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The guy made $35 million last year and is still working Smackdown tapings in places like Little Rock, Hershey, and Sacramento because he loves it so much. He's even sticking around for Extreme Rules. I think it's pretty likely that he didn't make the call. It is fair to point out that Hogan always got knocked if he didn't mention TNA on press tours, though, since it would theoretically be the same situation.

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Guest Andrews

Is an apology coming for the number of times through the years that Dave has criticized Hogan for the exact same thing? The Rock pandering is ridiculous these days.


--Dwayne Johnson didn't mention WrestleMania at all last night on Jay Leno. That likely means it was the G.I. Joe people who set up the appearance and told him to only plug the movie. Most of the time when it comes to shows like this, what you can plug is worked out ahead of time between the people who book you on the show and the people on the show. People critical of him for this one must not realize that it wasn't his decision, and usually these things aren't the decision of the celebrity.

Dave is spot on there.


But yeah, I seem to recall him criticizing Hogan for not plugging TNA when he appeared on various shows.

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Looking through WON archives and found this passage from Dave that I don't think is completely wrong, but I know some will. I don't think it's completely right either.


I noticed a lot more big moves than on a typical WWF or WCW PPV event, but the overall working between the guys had weaknesses. It's usually a lot better to work hard and not be perfect than to be lazy and make no mistakes.

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From today's update:


--Dwayne Johnson will be on FOX during the prime time block tonight promoting G.I. Joe. So a heads up warning so you can get mad at him if he doesn't bring his WWE title belt or talk WrestleMania.

Dave's Rock pandering is much worse than even his Flair pandering.

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This reminds me of Dave criticizing Rey and Eddie for working smart on house shows and not doing the go-go-go Kurt Angle style he loves so much.

I've decided to go through Kurt Angle stuff since I ignored most of it while it aired. I watched a battle royal where he won the title on Smackdown and Mark Henry was awesome in it at least.


It is last man standing matches that I am really looking forward to watching. It seems like the type of match that would force him to pull back a bit to make the counts mean something. I am assuming it won't and he will be getting up at 2 rather than 9 to make it more realistic.

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I actually recall Kurt going the other way and getting up right on the count of 10 to make things more 'dramatic'/replicate a 2.9 count. I remember in the last man standing he had with JBL on Smackdown there were a couple of times where he pushed it really, really close, and I think at least one time where he clearly didn't make it up before the 10 count, and I think got booed for it.

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Guest Andrews

From today's update:


--Dwayne Johnson will be on FOX during the prime time block tonight promoting G.I. Joe. So a heads up warning so you can get mad at him if he doesn't bring his WWE title belt or talk WrestleMania.

Dave's Rock pandering is much worse than even his Flair pandering.


Nothing is worse than the Flair pandering. Anybody have the GIF of him reacting OTT front row of a Flair / Steamboat match?

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Today's WOR


Bryan: I heard from people planning on smuggling a laptop into WrestleMania to watch the New Japan PPV at the same time.

Dave: They're not on at the same time.



What a stupid waste of money. Hey let me pay for two wrestling events at the same time where I'll only even watch half of each!
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Was Dave watching Wrestling from the Olympic in LA when he was growing up? The stuff I've seen from that territory in a Piper comp was a really boring style.

Dave's a NoCal native. He grew up watching Shire's promotion, not the LA promotion. Also, his time of getting into pro wrestling would predate Piper coming to LA.



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Getting TV and seeing squashes isn't really the same thing as going to matches and seeing guys actually work. When Dave talks about the wrestling he watched as a kid, and the stuff he thought was great, it draw on San Fran stuff, and to a bit lesser degree Florida stuff as I seem to recall he had family there that he would summer with on occasion. Don't recall if he ever actually went to the matches there. Frisco... he went to the Cow Palace as a kid.

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For those that subscribe online, what format is the Observer delivered each week If its clean and easy to print and save I'd consider switching from my print subscription to online.

It's not delivered in any format, it's just posted on the page like any story on the site. I copy and paste it into a word doc I set up that looks pretty identical (same title page), change the font size and save it as a PDF to read on my iPad. Takes a couple of minutes each week and I don't have to worry about ripped pages anymore. PM me with your email address if you'd like a copy of the template.

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If I'm not mistaken, what Dave said about the Eddy/Rey house show matches was that audiences were disappointed by them because they were expecting lots of high-flying lucha action.


Anwyay, that quote from the archives is from his Summerslam 1995 review, which also contains the following love letter to HBK:


You can call him the Ric Flair of the 90s or the most talented American worker of all-time. You should call him WWF champion. Michaels, in comparison with Flair, is far superior athletically, and as charismatic as Flair was at his peak, Michaels has the potential to far surpass him there. Michaels is not Flair's equal on interviews and Flair's one advantage when it comes to in-ring performance is that in his prime he did it 300 nights a year with a level of consistency that Michaels and nobody else in WWF can come close to. But I don't think on Flair's best day he could have put on a show like Michaels did at SummerSlam.

I don't think even Shawn's mom would go that far.


Also, in his review of that year's KOTR, he said that Lawler wrestled an outdated style. These days, he's a lot more appreciative of Lawler and not quite as enamored of Hot Moves.

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If I'm not mistaken, what Dave said about the Eddy/Rey house show matches was that audiences were disappointed by them because they were expecting lots of high-flying lucha action.

I saw one of the Eddy/Rey house show matches at the Cow Palace and it was awesome. However, if fans were at all disappointed I wouldn't totally blame them as the program (sold at the show itself AND what WWE had posted on their website) billed it as "Eddy Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio in the Match of the Year!"

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