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WWE Wrestlemania 38 the Mania of Wrestling


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I value my time with you guys and most especially during the mutual Mania coping session, but I just can't this year. I might pop in based on something I see online or what not, but I just can't take the production values and hearing the word stupendous every other minute and the weird, weird corporate speak, and a card full of matches no one cares about and with stakes that should matter but absolutely don't. I wish you guys all the best of luck in surviving what you inflict upon yourselves over the next two nights and do apologize for not helping you through it as per usual. Maybe next year.

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  On 4/2/2022 at 10:10 PM, Johnny Sorrow said:

Sharmell's speech last night was amazing. If you didn't check it out, you should. She's on another level as a public speaker.


I actually found her speech a bit grating. I think it was "overwritten" as they say. Maybe she speaks that ornately in real life, but to me, it came across as unnatural, especially as, at tiimes, it seemed like she was over-enunciating. 

That being said, I did think it was cool when the fans chanted "You deserve it" for her as obviously the reaction to her being inducted was "mixed" at best on the internet/social media. And, having seen how deeply moved and appreciative Booker was to see his wife get that moment, I think turning the HoF into a participation trophy isn't really all that big of a deal. I mean, a guy like Tyson Kidd or Alicia Fox are not necessarily wrestlers/performers with Hall of Fame credentials, but its nice to think that one day they might get their moment too. 


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  On 4/2/2022 at 10:42 PM, sek69 said:

Still kinda gross that a legit hero like Shad gets honored with an award named after trash. 


Didn't JTG lobby for it? If his tag team partner and family are okay with it, that's all that matters.

But yeah, I wish the award had nothing to do with Warrior - especially since it's not even what he intended.

Warrior wanted the Jimmy Miranda Award to recognize great behind-the-scenes workers.


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  On 4/2/2022 at 11:31 PM, C.S. said:

Didn't JTG lobby for it? If his tag team partner and family are okay with it, that's all that matters.

But yeah, I wish the award had nothing to do with Warrior - especially since it's not even what he intended.

Warrior wanted the Jimmy Miranda Award to recognize great behind-the-scenes workers.



Yeah  JTG  did lobby for it, and by what the award has come to mean he absolutely deserves it..... its just like you said it would be nice if WWE had one self aware moment and realize the people who get that award don't deserve to be used to whitewash a piece of garbage. 

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  On 4/2/2022 at 11:14 PM, Matt D said:

I value my time with you guys and most especially during the mutual Mania coping session, but I just can't this year. I might pop in based on something I see online or what not, but I just can't take the production values and hearing the word stupendous every other minute and the weird, weird corporate speak, and a card full of matches no one cares about and with stakes that should matter but absolutely don't. I wish you guys all the best of luck in surviving what you inflict upon yourselves over the next two nights and do apologize for not helping you through it as per usual. Maybe next year.



 I can’t.  I just…can’t. Life is too short to subject myself to hours of nauseating quick cuts peppered with Michael Cole bleating out WWE robocorporatespeak at the top of his lungs. I don’t know what the hell WWE has turned into but it sure isn’t Pro Wrestling anymore. I used to enjoy these PWO watch along threads but even that isn’t enough anymore to get me to watch this shit.

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Mania!  There are enough interesting matches to make for one really solid show and enough filler that each night has ample bathroom, refreshment and other appropriate breaks.  But at the end of the day its still Mania and that's as good an excuse as any to hang and hopefully enjoy a couple big shows.  

Surprised at the opener but let's hope Shinsuke can turn the clock back....over a half decade at this point?  

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  On 4/3/2022 at 12:15 AM, sek69 said:

Well they are in the Cowboys stadium, so it's not for no reason


You're right... Next time they're in the American Airlines arena, I expect all of the stewardesses to come out, offer refreshments, and make sure everyone's seats are in the upright position. 

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Roman vs. Brock

Charlotte vs. Ronda

Becky vs. Bianca

AJ vs. Edge

Seth vs. Cody (maybe?)

RK Bro vs. Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Choose your own adventure for 1 or 2 more matches.

That's a solid Mania lineup and a show I'm looking forward to.  I'll always prefer the full weekend over a 6-7 hour night, but they don't have the booking for compelling back to back nights.

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