sek69 Posted January 31 Author Report Share Posted January 31 9 hours ago, El-P said: Meanwhile, "Papa Trip" is going into the WWE Hall of Fame. This is HILARIOUS how everything revolves around this guy jerking off at the screen. Yeah, he really doesn't want any spotlight, ya know... 😂 I don't disagree, but he *did* work some miracles like being able to mend fences with Bruno. Plus he was able to get WWE to pretty seamlessly transition into a post-Vince world, and I'd argue he deserves to be in the HOF just for getting rid of Kevin Dunn's nauseating TV production. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El-P Posted January 31 Report Share Posted January 31 I mean, I don't give a flying fuck about HoF, much less the WWE HoF. But the term "merit" next to Paul Lesveque is the most hilarious one ever. This guy's "merit" in one sentence : "Married the boss' daughter". Hell, he's *still* living off Vince's last successful projects (people don't want to hear about it for many reasons, but the company's upswing started under Vince) : Cody as champ, Bloodline storyline, Netflix deal under the TKO umbrella. But that's neither here not there. The truly hilarious thing to me is that all we heard was how Triple H did not want to be in the spotlight, yet he's putting himself in the spotlight all the time, to the point of inducting himself in the HoF one year and a half after being the #1 guy in creative. I can't think of a more Trip thing, ever. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheDuke Posted January 31 Report Share Posted January 31 18 hours ago, El-P said: This is HILARIOUS how everything revolves around this guy jerking off at the screen. Reading this has made me wonder if Triple H spewing the bottle water mist in his entrance was supposed to be symbolic of him having an orgasm. He was in DX which had that "sex-is-funny/let's-pretend-to-hump-things" humor. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johnny Sorrow Posted February 1 Report Share Posted February 1 15 hours ago, TheDuke said: Reading this has made me wonder if Triple H spewing the bottle water mist in his entrance was supposed to be symbolic of him having an orgasm. He was in DX which had that "sex-is-funny/let's-pretend-to-hump-things" humor. I'm gonna start spitting up a fountain of beer every open of Mystery Titans Theatre from now on. It'll be just a few dribbles , but it'll be intense. And hawt. Just like Jacob Fatu. Holey Moley, Fatu tonight! He's such a star. He's my current favorite wrestler, by FAR. He's real and everything he touches feels real as a result. He's THE best promo in the game, nothing scripted, just REAL PRO WRESTLING and it's awesome. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strobogo Posted February 1 Report Share Posted February 1 TNA has been weeks away from closing down for a solid decade, and has been actively trying to get bought out by AEW/WWE for years. Of course the current regime is aware WWE is going to gut them, and the hope is that WWE just buys them outright. In a way for the library it might be the best option. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Thread Killer Posted February 4 Report Share Posted February 4 Based on the fan reaction on Raw tonight, sounds like the fans aren’t any more excited about seeing Charlotte again than most people around here were How often does somebody come back from a year+ layoff and get booed? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JHawk Posted February 4 Report Share Posted February 4 It's not even booed like New Day after turning on Big E or Logan Paul for being a piece of shit. It's clearly "we didn't miss you at all" which is mind boggling to me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Thread Killer Posted February 4 Report Share Posted February 4 21 minutes ago, JHawk said: It's not even booed like New Day after turning on Big E or Logan Paul for being a piece of shit. It's clearly "we didn't miss you at all" which is mind boggling to me. It really doesn’t help her that, even when she’s trying to be all sincere and heartfelt, Charlotte comes across as eminently unlikable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Thread Killer Posted February 4 Report Share Posted February 4 The Creed Brothers are getting a shot at the War Raiders? Good. Those guys are awesome, if not a little green. I would very much like to see more of them on TV. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sek69 Posted February 4 Author Report Share Posted February 4 As soon as Scott's kid gets into the biz we need him and Bron vs the Creeds as soon as humanly possible. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strobogo Posted February 4 Report Share Posted February 4 Watched Raw because I figured the show after Rumble with them being as hot as they were would have to be interesting. What I saw was a lot of very sloppy work, lot of real long and not good promos (Seth's was just atrocious), and the crowd not seeming to be very into much of anything after Jey's opening segment, including Punk vs Sami. The reaction to Charlotte seemed indifferent at best, annoyed at worst. The Jey/Charlotte segments being the same thing just inverted seemed very lazy. Sami vs KO 300000 on deck. Bunch of stars you'd think would be there just because it was the show after Rumble that weren't: Cena, Cody, Trish, AJ (who is now a Raw talent and still wasn't there), Drew, Roman, any of Jey's family there to hype him up except for Sami in the back. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DMJ Posted February 4 Report Share Posted February 4 I also watched most of Raw for the first time since the Netflix show and, before that, many years. I had the day off work and had f-all to do this morning. I skipped through it a bit, but thought what I saw was mostly okay-to-good. - I'm not a fan, but Jey has to beat GUNTHER at Mania. I'm a far bigger GUNTHER fan, but it is what it is. GUNTHER will be fine. He's in the best shape of his life, over as a heel (which means, he'll soon be over huge as a face), and works a hard-hitting but manageable style on a relatively lighter schedule than the superstars of 10 years ago. Jey is really over with the WWE live audiences, though, and needs to get the W if they see him - and we have every reason to believe they do - as being a top babyface for the next few years. 39 isn't super young, but it isn't super old either. What's kinda crazy is that Seth Rollins is a year younger than him, but has been a main eventer for coming on a decade so he feels like he's from a previous generation. - Speaking of Rollins, much to my surprise, I have found myself enjoying his segments more now that he's separated from the championship picture. It took working with Punk and Zayn and Drew this past year and not appearing on every show, every week for me to actually care about his character. This wasn't his best work, but I disliked it less than others it seems. - Was glad to see they're going heel with Charlotte. It did not take the audience long to react negatively towards her and I'll give her some credit: if this promo was at all going to be a litmus test for how to move forward, she 86'd the compassionate plea for fan acceptance fairly quickly and went right into heeling it up. My question is whether she can really "go" anymore after all the injuries and time off. She looked pretty rusty at the Rumble (which could be expected) and she was never super smooth. That being said, I think she delivers in big matches and am probably a bigger fan than others. Lastly, I know its really wrong to say this but I'm a little worried if her ability to express emotion is going to be hindered a bit by her...uh...cosmetic choices in the face department? I'm probably in the minority, but I thought her expressions used to be awesome, whether it was the obnoxious, arrogant smirks and eye-rolls or when she'd "Hulk Up" and get super-pissed like in the Rousey match. - Was Liv vs. IYO the best actual match of Liv's career? I know in terms of audience interest and stakes and all that, Liv's feud with Rhea was much more heated, but I thought they tore the house down and I liked the finish and how it could lead to Rhea/IYO squaring off in the future. I don't expect IYO to win the title or anything, but a Rhea/IYO match sounds like good TV. - Liked Zayn/Punk a good deal too. Finish never felt like it was really in question, but there were still some cool sequences and the drama was there. Zayn is so, so good at being the underdog and I liked that Punk inserted a little bit of his trademark asshole-ishness at times. If Punk ever does go heel (and I'm not sure he really will or even could as so much of the audience is just dyed-in-the-wool Punk fans), I'd love to see Zayn be the guy he worked with because the chemistry was there and I think the promos would be fire too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strobogo Posted February 5 Report Share Posted February 5 This idea of the internet fans not being into Jey is wild, because that dude has been the most visibly over guy for like 2-3 years now even if perhaps he doesn't deliver in ring or promo. Crowds absolutely love him in arena and this is the hottest time WWE has ever been. You can't pretend actually he's not good when you can see full arenas and stadiums going hard for him. There's no smark argument to make against him. The crowds love him in the hottest era since Attitude Era and money wise ever. I suppose that's just the default internet fan stance since the usenet era. Gotta hate on whoever is pushed hardest. Presumably even pre usenet and still fully actually paper and text Observer era. But you can't deny how over Jey is no matter what. You can't do "he is a bad promo/worker" shit when he's getting full stadiums and arenas being 100% into him. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NintendoLogic Posted February 5 Report Share Posted February 5 We've now reached the point where Fandango gets a nostalgia pop. I'm honestly impressed by how douchey Lexis King's facial hair is. Just looking at him caused me to instinctively clench my fist. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dav'oh Posted February 5 Report Share Posted February 5 7 hours ago, strobogo said: You can't do "he is a bad promo/worker" shit when he's getting full stadiums and arenas being 100% into him. Trained monkeys who can only get up for catchphrases, all drawn by the brand, cheering for you on cue, means I can't point out how comparatively staggeringly woeful your work is? Yeah, nah. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strobogo Posted February 5 Report Share Posted February 5 55 minutes ago, Dav'oh said: Trained monkeys who can only get up for catchphrases, all drawn by the brand, cheering for you on cue, means I can't point out how comparatively staggeringly woeful your work is? Yeah, nah. Live audiences love him and this is the hottest WWE has ever been. Bringing it down to just responding to cues is nonsense. Dude gets the real over from full arenas and stadiums for quite a while now. Doesn't matter if you think think his work or promos aren't good. Impossible to deny how over he is with giant crowds all over the world. I personally am happy for him as a viewer since he debuted and the long Uso run. I don't think he's great at anything, but it is fun to see a true underdog shocker Rumble win and that dude been over as fuck for years now. Internet smarks in 2025 hating on him is nonsense because it is impossible to pretend he isn't mega over watching any show. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strobogo Posted February 5 Report Share Posted February 5 The people yearn for yeet Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sek69 Posted February 5 Author Report Share Posted February 5 The entire job of a wrestler is to get over. Some do it by being awesome in the ring, some do it by being a top notch promo, and sometimes a guy just connects to the audience. All are equally valid IMO. Even if someone isn't your cup of tea, if it's over it's over. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Jackson Posted February 5 Report Share Posted February 5 He truly is his father's son, massively over during an all-time hot period, but no great shakes in the ring or on the mic Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Thread Killer Posted February 5 Report Share Posted February 5 19 hours ago, DMJ said: I also watched most of Raw for the first time since the Netflix show and, before that, many years. I had the day off work and had f-all to do this morning. I skipped through it a bit, but thought what I saw was mostly okay-to-good. Yeah, I watched the whole show as well, and I agree with your assessment overall. "Okay-to-Good" is a pretty accurate rating. There was nothing terrible in there, and there was some good stuff for sure. Nothing great, but it was an easy watch which (as I said before) certainly hasn't been the case when it comes to Raw in years past. -> That opening segment was something. What a fan reaction. 18 hours ago, strobogo said: This idea of the internet fans not being into Jey is wild, because that dude has been the most visibly over guy for like 2-3 years now even if perhaps he doesn't deliver in ring or promo. Crowds absolutely love him in arena and this is the hottest time WWE has ever been. I can't argue with you there. Even if I hated Uso (which I definitely don't) you would be a fool to deny how hot the guy is right now, and you have to go with the hot hand. I also have to give it to WWE creative for going with Uso when they have so many other easy alternatives. In the past, I think they have sometimes gone with other guys in Main Event spots because of injuries or whatever...almost out of necessity. This time, they have a glut of certified Main Event level guys who you could easily slot into this spot, but they are going with Uso. I didn't expect it, but I get it and I don't hate it at all. And when was the last time this company actually made a creative decision you couldn't see coming from a mile away? Gunther was great in this segment, as well. -> I thought the Penta match was good as well. He's definitely being used well, between the hype he's getting, the string of wins on TV, and his performance in the Rumble. I liked how they really put over how he was this year's "Iron Man." I'm not 100% sure where they are going from he heading into a feud with Kaiser based on the post match attack, or is he heading into a feud with Dunne based on the promo interruption...or is he going to end up feuding with both of them and need some backup from somebody who hasn't shown up yet (fingers crossed?) -> Like I mentioned earlier...that Charlotte promo was rough, but I still am not sure if that was intended or not. As I said earlier in this thread, I can't ever remember a major star coming back from a prolonged layoff due to injury and getting booed. That was just weird. 19 hours ago, DMJ said: Was glad to see they're going heel with Charlotte. It did not take the audience long to react negatively towards her and I'll give her some credit: if this promo was at all going to be a litmus test for how to move forward, she 86'd the compassionate plea for fan acceptance fairly quickly and went right into heeling it up...That being said, I think she delivers in big matches and am probably a bigger fan than others. I am really not sure what they were going for here, but I don't mean that as an insult. It almost seemed like she was trying to do the whole heartfelt babyface promo, but the fans wouldn't let her, so she kind of just gave up on it. I don't think she was acting particularly heelish when the fans started to boo her. I don't know if this was what they expected and planned for it, if they were sending her out there to test the waters and see how the fans treated her, or what the idea was. I'm with you though, @DMJ I don't hate Charlotte anywhere near as much as a lot of other people seem to. She certainly has the skills and has proved repeatedly she can deliver in the ring. Off topic a bit...I actually have a certain degree of sympathy for Ashley Flieher as a real human being. Not to be insulting, but I think she has some problems. I think growing up as Ric Flair's daughter did a number on her psychologically. It's a documented fact that her brother's death really messed her up. And I saw her A&E Biography. As obnoxious as she comes across, I think she has some self confidence/identity issues and (if I may play amateur psychologist) a case of body dysmorphia. It was all there in that Biography special. It seems like she feels if she starves herself, sculpts her body enough and gets enough cosmetic procedures she's going to feel good about herself and like who she is. It's kind of sad to see. Anyhow, getting back to the segment...if they end up going with Rhea vs. Charlotte at WM, you won't hear any complaints from me. That match they had at Wrestlemania 39 was the best match on the show, and Rhea was right when she said during this segment that she has only gotten better since then. -> They need to decide where they are going with this New Day heel turn. It's starting to become more apparent that this angle is not going to involve Big E, or even Big E managing another team against them, so this is going to run out of steam if they don't throw another development (or other participants) into the mix. One of the reasons the fans were so into this whole thing is because they love Big E. If you remove him from the equation, I think you have to give the fans somebody else to cheer for. I'm not sure Rey and Dragon Lee are the guys to do it, either. The match was what it was, a serviceable TV match. I'm not sure what the point of Logan Paul being out there was, either. -> The Sky vs. Morgan match was pretty damn good. I was a bit surprised it ended up in a DQ, but there you go. I have to admit I have totally turned around on Morgan. I used to think she was pretty useless, but the whole angle with Rhea was gold (although Dom and Rhea deserve a lot of credit for that) and I'm actually interested to see where she goes from here. 23 hours ago, strobogo said: What I saw was a lot of very sloppy work, lot of real long and not good promos (Seth's was just atrocious), and the crowd not seeming to be very into much of anything after Jey's opening segment -> I agree with you that what started as a very hot crowd at the start of show, fell off HARD. And I blame Seth Rollins for that because his segment was exactly like the legendary Flowbee hair-cutting somehow managed to suck and blow at the same time. He was obnoxious and insufferable, and I know it's easy for some people to say "He's supposed to be like that, it's his character" but I don't know what the point of having him act like that really is. He attacked Roman, who is crazy popular. He trash talks Punk, who is crazy popular. He calls out Sami Zayn and gives him some sort of weird pep talk/stern lecture. I don't get it, I don't like it and I think it's stupid. Just when Rollins starts to not grate on my nerves, along comes a segment like this. I don't know if it's the creative, or Rollins, or both...but this really didn't hit for me, and based on the crowd reaction, it didn't hit for them either. 20 hours ago, DMJ said: Liked Zayn/Punk a good deal too. Finish never felt like it was really in question, but there were still some cool sequences and the drama was there. Zayn is so, so good at being the underdog and I liked that Punk inserted a little bit of his trademark asshole-ishness at times. If Punk ever does go heel (and I'm not sure he really will or even could as so much of the audience is just dyed-in-the-wool Punk fans), I'd love to see Zayn be the guy he worked with because the chemistry was there and I think the promos would be fire too. -> I liked the Main Event too. I figured I knew what the result was going to be, but damned if they didn't pull me into it anyhow. Zayn is so good, and Punk has certainly proved since his return from his injury last summer that he can still go when it matters. As far as the attack by Owens...meh. Both these guys are pros and are still at the top of their games, and obviously there is plenty of documented proof that they can work well against each other, but the other part of me is wondering why they are doing this angle AGAIN. Even if you discount their history in ROH, these guys have had this whole love/hate thing going on since NXT, and I'm not sure how much I want to see them against each other again. This roster is so stacked, I find it hard to believe that they can't find somebody fresh for both guys to work against. I read somewhere that Owens and Zayn apparently always wanted to work against each other at Wrestlemania, so maybe this is some sort of bucket list deal for them, I don't know. I don't totally hate it, but I'm definitely not in love with it either. Overall, this was definitely a fair-to-good episode of Raw. I was never bored, and it clocked in at around 2 1/2 hours, so that's a win as well. Let's see where things go from here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KawadaSmile Posted February 7 Report Share Posted February 7 Yeah I don't get the negativity towards Jey either. He has had an absurd run as a tag wrestler (Usos vs KO/Sami was like, two years ago?) so we KNOW he's a good wrestler. He has had great segments as a singles wrestler, both in sérios and funny tones. People just like that guy and WWE is giving them what they like. How is that a bad thing? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Thread Killer Posted February 8 Report Share Posted February 8 So based on who has already qualified for Elimination Chamber and the remaining qualifying matches that have been announced, it looks like: Cena, Punk and McIntyre confirmed. I assume Logan Paul beats Rey, and Rollins beats Balor to go in. The remaining spot will go to the winner of Strowman vs. Priest vs. Fatu. Not sure who takes that one? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strobogo Posted February 8 Report Share Posted February 8 I think they could super load the EC so you can get a bunch of Cena revisiting classic feuds in one shot without having to do full matches (which you could if you wanted to), Cena vs Cody at WM with Cena winning and Cody in the Cena end of WM 28 reaction (also Cody end of WM 39 reaction) that sets Cody down a heel path that he seems to be teetering towards from the KO feud. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Thread Killer Posted February 8 Report Share Posted February 8 I was surprised when I saw that they were going to the Main Event already at 10:35 PM. And then I remembered that this is WWE, so the entrances are going to take 15 minutes. I’ve been loving Raw since the “Netflix Era” began, but June can’t come soon enough for me, when SmackDown goes back to 2 hours. I don’t care how good things have gotten creatively for WWE, 3 hours is too much of a slog. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Thread Killer Posted February 12 Report Share Posted February 12 Well…that didn’t take long. Ricky Starks in NXT, although I noticed they did not call him Ricky Starks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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