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It was three weeks later.




WWE @ Cleveland, OH - Gund Arena - March 10, 2003

Sunday Night Heat:

Rodney Mack (w/ Teddy Long) pinned Tommy Dreamer with a swinging neckbreaker

Spike Dudley pinned Mike Stryker with the Dudley Dogg

Molly Holly pinned Jackie with a roll up

Steven Richards (w/ Victoria) pinned Al Snow with the DDT


Chris Jericho & Christian defeated Rob Van Dam & Kane when Jericho pinned RVD with the Lionsault; after the bout, Shawn Michaels superkicked Jericho on the rampway

Jeff Hardy pinned Rico (w/ Rosey & Jamal) with a roll up

Trish Stratus fought Jazz to a no contest when WWE Women's Champion Victoria hit both participants with the title belt in the first 10 seconds of the match; the bout was to have determined the #1 contender for the women's championship

WWE Raw World Champion Triple H (w/ Ric Flair) pinned Maven with the Pedigree; after the bout, Al Snow came out to check on Maven but was also hit with the Pedigree from the champion

Chief Morley & WWE Raw Tag Team Champion Lance Storm defeated D-Von Dudley in a handicapmatch when Morley pinned D-Von with the Money Shot

The Hurricane pinned the Rock with a roll up at about 9:30 in a No DQ match as Rock was distracted by Steve Austin at ringside; after the bout, Austin gave Rock two middle fingers; the Rock's opponent was scheduled to have been Booker T but a substitution was made with no explanation given


WWE @ Seattle, WA - Key Arena - March 31, 2003

Sunday Night Heat:

Rodney Mack (w/ Teddy Long) pinned Spike Dudley by reversing an attempt at the Dudley Dog into a powerslam

Christian pinned Tommy Dreamer with the Unprettier

WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus pinned Ivory with the bulldog; after the bout, Trish and Ivory double teamed an interfering Victoria, who came ringside to steal the title belt

Raw - included a closing segment in which Bill Goldberg made his surprise debut by interruping the Rock's in-ring promo, grabbing a microphone and telling the Rock he's next, and then spearing him to the mat:

WWE Raw World Champion Triple H (w/ Ric Flair) pinned the Hurricane with the Pedigree in a non-title match

Scott Steiner defeated Christopher Nowinski via submission with the Steiner Recliner

Maven pinned Rosey (w/ Rico) with a sunset flip

Booker T defeated Chris Jericho via disqualification when Ric Flair and Triple H interfered; Shawn Michaels attempted to make the save but was eventually beaten down as well

Jeff Hardy pinned Steven Richards (w/ Victoria) with the Swanton after Trish Stratus prevented Victoria from interfering

Rob Van Dam & Kane defeated the Dudley Boyz and WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Lance Storm & Chief Morley (sub. for William Regal) in an elimination match to win the titles; RVD pinned D-Von with the Van Daminator; RVD pinned Morley with the Five Star Frog Splash after Kane hit the chokeslam on both opponents; due to prematch stipulations, had RVD and Kane not won the match they would be forced to work for Chief Morley

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I remember the heat being way more than you'd think for that match considering how it was laid out, which I'd attribute to the Rock job. That's what I meant by Helms benefitting from the banana peel job. He also did a run-in the following week to attempt to save Michaels and Booker from a heel beatdown, which was pretty high profile angle involvement for him, even if it was the booking equivalent of lip service.

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And you wonder why Rock got tired of dealing with all that bullshit. He did his business with Austin, then did his business with Goldberg (putting him over in Goldberg's first WWE match). After that he got booked into his own special storylines, staying the hell away from stuff that Trip could fuck up.



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Very strong short bio on Doug Furnas in today's WON and Dave is promising a bigger one when he is less limited on space.

Agreed, maybe the best "bigger bio when we have more space" obit Dave's ever done, both in terms of cool stories and giving a good picture of the career & person.
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On Okada vs Naito on the forum:


I'd go ****3/4. I've done a 180 on Okada already and Naito was unbelievable in this match. He's going to be the best worker in the business soon (and he's very close to it now) and will be for years to come. In the middle of the match, I was thinking this is the first in what is going to be one of the great feuds of all-time, like a Funk-Brisco match from 1970 or the first Flair-Steamboat or Misawa-Kobashi. It was that good.


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Don't watch a ton of current New Japan myself but i'm gonna try and get to this later today.


If im not up on current puro at all, is there anything I need to know before watching that?

Naito's a guy they've been grooming for a top spot for a while in the middle of getting his first big break.


Okada's a guy they haven't been grooming for a top spot but saw something in so they hot shoted the belt on him before he was ready to try and create a new star and now he's having to try really hard to step up and not blow his chance.

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It's a fun match. Comparing it to Misawa/Kobashi is crazy, so immediately strike that thought from your head, but it's really good. There's a lot about the modern puro style that's driven me away from watching it in recent years, but I'm really enjoying the current NJPW product They have a roster of fun characters and a lot of the matches are well put together. It's not just strike exchanges and no-selling and guys killing themselves to get a pop. The crowds are even noisy now.


I actually preferred the Akiyama/Omori match this year, I would recommend that one too. And I know how crazy it sounds to be pimping Omori matches in 2012 as worth going out of your way to see.

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Some times I cant figure you guys out. : :unsure:

In what way? :)




I was going to ask him the same thing.


Just some people's reactions to a strong recommendation is so deficit based at times. Don't want to get into an involved discussion but when did watching wrestling that MIGHT be extremely good become a chore?


Personally I think the match is at least ****1/2 for the record.



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It's a fun match. Comparing it to Misawa/Kobashi is crazy,

Don't think he meant it as a literal direct comparison, I just read it as "hey this could be the start of great feud for years to come" and then he named a bunch of other great long term feuds to illustrate his point trying to say "like imagine watching the first _ vs _"

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It's a fun match. Comparing it to Misawa/Kobashi is crazy,

Don't think he meant it as a literal direct comparison, I just read it as "hey this could be the start of great feud for years to come" and then he named a bunch of other great long term feuds to illustrate his point trying to say "like imagine watching the first _ vs _"


It is hard not to come away from that match and think Okada doesnt have potential. Ive sent a link of the match to modern day Puro fans and even to those who dont what Puro at all. Both have said it was a high end match.

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