with the weight plate! Nikita is hunched over as Atlas nails Nikita's back with the plate! 

Prelim wrestlers run out to stop this. Atlas grabs a mic. 

Atlas: Nikita Koloff! You can't handle what I got! (Atlas grabs the World title) "This is as good as mine!" 


Commercial Break 


Carlos Colon and The Gunslingers vs. The Asylum (Abbuda Iaukea, Tiger Jeet Singh and Kokina) 

The bell rings and we've got a pier six brawl going on. This pretty much sets the tone because several more pier six brawls follow. The final straw happens when BUZZ SAWYER hits the ring and attacks Colon! The Ref signals for the DQ. The Gunslingers are brawling with Singh and Iaukea. Kokina joins in. Sawyer is ready to pound Colon. The crowd goes nuts as KERRY VON ERICH (bandaged ribs) hits the ring! Sawyer turns around as Kerry punches him to the ropes and clotheslines him over the top. The Gunslingers continue to fight with Iaukea and Singh. Kokina grabs Kerry from behind and headbutts him. Kokina swings Kerry to the ropes but misses a clothesline, Kerry swings back, spins around and nails Kokina with a discuss punch! Kokina staggers back against then ropes. Kerry sets up for another punch, but Sawyer jumps in and tackles Kerry. Colon dives over and pounds away on Sawyer. All hell's breaking loose as the show ends.  





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Oh yeah, Larry breaks out the"spudheads". He isn't the only one who dislikes Memphis right about now - add Bert Prentice to that list. Now that he's in Larry's sights, Jeffy might be in trouble, earning himself a one way ticket to Larry Land!

Had to know there would be some shenanigans in the bench press. Got Nikita once. That won't happen again.

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Brandi is really working the "nice guy" thing heading into St Paul.

DJ is lucky The Bruisers were there to help fend off the Vin Man's new Family.

Poffo is confident he has the brains to take down the Wonderful Oone.

Jumbo Pearl Harbors Fujinami.

Larry Z's patience with Double J is wearing thin.

Venomous are on point and ready to defend their masks.

The Original Shiek throws a 100k fireball. Though i have a feeling his work's not done yet.

The Olympians continue to play the victims.

Young and Dream Machine look to put Mr Olympia on the shelf, this time for good.

I can't believe Atlas and Austin would spoil such a friendly weightlifting competition. I'm shocked...Shocked i tell you!

And we end some some predictably delightful multi-man chaos. Perfect hype builder for Wargames.

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Some cool new angles here this week in the AWA.  I like the wild Jumbo.  That would have been awesome to see.  Also, seeing the Sheik get some run is great to see.  I never saw him but from what I understand, he is a legend!  Enjoyed the weightlifting angle.  These really end well for the babyface.  Atlas proved that to be true again.  This is going to be an even match-up.  Can't wait to see which way you go with it.  St. Paul is going to be huge!

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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 9-22-88



Footage from last week is show as Norvell Austin throws weightlifting chalk in Nikita Koloff's face. That's followed by Tony Atlas hitting Koloff's mid section and back with a 45 LB weight plate. 


Larry Nelson: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of AWA Major League Wrestling. Tonight, we'll hear from the AWA world champion Nikita Koloff. Nikita's Brawls in St. Paul opponent Tony Atlas will be in action. Paul Orndorff will be in the ring. DJ Peterson and the Bruisers will take on Kevin Kelly and Coast to Coast. Rip Oliver teams with Mr. Olympia to take on Crusher Blackwell and Gary Young. Our main event will be Kerry Von Erich clashing with Kokina. All that and a lot more, so let's get to the ring. 


Synergy vs. Gordo Ganz and Robbie Rowe 


Synergy are in total unison tonight and win the match with a double dropkick. 

Synergy cut a promo on their upcoming match with the Olympians at Brawls in St. Paul. They say they're not fooled by the Olympians phony act and they're going to show them what real tag team wrestling is all about. 


Commercial Break 


The Wild Ones vs. Marv Abraham and Patrick Killian 


The Rich's get a lot of heat tonight as they toy with their opponents. They win the match with a double front face suplex. 


Nelson: Ok, you guys get a tremendous opportunity at Brawls in St. Paul. You'll be facing the Guerreros for the AWA world tag titles. 

Davey: Here we go again. Another family that thinks they're so special. Listen up Gordita's, nobody comes close to the Rich's when it comes to family values. Just ask those dopey clowns the Rose's. 

Johnny: (laughing) Hey, we're more than happy to take a break from beating up the Rose Flowers for an opportunity to beat up some banditos and win the world titles. Let the reign of the Rich's begin!  


Commercial Break 


'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff vs. Todd Rooney 


As Orndorff works over his opponent, Lanny Poffo comes out and skips around the ring. Orndorff sees Poffo and points to him, then piledrives his opponent down for the win. Poffo smiles and applauds before skipping away to the back. 

Orndorff cuts a promo and says that the next person going down to the piledriver will be Poffo and he won't be skipping away after that. 


Commercial Break 


'Dynamite' DJ Peterson and the Bruisers vs. 'Mr. Magnificent' Kevin Kelly and Coast to Coast w/The Vin Man 


We get a pretty good back and forth match. The Bruisers and Coast to Coast show off impressive teamwork while DJ and Kelly tear into each other whenever they can. Vinnie hops on the apron and is knocked down by DJ, which cause a pier six brawl. The Ref is tied up with the Bruisers and Coast to Coast as they pound away on each other. DJ knocks Kelly down with a diving shoulder tackle and covers but Vinnie comes off the top rope with a knee drop on DJ's head. Vinnie rolls Kelly on top and slides out of the ring. The Ref runs over and counts 1..2..3! BOOOOOOO! 


Commercial Break 


Footage from last week is shown with the Sheik throwing a fireball at El Canek. 


Nelson: Fans, you just saw that shocking footage and luckily El Canek was able to get his arm up in the nick of time. He did suffer burns to his arm but vowed he will be in St. Paul for the bounty match against the Sheik. Now, before we see the Sheik in action, we have comments from Greg Gagne, who started all this with that stupid bounty. 


Gagne is in a hospital rehab room.

Gagne: As all you idiots can see, I'm making huge strides in my rehabilitation. Rest assured I'll be back in no time. Now! As for the man that did this to me, El Canek, well, his days are numbered. This will be the best 100,000 dollars ever spent. The Sheik is the most dangerous assassin in the world and there's no way Canek is going to survive St. Paul. Canek's going to learn a life lesson and that is nobody messes with Greg Gagne...and I mean nobody! 


The Sheik vs. Sam Smith 


Sheik just obliterates his opponent and puts him out of his misery with a double foot stomp from the 2nd rope. Just for his entertainment, Sheik pulls out a foreign object and basically carves into Smith's forehead. The red X is shown on TV over Smith's bloody face. Security rushes out to stop this. Larry Nelson quickly cuts to a commercial. 


Commercial Break 


The Rose Cousins vs. Vic Dutro and Willie Lopez 


Rose's look tip top tonight and win the match with the Rose Bomb. 


Nelson: Alright, another great win. At Brawls in St. Paul, you boys get a crack at Badd Company and the National tag titles. Now, Baby Doll thinks the Rich's took a lot out of you and this will be an easy win for Badd Company. Your response? 

Randy: As you just saw, the Rose's are primed and ready for this opportunity. We're coming for the National titles and we're 100%! 

Pat: That's right! Baby Doll and Badd Company can underestimate us all they want, but in St. Paul they're in for a rude awakening. 


Commercial Break 


'Crippler' Rip Oliver and Mr. Olympia vs. Crusher Blackwell and 'The Fortunate One' Gary Young w/Dream Machine 


Hard hitting seesaw match. Throughout the match, Blackwell and Oliver have several intense slugfests. Young and Olympia pound away on each other. In the final minutes, things get heated. Dream loads his mask and gets on the apron. Olympia runs over and grabs Dream. Young runs over and nails Olympia from behind with a knee to the back. Oliver comes over, grabs Young and hits a belly to back suplex. Blackwell swings off the ropes and hits a splash on Oliver. The Ref is totally confused but makes the count. Olympia staggers over but Dream Machine runs in the ring and headbutts Olympia with his loaded mask. Young picks up Olympia and drops him with a tornado DDT. Blackwell wants in on the fun, so he gives Oliver another body splash. Young, Blackwell and Dream celebrate. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: Fans, with me now are the Fantasics. Well, nothing has been settled between you and the Glamour Boys, but you all get another chance in St. Paul. 

There's a commotion as the Glamour Boys come out. 

Doll: Hey, it's all good here. We just want to tell the Fantastics that we're looking forward to Brawls in St. Paul and to finally prove that we're the better team. 

Simpson: Yea, hey, and we mean that with the upmost respect. You guys are well, fantastic but we're just a bit better. 

Fulton: Look guys, we love your enthusiasm but watch the sarcasm. Don't let your arrogance be mistaken for confidence. 

Rogers: Just remember, the Fantastics have been at the top of the mountain for a long time and we're going to show you guys why in St. Paul. 

The Glamour Boys nod and extend their hands. The Fantastics are leery but shake hands. Nothing happens but the tension is there. 


Commercial Break 


'The Man of Steel' Tony Atlas w/Norvell Austin vs. Burt Eastwood 


Atlas breaks out all the power moves as he works over poor Eastwood. Atlas presses Eastwood over his head, holds him there before slamming him down. Atlas presses Eastwood again and snake eyes him on the top turnbuckle. Atlas puts his boot on Eastwood's chest and flexes as the Ref makes the count. 


Nelson: That was some friendly weightlifting contest last week. You guys might've made a colossal mistake. Just listen to these words from the AWA World Champ Nikita Koloff. 


Nikita's mid section is taped but he's working out and bench pressing some serious weight. He stops and sits up. 

Nikita: Tony Atlas! All you did was provoke a monster! All you did was give me motivation, motivation to destroy you in St. Paul. I promise you this, I will be in St. Paul, I will inflict pain on you like you've never felt in your life and I will walk out with my AWA world title! The Russian nightmare is coming and that will be your worst nightmare! 

Nikita ends the video with a trap pose. 

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Nelson: What do you have to say to that? 

Norvell: Look at my man, Tony Atlas! Does he look scared? Tony, are you scared? 

Atlas: Hell no, I'm not scared! Last week was just a taste. I held way back. That was nothing. Oh no, I'm saving my freak strength for St. Paul. I'm going to pound Nikita down to nothing. I'm going to crush his body and his soul. He'll never be the same again after St. Paul. You're done Nikita! That world title belongs to me! 

Norvell: Larry Nelson, you're looking at the next AWA world champion and you better bet on that! 

Atlas flexes. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: Fans, before we get to our main event, I've been told that AWA TV champ Brian Adias has requested a face to face with Iceman Parsons next week. Those two will meet in St. Paul so this should be interesting. Ok, main event time. 


Kerry Von Erich vs. Kokina 


The bell rings and we get a big staredown. But before anything happens, Abbuda Iaukea and Tiger Jeet Singh hit the ring and attack Kerry. Before Kokina can join in, the Gunslingers run in with fists flying. Buzz Sawyer runs out but before he gets in the ring, Carlos Colon runs out and grabs him, then slams his head on the apron. Colon's all over Sawyer but out comes Ray Stevens as he leads Jumbo Tsuruta out. Hold on! Tatsumi Fujinami comes out wearing a back brace. Fujinami chops Stevens down which is followed by an intense chopfest with Jumbo. 

The match might've ended in a quick DQ but the fans get to see a wild fight. Kerry and Kokina trade blows. The Gunslingers and Asylum fight to the outside. Colon and Sawyer are in the crowd. Jumbo and Fujinami continue to beat each other up. The fans can only imagine what the War Games will be like. 





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Synergy ain't buying what the Olympians are selling.

The Wild Ones can already taste the gold. Gorditas lol.

The psychological battle between Orndorff and Poffo begins.

Vin Man coming in clutch. Yeah!

The Shiek sends Canek a bloody message.

Not to be outdone by the Rich's, the Rose's are ready for their shot at the National Tag titles.

Former Gagne Gang members Blackwell and Young reunite and leave their respective rivals laying.

The Fantastics and Glamour Boys are right on the edge of blowing up on each other.

The Man of Steel looks to pry the World title away from the Russian Nightmare.

Adidas wants a face-to-face with the Iceman. I'm sure he just wants a nice, respectful conversation.

Another great preview for Wargames to send us off the air.

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First, I gotta ask ... where do you get the names of all your enhancement talent? Are some of them from a name generator?

The Richs look pretty confident in having to face the Guerreros which in and of itself is no easy task. Not to say they don't have a chance at winning the titles since they have been firing on all cylinders since getting on the same page but I think it will be a harder proposition than they think it is.

Atlas or Nikita? Tough one here as they are pretty strong guys but Atlas has Norvell in his corner and if Nikita is still feeling it after the attack, I am thinking Tony Atlas has the advantage going into the match.

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Atlas-Nikita!  This one is so hard to call.  I am guessing it might even depend on who you have next to challenge for the AWA title!  If you got a rising babyface coming up next, Atlas might just take the belt in St. Paul.

Kerry keeps finding a bunch of people coming after him!  This has been a fun intro to the AWA for VonErich.

Sheik has wasted no time in causing chaos!  I wish I had seen more of him in real life.  He seems to be one of the biggest heels of his time!

St. Paul is going to be awesome.

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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 9-29-88


Larry Nelson: Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of AWA Major League Wrestling. Brawls in St. Paul is only one week away and I can tell you tensions are running high in the AWA. We'll be talking a lot about that event tonight. Well, let's get to the ring. 


AWA World Tag Team Champs The Guerreros vs. James Beck and Michael Remar 


The Guerreros are on fire tonight and win the match with a double slam followed by stereo elbow drops. While the Guerreros are celebrating their win, the Rich's come out wearing ponchos and sombreros. They pull out some rattles and start shaking them and dancing. The Guerreros see this and head out towards them, but the Rich's get out of there quick. 

Nelson: Hector and Chavo, come on over. Looks like the Rich's are playing games. Don't worry, you'll get your chance at Brawls in St. Paul when you defend the world tag team titles against them. 

Hector: Those Rich boys think they're funny but in St. Paul, we'll get the last laugh when we teach them what tag team wrestling is all about. 

Chavo: That's right! They just made a big mistake making fun of our heritage and at Brawls in St. Paul, they're going to pay the price. There's a reason why we're world champions and the Rich's will soon find out why. 


Commercial Break 


Crusher Blackwell vs. Trent Watkins 


Blackwell destroys Watkins and finishes things off with a big splash. 


Nelson: Ok, Crusher Blackwell, you've got a big match with Rip Oliver in St. Paul.

Blackwell: Big match? It's going to be me flattening that wimp! It's time to remind Oliver and all these idiots what Crusher Blackwell is all about. Last week I left Oliver laying in the ring, when I'm done with him at Brawls in St. Paul he's going to look like a pancake. 


Commercial Break 


'Thrilling' Tom Brandi vs. Arnie Goldstein


Brandi excites the fans and wins the match with a flying elbow drop from the top rope. 


As Nelson starts interviewing Brandi, Scott Putski comes out. Putski says he's looking forward to a competitive match with Brandi in St. Paul. Brandi agrees and they both shake hands. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: Fans as you know, the co main event at Brawls in St. Paul will be the War Games match. (gets nervous) joining me now is one of the teams participating. Here comes Abbuda Iaukea, Tiger Jeet Singh, Kokina, Buzz Sawyer and Jumbo Tsuruta along with his manager Ray Stevens. 

Nelson runs away when Singh swings his sword at him. Sawyer is wildly swinging his chain. Kokina stands there looking menacing. Jumbo has his arms folded. Abbuda picks up the mic. 

Abbuda: Opportunity! That's what War Games is! We get to annihilate and destroy all our enemies at one time. Kerry Von Erich! You wanted to get involved and now you have no way out! Kokina will put you down and do it with ease. I want to thank you Kerry Von Erich, because you have brought out the beast in Kokina and he will be fully unleashed at War Games! 

Singh: Gunslingers! The Asylum is going to have fun ripping, cutting and tearing you apart in the cage! Buzz, tell us what you're going to do to our old friend Carlos Colon. 

Buzz: Colon! I told you our war wasn't over! I'm not done having fun and at War Games I'm going to make you squeal in pain! (maniacal laugh) 

Stevens: I told everyone that Jumbo Tsuruta hasn't reached his full potential. Tatsumi Fujinami was the weak link and in St. Paul, Jumbo will show the world and Tatsumi Fujinami what he's truly capable of. 

Abbuda: You see, there is no weakness amongst us. This won't be a match, it will be a massacre! 


Commercial Break 


Mr. Olympia vs. Todd Rooney 


Olympia quickly wins the match with a sleeper. 

Wait a minute! 

Gary Young and Dream Machine hit the ring. Dream charges but Olympia back drops him, then clotheslines Young down and exits the ring. The fans are cheering as Dream and Young stagger around the ring. 


Commercial Break 


"Dynamite' DJ Peterson vs. Earl Harris 

DJ hits the flying shoulder block from the top rope and it's all over. 


Nelson: DJ, you and Kevin Kelly have been at each other for 3 years now. At Brawls in St. Paul I'm sure this will finally get settled in a last man standing match. 

The fans boo as The Vin Man strolls out with Kevin Kelly and Coast to Coast. Boos turn to cheers as the Bruisers come out and stand with DJ. 

Nelson: Ok, let's all just relax and keep this civil. 

Vin: Come on Larbo, we're just out here for a friendly chat with our old buddy Doofus, oh I mean, DJ Peterson. These bone heads, oh wait, I mean Bruisers are making this confrontational. 

Things get tense. Kelly gets the mic.

Kelly: (Looks at DJ) This is between you and me Peterson! 3 years! 3 years, you and me have been going toe to toe. Then a miracle happened and we became champions together, but you ruined that and it reminded me of why I hated you so much. At Brawls in St. Paul, I'm going to pound you down and trust me you won't be getting up. I'll be the last man standing and you'll be waking up the next day crying. 

Kelly throws the mic at DJ. DJ smiles and clocks Kelly with a right cross! Coast to Coast and the Bruisers go at it and now we have a pier six brawl! Vinnie sprints out of there. DJ and Kelly are rolling around on the ground punching each other as a commercial hits. 


Commercial Break 


The Killer Bees vs. Vic Dutro and Willie Lopez 


Bees are in sync tonight and win the match with a double dropkick. 


Nelson: You guys came into the AWA and immediately targeted Venomous. Well, at Brawls in St. Paul, the masks will all be on the line. Now are you regretting messing with Venomous? 

Bee 1: We don't regret anything! We're here to prove that we're the greatest masked team in wrestling! Venomous are imposters and hide under their masks like cowards! 

Bee 2: We wear our masks for pride, honor and tradition. Our identities have been kept a secret because of our rich and sacred tradition. In St. Paul we will be victorious and we will be the last great masked team in the AWA. The worst part will be having to expose the ugly faces of Venomous. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: With me now is the AWA Mid American Champ Larry Zbyszko. 

Zbyszko: As always, let me correct you spudhead. I'm the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko. 

Nelson: (rolls his eyes) My apologies. 

Zbyszko: That's better. Now, because the competition is so lacking in the AWA, I don't even have a title defense scheduled for Brawls in St. Paul. Can you believe that? Well, wait a minute, I guess I can. Nobody wants to be embarrassed by a living legend on pay per view. 

Nelson: Now, hold on. I understand you do have a title defense in St. Paul, the AWA just had to work out a few things. Let me bring out the AWA C.O.O. Gerry Morrow and he'll explain everything. 

Brenda Britton comes out with Morrow. 

Britton: Beat it Nelson. 

Nelson shakes his head and walks away. 

Morrow shakes Zbyszko's hand. 

Britton: Hi everybody! Ok Gerry, tell the legend the great news. (Zbyszko nods at that)

Morrow: Larry, Brawls in St. Paul is going to be a 2 night spectacular and it wouldn't be dat without you defending de Mid American title. I have worked out a deal with de CWA and they have agreed to send in Jeff Jarrett for de title shot. I know you two have been sparring and now is de chance to resolve all dis. What do you say Larry? Make de AWA proud. 

Zbyszko: I like the way you think Gerry and a living legend like myself needs to show the world what AWA wrestling is all about. That punk Jarrett has been shooting his mouth off and I would love to shut him up in St. Paul. I'm in! As for you Jarrett, welcome to Larry Land! 

Britton: Another successful moment for you Gerry. You've done it again. Until next time, tooooodles. 


Commercial Break 


AWA National Tag Team Champs Badd Co. w/Baby Doll vs. Carl Kellerman and Neil Jordan 


Tanaka hits Jordan with a karate kick as Diamond follows with a back suplex for the win. 


There's not really a promo because when Nelson mentions the Rose Cousins chances of winning the National tag titles in St. Paul, Baby Doll and Badd Co can't stop laughing. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: The War Games match in St. Paul will be nothing short of violence and mayhem. With me now is the other participating team. I'm talking about Kerry Von Erich, Carlos Colon, Tatsumi Fujinami and the Gunslingers. I'm sure you heard the ominous words of your opponents earlier. 

Kerry: Larry, I came into the AWA and went right into the fire. The Asylum injured me but here I am still standing. I've got a fearless team right here with me and at War Games, we'll be the winners of this war! 

Colon: Buzz Sawyer! You and...

CHAOS ensues! 

Kokina, Abbuda, Singh, Sawyer and Jumbo storm the scene! 

It's an all out fight! Fists and bodies are flying everywhere! Pandamonium! 


Commercial Break 


The place is busted up bad. Nelson is a bit shaken and takes us to final words from Tony Atlas and Nikita Koloff. 


Atlas is standing with Norvell Austin in front of an AWA banner. 

Atlas: Nikita Koloff! Kiss your title goodbye boy! I'm stronger and more powerful than you and you damn well know it! At Brawls in St. Paul, there's a freight train coming and I'm going to run you into the ground! You're looking at the next AWA world champion and there's nothing anyone can do about it, especially you Nikita! 

Atlas rips his shirt off and flexes. 


Nikita is lifting weights in his Russian Dungeon. 

Nikita: (military presses and yells Atlas, then slams the weight down) Tony Atlas, your time has come. You flex your muscles and tell everyone how strong you are. That will mean nothing when I hit you with the Russian sickle! In St. Paul the Russian Nightmare is coming and I'm coming for your head! The AWA world title will stay right here with me! 

Nikita motions the Russian sickle as the show ends. 


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Los Guerreros are primed and ready to defend their titles.

Blackwell looks to Crush Oliver in St Paul.

Brandi and Putski are keeping things civil.

Can't blame Nelson for bailing on the heel team for Wargames.

Mr Olympia beats three men in the span of a few minutes. He's certainly looking good heading into St Paul.

After 3 long years, are we finally looking at the end of the Peterson/Kelly saga.

The Bees are ready to expose Venomous for the world to see.

Double J gets his shot at Mid-America title. Question is, is he taking the title back to Memphis or just a shirt from Larry Land?

Poor Nelson can't catch a break from the Wargames participants.

Atlas and Nikita exchange heated words to close the show.

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Great show leading into the Brawls at St. Paul.

The highlight for me was Nelson.  He is one of those announcers that I always remember being more famous for his facial expressions than his words and you really brought back some memories of those ESPN shows.  I loved when you had him afraid during the interview for War Games with the sword.  I also liked his interaction with Larry Z along with his eye roll at being sent off by Brenda B.

While I also like so many of the matches in St. Pauls, I must admit that I am most interested in Larry Z vs JJ!  Can't wait.  Great show.

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AWA TV Special 

Brawls in St. Paul Preview show

Hosted by Ken Resnick. 


Resnick: Hello AWA fans, tonight I'll give you the full rundown of the 2 night pay per view spectacular Brawls in St. Paul. However, before I get to that, I have a segment to show you. On the last episode of AWA Major League Wrestling, the 2 teams participating in War Games were involved in a huge melee. A lot of damage was done to the set including camera equipment. After the show concluded, we were able to get the cameras rolling. A face to face between TV Champ Brian Adias and his upcoming challenger Iceman Parsons took place. You're going to see that footage right now. 


Larry Nelson: Fans, with me now is the AWA TV Champ Brian Adias. Brian, you have requested a face to face with Iceman Parsons. Well, let's bring him out. 

Parsons walks out and stares down Adias. 

Adias: Take it easy Iceman. Look, you have every right to be upset with me. 

Parsons: You got that right! You know Brian, I knew you changed but I never thought you would resort to hitting me with that title of yours. That was low, weak and a cowardly act. 

Adias: I deserved that. You and I go way back and I just lost my cool. I want to make this up to you. As you know I'm sort of a big deal in Hollywood right now. They all want a piece of the A-Lister. Well, I need some help and that's where you come in. How would you like a job? You would be working full time for me. I need somebody to drive me to all my meetings and I think you would be perfect. Look, I even bought you a hat. 

Adias shows Parsons the hat and puts it on his head. 

Adias: You look great! What a fit. 

Parsons takes the hat off, looks at it, then throws it in Adias's face. 

Parsons: Brian, you're nothing but a rooty poo and I want to give you a first class whipp'n right now but after what just happened here, I'm going to hold back and win that TV title in St. Paul. 

Parsons turns around to leave. Adias is fuming and nails Parsons from behind with the TV title. Adias stands over Parsons and rakes his boot across Parson's face. 

Adias: I'll always be one step ahead of you Parsons, because I'm just better than you. (Adias puts on his sunglasses) That's why I'm the A-Lister. 

Adias picks up the hat, dusts it off and drops it on Parsons face. 


Resnick runs down the Brawls in St. Paul pay per view card. 2 nights for the price of 1. 


AWA World Title Bout 

'The Russian Nightmare' Nikita Koloff (C) vs. 'The Man of Steel' Tony Atlas w/Norvell Austin 



Kerry Von Erich/Carlos Colon/Tatsumi Fujinami/Gunslingers


Kokina/Buzz Sawyer/Abbuda Iaukea/Tiger Jeet Singh and Jumbo Tsuruta w/Ray Stevens 


AWA World Tag Team Title Bout

The Guerreros (C) vs. The Wild Ones 


AWA Mid-American Title Bout

'The Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko (C) vs. CWA's Jeff Jarrett 


AWA National Tag Team Title Bout

Badd Co. (C) w/Baby Doll vs. The Rose Cousins 


AWA TV Title Bout 

'The A-Lister' Brian Adias (C) vs. Iceman Parsons 


Non Sanctioned NO DQ Bounty Match 

El Canek vs. The Sheik 


'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff vs. 'Lucious' Lanny Poffo 


The Fantastics vs. The Glamour Boys


Mr. Olympia vs. 'The Fortunate One' Gary Young w/Dream Machine


Last Man Standing Match

'Dynamite' DJ Peterson vs. 'Mr. Magnificent' Kevin Kelly w/The Vin Man 


The Olympians vs. Synergy


'Crippler' Rip Oliver vs. Crusher Blackwell 


The Bruisers vs. Coast to Coast w/The Vin Man 


Losers must unmask 

Venomous vs. The Killer Bees 


Scott 'Powerhouse' Putski vs. 'Thrilling' Tom Brandi 


Plus, each night will feature a special interview with debuting AWA wrestlers. 




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Love the wrestling figure stadium.  What a card for St. Paul... AWA may need a cool down when this is done because of all the action.  Here's my picks...


AWA World Title Bout 

'The Russian Nightmare' Nikita Koloff (C) vs. 'The Man of Steel' Tony Atlas w/Norvell Austin 



Kerry Von Erich/Carlos Colon/Tatsumi Fujinami/Gunslingers


Kokina/Buzz Sawyer/Abbuda Iaukea/Tiger Jeet Singh and Jumbo Tsuruta w/Ray Stevens 


AWA World Tag Team Title Bout

The Guerreros (C) vs. The Wild Ones 


AWA Mid-American Title Bout

'The Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko (C) vs. CWA's Jeff Jarrett 


AWA National Tag Team Title Bout

Badd Co. (C) w/Baby Doll vs. The Rose Cousins 


AWA TV Title Bout 

'The A-Lister' Brian Adias (C) vs. Iceman Parsons 


Non Sanctioned NO DQ Bounty Match 

El Canek vs. The Sheik 


'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff vs. 'Lucious' Lanny Poffo 


The Fantastics vs. The Glamour Boys


Mr. Olympia vs. 'The Fortunate One' Gary Young w/Dream Machine


Last Man Standing Match

'Dynamite' DJ Peterson vs. 'Mr. Magnificent' Kevin Kelly w/The Vin Man 


The Olympians vs. Synergy


'Crippler' Rip Oliver vs. Crusher Blackwell 


The Bruisers vs. Coast to Coast w/The Vin Man 


Losers must unmask 

Venomous vs. The Killer Bees 


Scott 'Powerhouse' Putski vs. 'Thrilling' Tom Brandi 

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Larry Nelson: Hello everybody and welcome to the first night of Brawls in St. Paul. We've got two nights of non stop action coming your way. Tonight's card will be headlined by the AWA world title bout. You'll also see the world tag team title bout as well as the Mid American title bout. All that plus a very special Beauty Shop. Brenda has promised us a huge guest tonight. Ok, let's get to the action. 


Scott 'Powerhouse' Putski vs. 'Thrilling' Tom Brandi 

The match starts with a handshake. Both men are in tremendous shape. The first few minutes is back and forth as they pretty much mirror each other with high octane offense and power moves. Putski takes control with a back elbow smash. Putski works Brandi over with forearm blasts, body slams and knee drops but can't put Brandi away. Brandi turns the tide with a back drop and follows that momentum with drop kicks, hip tosses and elbow drops but Putski stays alive. Brandi slams Putski and goes to the top rope, leaps off and comes down with a flying elbow drop but Putski moves. Putski and Brandi are lying side by side. Both men stagger up. Putski grabs Brandi and hits a bridging back suplex 1..2..(Brandi lifts his shoulder)..3! 

Putski jumps up and celebrates but the Ref reaches down and raises Brandi's arm. Pustki is questioning the Ref and the Ref explains what happened. Brandi stands up and offers a handshake to Putski. Putski is upset and just walks away. Brandi is puzzled but pumps his fist to the fans. 

Winner of the Match- Tom Brandi 


The Bruisers vs. Coast to Coast w/The Vin Man 

The bell rings and both teams start brawling. Things get rough and Vinnie leaps over the top rope to get outta there. Bruisers get the upper hand and stereo clothesline Tatum and Victory over the top rope. Vinnie rushes over to regroup his men as Busick and Strong soak in the cheers. 

The Ref gets control as Tatum and Strong start things off. Strong has Tatum pinballing all over the ring. Tatum looks like he wants to cry as he tags in Victory. Victory charges but Strong back drops him and tags in Busick. They swing Victory to the ropes and put him down with a double back elbow smash. Busick swings Victory to the ropes and clotheslines him down 1..2..Tatum drops an elbow on Busick's head. Strong runs in but the Ref guides him back. This allows Tatum to suplex Busick. Tatum goes back to the corner as Victory crawls over and tags him in. 

Tatum drags Busick to the ropes and chokes him on the bottom rope. Tatum grabs the top rope and drops several knees on Busick. Victory hops down and chokes Busick on the bottom rope as Tatum swings off the opposite ropes and hits a body guillotine on Busick. Tatum tags in Victory. Tatum holds Busick as Victory comes off the top rope with a fist to the face. Tatum and Victory double suplex Busick. Victory covers but Strong breaks it. Tatum comes in but Strong knocks him through the ropes. The Ref guides Strong back. Victory slams Busick, goes to the middle ropes and comes down with a knee drop 1..2..Kick Out. Victory tags in Tatum. They swing Busick to the ropes but miss a double clothesline, Busick swings back and clotheslines both men, then tags in Strong. 

Strong is pumped up and takes it to Tatum and Victory. Strong hurls Victory out of the ring. Strong picks up Tatum and hits an overhead suplex. Strong grabs Tatum and executes a gut buster, then tags in Busick. Busick applies the stump puller on Tatum! Victory runs in but Strong clotheslines him down, then hurls him over the top rope. Busick still has Tatum in the stump puller. As the Ref goes over to check on Tatum, Vinnie runs in the ring and starts kicking Busick. The Ref signals for the DQ. 

Strong walks over and pulls up Vinnie by his hair. Vinnie is pleading for his life. Strong swings Vinnie to the ropes and powerslams him! Busick picks up Vinnie, swings him to the ropes and hits the spinebuster slam! Vinnie's out, the fans are cheering as the Bruisers fist bump each other. 

Winners of the Match by DQ- The Bruisers 


Last Man Standing Match! 

'Dynamite' DJ Peterson vs. 'Mr. Magnificent' Kevin Kelly w/The Vin Man 

Kelly seems a bit distraught because after what just happened. Looks like the Vin Man won't be joining him tonight. DJ seems to be in high spirits because now he won't have to deal with Vinnie's distractions. 

The bell rings. These two are face to face. 3 years of feuding comes down to this match. They start trading verbal jabs, then have a shoving match which leads to an all out slugfest. They spend the first few minutes just hammering away on each other with hard fists. The tide turns several times and eventually both men are busted open and bleeding. They keep fighting in and out of the ring. On the outside, Kelly swings DJ into the steel post. DJ hits hard and staggers back as Kelly applies his full nelson! Kelly wrenches away, swings DJ around like a rag doll and tosses him on the cement. DJ is down and hurting as the Ref starts the 10 count. DJ starts to rise but Kelly kicks him back down, which just means the Ref has to start the count over. This pisses Kelly off even more but all that does is delay the count. The Ref finally continues the count. DJ is able to rise at 9. Kelly grabs him and hurls him into the ring. Kelly goes to the top rope. DJ staggers up as Kelly leaps off but DJ flips him over with a punch to the gut. 

The fans fire DJ up. Kelly rises as DJ grabs him, swings him to the ropes and puts him down with a shoulder block. Kelly staggers up as DJ swings off the ropes and puts him down with another shoulder block. DJ body slams Kelly, then dives down, pulls Kelly's head up by his hair and just pounds away on Kelly's face. DJ grabs Kelly's head and bounces it several times on the canvas. DJ 

Boos as Coast to Coast run down the aisle. Cheers as the Bruisers come down after them and fight them back up the aisle. 

DJ goes to the top rope. Kelly slowly staggers up as DJ nails him with the flying shoulder tackle. DJ picks up Kelly and applies a full nelson! DJ wrenches away, swings Kelly around and tosses him across the ring. The Ref starts the count. The fans count along 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10! BIG POP! 

DJ simply raises his arms in triumph. He looks down at Kelly and actually gives him a slight nod of respect. 

Winner of the Match- DJ Peterson 


'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff vs. 'Luscious' Lanny Poffo 

The bell rings and Poffo's antics are at an all time high as he skips around the ring and taunts Orndorff. They go to lock up but Poffo ducks it, then skips around with joy. They go to lock up again and Poffo does the same thing, then points his finger to his temple. They try it a third time and once again, Poffo ducks it. Poffo smiles and gives Orndorff a double bicep pose. They go to lock up again, but this time Orndorff kicks Poffo in the gut and follows with a gut wrench suplex. Poffo staggers up as Orndorff scoop slams him down, swings off the ropes and hits a delayed knee drop 1..2..Kick Out. Orndorff picks up Poffo and clamps on a headlock then wrenches away and nails the top of Poffo with several fists. Orndorff releases the headlock as Poffo wobbles around and falls down. Orndorff covers 1..2..Kick Out. Orndorff swings Poffo into the corner and charges in but Poffo raises both boots as Orndorff runs right into them. 

Poffo regroups, picks up Orndorff and slams his head on the top turnbuckle several times. Poffo bites Orndorff's face as the Ref scolds him. Poffo snapmares Orndorff over and follows with a running neck snap. Poffo skips around in sheer delight, then starts stomping away on Orndorff. Poffo picks up Orndorff and hits a delayed vertical suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Poffo berates the Ref. Poffo swings Orndorff to the ropes and puts him down with a dropkick. Poffo does a cartwheel and poses for the booing fans. Poffo slams Orndorff and goes to the top rope. Poffo goes for his moonsault but Orndorff puts his knees up as Poffo crashes down hard on them. 

Orndorff regroups and looks pissed. Orndorff swings Poffo to the ropes and nails him with a running axehandle. Orndorff swings Poffo to the corner and charges in with a running knee to the mid section. Orndorff swings Poffo to the opposite corner and follows with a running clothesline. Orndorff suplexes Poffo back. Orndorff goes to the top rope. Poffo slowly rises as Orndorff puts him down with a double axehandle. The fans cheer as Orndorff gives the signal. He hoists Poffo up and drops him with the piledriver 1..2..3! Orndorff gets up, wipes his forehead and flings the sweat down on Poffo. 

Winner of the Match- Paul Orndorff 


The Beauty Shop is set up with the glowing neon 'Beauty Shop' sign. 

Britton: Hi everybody! It's been awhile, but trust me, this guest deserves a special beauty shop welcome. Because as you all know, everything happens on the Beauty Shop. I'm so excited because once again, Gerry Morrow has signed a true wrestling superstar. This man needs no introduction but I'm going to give him one anyways. Please welcome to the AWA, Terry Bam Bam Gordy! 

A gasp goes over the arena as Terry Gordy heads down the aisle wearing jeans and a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-Shirt, along with a black cowboy hat. 

Britton: Terry Gordy, it's my pleasure to welcome you to the AWA. 

Gordy: Thank You Brenda. I'm going to make this short and sweet. I came to the AWA to kick ass and take names. Well, the only name on my list is Kerry Von Erich! There's nothing I hate more than a Von Erich! When Gerry Morrow reached out to me, it was a no brainer because I knew that yellow, spinless coward Kerry Von Erich was here. You've been dodging and running from me for too long Kerry! I'll tell you something boy, you better hope you don't make it out of War Games tomorrow night because if you do, I'm going to be right here waiting. You're just lucky I'm not in that match or you wouldn't survive boy! Get ready Von Erich, because I'm coming for you and coming hard! 

Gordy storms off.

Britton: WOW! My goodness! Well, I told you all and I'll tell you again, it all happens on the Beauty Shop. Until next time tooooodles! 


Losers must unmask! 

Venomous vs. The Killer Bees 

As soon as the bell rings, the Bees attack Venomous. They hurl Cobra out of the ring and work over Kat. They swing Kat to the ropes and double back drop him. Cobra goes to the top rope. The Bees turn around as Cobra nails them with a flying body press. The Bees roll out of the ring as Cobra helps Kat up. 

The Ref gets order. Bee #1 goes after Cobra but Cobra hip tosses him over. Bee #1 staggers up as Cobra takes him over with a flying head scissors followed by a scissor lock. Bee #2 runs in, but Kat dropkicks him back. Bee #1 reaches the ropes as Cobra releases the hold. Cobra swings Bee #1 to the ropes and puts him down with a spin kick, then tags in Kat. Bee #1 staggers up as Kat puts him back down with a roundhouse kick. Kat follows with a snap suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Kat picks up Bee #1 for a suplex but Bee #2 runs in and clips the back of Kat's knees. The Ref guides Bee #2 back. Bee #1 crawls over and tags in Bee#2. Bee#2 stomps down on Kat, then picks him up and hits a backbreaker. Bee#2 hops on the middle ropes and crashes down with an elbow drop 1..2..Kick Out. Bee#2 tags in Bee#1. They swing Kat to the ropes and hit him with a double dropkick 1..2..Cobra breaks it. Bee#2 charges Cobra but Cobra puts him down with a spin kick. The Ref guides Cobra back. Bee#1 swings Kat to the ropes and goes for a back drop but Kat leapfrogs over, jumps on the middle ropes and comes back with a flying back elbow smash on Bee#1. Kat dives over and tags in Cobra. 

Cobra hits a snap suplex on Bee#1. Bee#2 runs in but Cobra scoop slams him down. Cobra swings Bee#1 to the ropes and puts him down with a front dropkick. Cobra goes to the top rope but Bee#2 runs over and pushes Cobra off. Bee#1 rolls over and tags in Bee#2. Bee#2 runs over and slaps Kat. Kat charges in but the Ref guides him back. This allows the Bees to double throat drop Cobra on the top rope. Bee#2 works over Cobra, then tags in Bee#2.  Bee#2 slams Cobra as Bee#1 follows with a slingshot splash 1..2..Cobra gets his foot on the rope. The Bees continue to double team Cobra and tag in and out. Bee#2 holds Cobra as Bee#1 comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick but Cobra grabs Bee#2 and pulls him in front as Bee#2 nails his partner with the dropkick. Cobra rolls over and tags in Kat. 

Kat goes off on the Bees with slams, drop kicks, clotheslines and roundhouses. Kat is in control but a knee to the back from Bee#1 stops the momentum. The Bees start double stomping Kat, then swing him to the ropes and double hip toss him. The Bees start going for Kat's mask, but Cobra runs in with fists flying. Kat staggers up and it's a pier six brawl. Kat and Bee#1 are fighting in one corner as Cobra and Bee#2 are fighting in the other. The Bees have the upper hand. They signal to each other and swing Venomous towards each other but Kat leapfrogs over Cobra. Cobra dropkicks Bee#1 as Kat dropkicks Bee#2 back into their corners. Venomous grab the Bees and swing them into each other. The Bees collide and stagger back as Venomous grab them and execute stereo back suplexes 1..2..3! Huge POP! 

The fans are cheering as Venomous rise. The Bees are dazed and confused. Venomous sit the Bees up, relish the moment, untie the masks and yank them off! To the shock of I'm sure everybody in the arena and the millions watching on pay per view, the Bees are revealed to be Jim Brunzell and Brian Blair. 

Venomous hold the Bee's masks in the air as the fans cheer. 

Winners of the Match- Venomous 


AWA World Tag Team Title Bout 

The Guerreros (C) vs. The Wild Ones 

The Wild Ones enter the ring wearing 'Viva La Rich's' shirts. The heated boos turn to deafening cheers as the Guerreros hit the ring and tackle the Wild Ones! They pound away on the Wild Ones, rip off their shirts and start choking them with the shirts. The Ref finally gets order. Holds up the tag titles and signals for the bell. Davey and Johnny are still on the outside and probably regretting making fun of the Guerreros. The Wild Ones start yelling up at the Guerreros. The fans go nuts as the Guerreros perform stereo suicide dives on the Wild Ones. They hurl the Wild Ones back in the ring and the match is on. 

The opening minutes is all Guerreros as they take turns pinballing the Wild Ones all over the place. The Guerreros are putting on a tag team clinic as they flawlessly work over the Wild Ones with pure wrestling and crisp double team maneuvers. It looked like this was going to be a total mismatch until Hector swung off the ropes and was clotheslined by Johnny (on the apron) from behind. Hector staggers into a clothesline from Davey. Davey then tags in Johnny. 

The next segment belongs to the Wild Ones as Hector takes quite a beating. Say what you will about the Rich's but they can get down to business in the ring. They use hard hitting moves, brutal double teaming and of course they throw the rulebook out the window. The Wild Ones are on the verge of winning the titles until Davey attempts a back drop and Hector kicks him and makes the hot tag to Chavo. 

Chavo goes on a tearer as he takes it to the Wild Ones. Chavo works Davey over with a vengeance. He hits a backbreaker, then applies the Boston Crab. As Chavo wrenches away, Johnny runs in and nails Chavo with a boot to the face. Hector runs in but the Ref guides him back. Johnny drags Davey over and tags himself in. 

Once again, the Wild Ones take control and work over Chavo. They double team more and more until Hector has enough and runs in and dropkicks the Wild Ones down. Hector gets his shots in before going back to his corner. This gives Chavo enough energy to make the tag. 

Johnny charges but Hector back drops him. Davey gets up but Hector dropkicks him out of the ring. Hector works over Johnny and hoists him up for a slam but Davey comes off the top rope with a double axehandle to the back of Hector's head. Chavo runs in and punches away on Davey. Hector and Johnny stagger up. Hector grabs Johnny, leaps over the top rope and snaps Johnny's head on the top rope. Hector goes to the top rope. Chavo back drops Davey. Davey gets to his knees. Johnny staggers up in front of Davey. Hector leaps off the top rope and hits a flying body press on Johnny. Johnny trips backwards over Davey with Hector on top 1..2..3! BIG POP! 

The fans are up and cheering as the Guerreros hold their titles high. 

Winners of the match and still AWA World Tag Team Champs- The Guerreros 


AWA Mid-American Title Bout 

'The Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko (C) vs. CWA's Jeff Jarrett 

Jerry Jarrett gets cheered as he's announced. He escorts his son to the ring, shakes his hand, waves to the fans and goes to the back. Zbyszko gets major heat as he arrogantly walks to the ring with a smug look. He grabs the mic. 

"AWWWWW what's the matter? Didn't daddy want to stick around and see me embarrass you tonight? Don't worry, I'm sure he'll stay and powder your behind and give you some sound fatherly advice when I'm through with you. But first I'll give you some. Give it up kid" 

Zbyszko tosses the mic. Jarrett lets this roll and stays focused. The introductions are made. Zbyszko irks everybody as he takes his sweet time handing the title to the Ref. 

The bell rings and Zbyszko is so confident that he doesn't play his usual stalling game. They go to lock up but Jarrett grabs Zbyszko and quickly cradles him 1..2..Zbyszko's legs are flailing but he kicks out. Jarrett executes a couple more quick pin attempts, but Zbyszko barley kicks out of them. Zbyszko's off his game now as Jarrett continues to frustrate him with takedowns, arm bars, headlock takeovers, drop toe holds and of course hip tosses and dropkicks. Zbyszko is finally able to roll out of the ring and now he plays the stalling game. Zbyszko finally gets on the apron. Jarrett rushes him but Zbyszko rakes his eyes and snaps him on the top rope. 

Zbyszko methodically works Jarrett over with his vast martial arts skills. He pushes Jarrett into the corner and connects with a spin kick to the mid section. Zbyszko grabs Jarrett and hits a butterfly suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Zbyszko follows with a variety of suplexes but can't put Jarrett away. Frustration shows as Zbyszko angrily stomps down on Jarrett. Zbyszko hits a fireman's carry slam 1..2..Jarrett gets his shoulder up. Zbyszko picks up Jarrett and hurls him out of the ring. The Ref starts counting. Jarrett tries to get back in the ring but Zbyszko kicks him back down. The Ref backs Zbyszko up. Zbyszko spends too much time yelling at the Ref. Jarrett staggers up to the apron. Zbyszko goes over but Jarrett hits Zbyszko with a shoulder thrust and sunset flips over 1..2..Kick Out. Both men rise as Jarrett back drops Zbyszko over the top rope. 

Jarrett regroups and fires up. Zbyszko staggers around on the outside and slowly gets on the apron but doesn't want back in the ring. Jarrett runs over, grabs the ropes and slingshots Zbyszko back in the ring. It's all Jarrett as he bounces Zbyszko all over the ring and has him staggering with some hard hitting Memphis punches. Jarrett swings Zbyszko into the corner, hops up on the turnbuckles and hits Zbyszko 10 times as the fans count along. Jarrett monkey flips Zbyszko over. Jarrett hops on the middle ropes and crashes down with a fist drop 1..2..Kick Out. Jarrett swings Zbyszko into the corner but Zbyszko gets tangled up with the Ref. The Ref takes a bump and is down. 

Jarrett picks up Zbyszko and hits a spinning neckbreaker! Jarrett covers but the Ref is still out. Jarrett stands up and sees the Ref. Jarrett goes to help the Ref. While Jarrett is tending to the Ref, Zbyszko rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. Jarrett sees that the Ref is moving. 

WHAM! Zbyszko nails the back of Jarrett's head with the chair! Zbyszko tosses the chair, picks up the lifeless Jarrett and hits a reverse neckbreaker. The Ref rolls over and counts 1..2..3! BOOOOOOOOOO! 

Jerry Jarrett comes into the ring with the medics. They tend to Jeff as Zbyszko walks over and holds the Mid American title in front of Jerry's face. 

Winner of the Match and STILL AWA Mid-American Champ- Larry Zbyszko 


Larry Nelson: What a night it's been and we still have another night of action tomorrow. How about the arrival of Terry Gordy? Unbelievable. Well, the night's not over yet, up next is the big AWA world title bout. 




'The Russian Nightmare' Nikita Koloff (C) vs. 'The Man of Steel' Tony Atlas w/Norvell Austin 

Elaborate entrances for both men. The Light show is in full effect.

Norvell is wearing a fancy red tuxedo as he leads Atlas to the ring. Atlas is wearing blue wrestling pants, red boots and a Superman cape. 

Nikita is all business with his traditional singlet and the world title around his waist. 

The introductions are made as both men never take their eyes off each other. The Ref holds the title high as Nikita and Atlas continue to stare each other down. The Ref signals for the bell.

Atlas gives Nikita a full chest pose and gives him the 'I'm going to break you in half motion' 

Nikita fires back with a trap pose and tongue out. 

Atlas goes for a clothesline but Nkita ducks and punches away on Atlas. Nikita scoop slams Atlas. Atlas is shocked and embarrassed. Atlas gets up and charges but Nikita back drops him. Norvell gets on the apron but Nikita knocks him off. Atlas slowly rises but Nikita sends him flying with a knee lift. Atlas rolls to the apron and to the ground. Norvell staggers up and helps Atlas. Nikita goes to the outside and rams their heads together. Nikita hurls Atlas back in the ring. As Atlas staggers up, Nikita swings off the ropes and puts him down with a flying shoulder block 1..2..Kick Out. Nikita hoists Atlas up for a suplex but Norvell reaches in and trips Nikita. Nikita and Atlas crumble down. The Ref yells at Norvell but Norvell denies everything. 

Both men stagger up. Atlas grabs Nikita and snake eyes him on the top turnbuckle. Atlas clears the cobwebs. Atlas picks up Nikita and body slams him down with authority. Atlas stomps down on Nikita, hops on the middle turnbuckles and comes down with a forearm drop 1..2..Kick Out. Atlas picks up Nikita and shows off his strength by pushing Nikita into the corner. Atlas goes off on Nikita with punches and thrusts. Atlas swings Nikita to the ropes and puts him down with a high knee 1..2..Kick Out. Atlas hoists Nikita up and holds him before dropping him back with a hanging suplex. Atlas swings off the ropes and goes for a jumping knee drop but Nikita moves. 

Atlas gets up and limps around. Nikita slowly rises. Atlas charges Nikita but Nikita catches him with a quick powerslam 1..2..Kick Out. Nikita punches away on Atlas, swings him to the ropes, kicks him in the gut and snap suplexes him over 1..2..Kick Out. Nikita swings off the ropes but Norvell reaches in and grabs his foot. Nikita shakes him off and goes out after him. Norvell sprints around the ring. Nikita gets his focus back and gets back in the ring but is met with a running forearm blast by Atlas. 

Atlas puts his muscles to work and batters Nikita with several power moves. Atlas swings Nikita to the ropes and hits a sidewalk slam. Atlas picks up Nikita and in an impressive feat of strength, presses Nikita over his head. Atlas holds him up, then slams him down. Atlas swings off the ropes and hits a body splash! Norvell is celebrating as the Ref counts 1..2..NO! Nikita gets his shoulder up. Both Norvell and Atlas are berating the Ref. Atlas even threatens to hit him. Atlas slowly stands over Nikita. The fans cheer on Nikita as he starts hitting Atlas in the mid section. Nikita keeps hitting him and starts to rise. Atlas takes a big swing but Nikita ducks and atomic drops Atlas into the turnbuckles. 

Nikita shakes his fists, grabs Atlas and hits a German suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Nikita swings Atlas into the corner and follows with a running forearm blast. Nikita follows with a gut wrench suplex 1..2..Norvell gets on the apron. Nikita gets up and grabs Norvell. Nikita lifts Norvell off his feet and pulls him into the ring. Atlas staggers up and charges Nikita with a high knee but Nikita moves and Atlas sends Norvell flying out of the ring. Nikita swings off the ropes, Atlas turns around as Nikita nails him with the Russian Sickle 1..2..3!!!!!!! The place goes nuts! 

Night 1 ends with Nikita standing on the turnbuckles, holding the world title high. 

Winner of the Match and STILL AWA World Champion- Nikita Koloff




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Night 1 in St Paul. Let's go!

Brandi wins by a hair and Putski doesn't take it well.

Vinnie spares his boys a pinfall loss but The Bruisers make him pay for it.

Without the Vin Man to worry about, DJ puts Kelly down for the count.

Poffo gets caught up putting on a show and Orndorf catches him.

Terry Gordy is a huge get for the AWA and he immediately puts the resident Von Erich on notice.

Venomous show who the best masked tag team really is and take the Bee's masks as proof.

The Rich's literally trip over each other allowing Los Guerrero's to retain.

Double J take his long awaited trip to Larry Land.

After a hard-hitting affair, Nikita still stands on to of the mountain.

Bring on night 2!

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