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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Being backup in case John's injury puts him out for longer was my first thought, too. I don't follow the show slavishly, but I can imagine Punk could pull a decent match out of Ryback. Seriously, I was close to marking out with how well they did that ending. So bravo to them for putting on some decent segments that made sense for once.

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Russo will be remembered by the unworked as the guy whose ideas helped cripple the advertising revenue of one promotion at the height of its popularity, sunk one promotion, and kept another from being a viable competitor for the better part of a decade. To his credit he did advocate Foley and Austin at a crucial juncture, but even then he was one voice among many and he faced little real opposition.

What's all this then?

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The ad revenue thing is something that has hurt the company and that they still haven't overcome, so I think it's valid. I remember some ads for investment companies and luxury cars creeping in during the Monday Night Wars in 1998.

I don't recall that but I'll take your word for it.


The PTC had an undue amount of power at that time and was railing against everything and anything. I just can't single out Russo and his ideas as why they were targeted. The Lionel Tate thing would have given them enough ammo.


No way that would happen now.

No way they would be running consecutive sell-out nights at the same arena now either, so it's a wash ;)

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After seeing the end of Raw pimped up, I flipped over to USA just in time to catch them coming out of commercial for the final segment.


Ummm... after the "final segment" of Monday Night football, gotta say the final segment of Monday Night Raw sucked. Really came across as nothing more than a typical WWE final segment while MNF was a once in a lifetime final segment.



So, the real life sports drama trumped the scripted show drama? SHOCKER! Dude, seriously? Are you channeling your inner Alverez? :lol: Why would you even compare the two?

Because the MNF end run was amazing in a mind bending way. When I saw the end run of Raw getting pimped as Great! after seeing something that was mind bending, I was expecting the finish to be really high end WWE stuff.


Instead, the Raw end run was pretty standard fair. Punk + Cena in the ring doing a long mic spot? Seen it, and there was nothing terribly amazing in it. Lead Pipe? Eh. Backstage? Eh.



Besides, the best bit on RAW was Foley and Punk in the ring about midway through the show. Seeing Punk scared of The Ryback was just an "Awesome, that rules." moment.

Seeing a heel "scared" of a juiced out monster who was breathing heavily... I've only seen that a few hundred times. It was passable for a moment, then the heavy breathing was enough to drop it down to suck for me.


Edit: And



I just found this on the youtube and I'm totally geeked




It's a Pro Wrestling USA show that's almost exactly like the legendary one from the Meadowlands that the Apter mags hyped like crazy, the one where Blackwell wasn't allowed to wrestle. I read it's not the Meadowlands show but has anyone else known about this?


edit: I just checked, this IS that card. Holy fuck I found my Holy Grail. Is Last Battle Of Atlanta far behind?

It's been out there in circulation for ages. I think Barnett had a copy in the K-Tapes. Ginnetty had it in the first World Pro set. In fact, I think some of us pointed this out to you when you were looking for it 3.5 years ago:







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Last night's MNF finish was NOTHING like a screwjob wrestling finish. Screwjob wrestling fnishes occur when the ref has his back turned or is knocked out. The MNF finish occured with not one, but two refs staring right at the play, then an entire team of officials looking at a replay and still fucking it up.


Piss off, Roger Goodell.

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No way they would be running consecutive sell-out nights at the same arena now either, so it's a wash ;)

Oh man, they wish it were a wash. Terrible trade-off in the long term that keeps their ad-rates down and gets them low-balled on TV contracts considering their ratings and demographics. Also will probably go a long way to costing Linda McMahon two expensive Senate campaigns.


edit: although tbf we're getting more into the area of Russo-ism for continuing influence as it's not like the guy was holding a gun to VKM's head and forced him to keep doing lots of tacky and stupid stuff

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I think Linda being completely unqualified cost her two senate campaigns. Not some 12 year old youtube video of a lady being stripped to her undergarments.


Also PTC admitted they lied about WWE programming on their website, after the lawsuit. So legally Russo is absolved of blame. Not many people I will side with Russo against, but the fucking Brent Bozzzzel is one.

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I think Linda being completely unqualified cost her two senate campaigns.

I don't wanna get political but while objectively I hold your prognosis of her qualifications to be accurate she lost her first race in a period where, in the absence of extenuating dumbness, all you had to do was show up with an [R] by your name and say mean things about Obama to get elected to national office. The campaign seems to feel very strongly that old youtubes are an albatross for them.
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Connecticut leans strongly Democrat, so even without the smut years it would be a long shot to win. First time around I think the key turning point was Linda not knowing the minimum wage in her home state. This time it might be all those unpaid debts from 1976.

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Not insanely to Dems. They had the Governors office from 1995-2010, which is a very impressive run.


The Senate was Dodd for ages in one seat, with Lying Lien in the other and thank god he'll be gone now.


The House is slightly lean Dem over time, though it when full Dem in the 2006 & 2008 waves.


In the 80's & 90s it was made up of:


1st: Kennelly (D)

2nd: Gejdenson (D)

3rd: Democratic (D) / DeLauro (D)

4th: McKinney ® / Shays ®

5th: Ratchford (D) / Rowland ® / Franks ® / Maloney (D)

6th: Johnson ®


The 5th District split this way:


1980-85 Ratchford (D)

1985-91 Rowland ®

1991-97 Franks ®

1997-99 Maloney (D)


Slightly more to the GOP (effectively 1985-96) than Dem (1980-84 & 1997-99), but something of a toss up.


The 6th went out in redistricting as CT lost a House seat. Johnson held that until the 2002 elections when it vannished, then ran in the 5th and knocked off Maloney 54-43.


The 00's line up:


1st: Larson (D)

2nd: Gejdenson (D) / Simmons (R 2001-07) / Courtney (D)

3rd: DeLauro (D)

4th: Shays (R 1987-2009) / Himes (D)

5th: Maloney (D) / Johnson (R 2003-07) / Murphy (D)


And you can see the wave:


2006: 50.02-49.98 Courtney over Simmons to take the 2nd (Simmons won 54-46 in 2004)

2006: 56-44 Murphy over Johnson to take the 5th (Johnson won 60-38 in 2004)

2008: 48.4-47.6 Himes over Shays to take the 4th (Shays won 51-48 in 2006 against the wave)


The 4th and 5th were extremely tight in the 2010 GOP wave.


The GOP can win state wide, as the long run of GOP Govs just ending reflects.

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It's been out there in circulation for ages. I think Barnett had a copy in the K-Tapes. Ginnetty had it in the first World Pro set. In fact, I think some of us pointed this out to you when you were looking for it 3.5 years ago:







Yeah, I smoke pot. :lol: I have no memory of that.

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Not insanely to Dems. They had the Governors office from 1995-2010, which is a very impressive run.


The Senate was Dodd for ages in one seat, with Lying Lien in the other and thank god he'll be gone now.


The House is slightly lean Dem over time, though it when full Dem in the 2006 & 2008 waves.


In the 80's & 90s it was made up of:


1st: Kennelly (D)

2nd: Gejdenson (D)

3rd: Democratic (D) / DeLauro (D)

4th: McKinney ® / Shays ®

5th: Ratchford (D) / Rowland ® / Franks ® / Maloney (D)

6th: Johnson ®


The 5th District split this way:


1980-85 Ratchford (D)

1985-91 Rowland ®

1991-97 Franks ®

1997-99 Maloney (D)


Slightly more to the GOP (effectively 1985-96) than Dem (1980-84 & 1997-99), but something of a toss up.


The 6th went out in redistricting as CT lost a House seat. Johnson held that until the 2002 elections when it vannished, then ran in the 5th and knocked off Maloney 54-43.


The 00's line up:


1st: Larson (D)

2nd: Gejdenson (D) / Simmons (R 2001-07) / Courtney (D)

3rd: DeLauro (D)

4th: Shays (R 1987-2009) / Himes (D)

5th: Maloney (D) / Johnson (R 2003-07) / Murphy (D)


And you can see the wave:


2006: 50.02-49.98 Courtney over Simmons to take the 2nd (Simmons won 54-46 in 2004)

2006: 56-44 Murphy over Johnson to take the 5th (Johnson won 60-38 in 2004)

2008: 48.4-47.6 Himes over Shays to take the 4th (Shays won 51-48 in 2006 against the wave)


The 4th and 5th were extremely tight in the 2010 GOP wave.


The GOP can win state wide, as the long run of GOP Govs just ending reflects.

The 80s and 90s are ancient history from a political standpoint. The Republicans who've traditionally done well in Connecticut are the moderate types that have been driven into extinction now that the teabaggers have taken over the nomination process at all levels.


Anyway, the current Observer talks about how Linda's campaign has succeeded in placing the focus on personal attacks rather than issues. Also, Senate Democrats think Murphy has run a shitty campaign and are pissed that they have to spend more money on the race than they'd like to. Truth be told, focusing on Linda's wrestling past rather than tying her to Romney and Ryan was a huge strategic blunder.

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