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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Any thoughts on Jovan Belcher? The Benoit parallels should be pretty obvious. A couple of quick thoughts from me: One, if the autopsy reveals even a hint of steroid use and/or brain damage, the ensuing shitstorm will absolutely dwarf the Benoit coverage. It could reach the level of the Black Sox scandal. Two: If Roger Goodell's record of disregard for player safety didn't already put him in Vince McMahon territory, his insistence that the show must go on a la Over the Edge surely has.

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Any thoughts on Jovan Belcher? The Benoit parallels should be pretty obvious. A couple of quick thoughts from me: One, if the autopsy reveals even a hint of steroid use and/or brain damage, the ensuing shitstorm will absolutely dwarf the Benoit coverage. It could reach the level of the Black Sox scandal. Two: If Roger Goodell's record of disregard for player safety didn't already put him in Vince McMahon territory, his insistence that the show must go on a la Over the Edge surely has.

Sounds like it's the Chiefs who want to play the game. I would too if I were a player or coach. Totally different circumstances than Over the Edge.


I wrote this about football and pro wrestling after Junior Seau committed suicide: http://jerseyal.com/GBP/2012/05/06/survivi...all-deprived-9/


Not sure how it applies to the tragedy from Saturday, but it's another step in the wrong direction for a sport that once seemed invincible.

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Any thoughts on Jovan Belcher? The Benoit parallels should be pretty obvious. A couple of quick thoughts from me: One, if the autopsy reveals even a hint of steroid use and/or brain damage, the ensuing shitstorm will absolutely dwarf the Benoit coverage. It could reach the level of the Black Sox scandal. Two: If Roger Goodell's record of disregard for player safety didn't already put him in Vince McMahon territory, his insistence that the show must go on a la Over the Edge surely has.

I thought his teammates tweeting that he was a great guy and great teammate was totally inappropriate given he is a murderer who left a small child orphaned.

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Any thoughts on Jovan Belcher? The Benoit parallels should be pretty obvious. A couple of quick thoughts from me: One, if the autopsy reveals even a hint of steroid use and/or brain damage, the ensuing shitstorm will absolutely dwarf the Benoit coverage. It could reach the level of the Black Sox scandal. Two: If Roger Goodell's record of disregard for player safety didn't already put him in Vince McMahon territory, his insistence that the show must go on a la Over the Edge surely has.

I think there's a difference between murder-suicide and familicide as far as the mental breakdowns and causes leading up to the crimes. I'm stunned though how swiftly this thing has been hushed and seemingly swept under the rug. I've barely heard a peep in my social circle.
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Holy shit:


There is a major shakeup in Pro Wrestling NOAH. We don't have a lot in the way of details right now but should have more as the night goes on.


The gist is that Kenta Kobashi was fired, apparently because his salary was so high and the company is in such financial distress. Right now the rumor is Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki, Kotaro Suzuki and Yoshinobu Kanemaru and others may not sign their contracts for 2013 out of loyalty to Kobashi, who along with Mitsuharu Misawa, were the two people who really built the company.

So that's pretty much a wrap for NOAH, huh?

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Right now the rumor is Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki, Kotaro Suzuki and Yoshinobu Kanemaru and others may not sign their contracts for 2013 out of loyalty to Kobashi

Kobashi should have retired long long ago. He's broken down beyond repair, hasn't wrestled since Feb, hasn't wrestled anything close to full time in forever and can barely do anything when he does step in the ring. Maybe not the nicest thing but this was a smart move on NOAH's part.


I suppose it would be okay if the other guys who might leave join another promotion like All Japan or Z1 but being Japan there's about a 95% chance they'd leave just to start their own company which would be idiotic and benefit no one except their own brusied egos.

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Agreed. Kobashi should have retired after his one comeback match from cancer. It was a nice moment, should have hang it up then. And FLIK is probably right in that if they leave they will start yet another micro-promotion. Anyway, NOAH looks like a doomed promotion.

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I don't think they have much choice but to start another company. Both All Japan and New Japan have spent the last few years focusing on their homegrown talent. What does a guy like Kanemaru have to offer either company, outside of working the annual junior tourny and putting over their junior champion?

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I don't think they have much choice but to start another company. Both All Japan and New Japan have spent the last few years focusing on their homegrown talent. What does a guy like Kanemaru have to offer either company, outside of working the annual junior tourny and putting over their junior champion?

All Japan's roster isn't THAT stacked. They're still having to rely on bringing in bringing in a lot of outside talent for their big shows, a lot of their current top main roster heavyweights are getting older, guys like Akebono are branching out to do more work elsewhear & Taiyo Kae is leaving for a while to go back to college so they've got roster spots to fill.


Kanemaru I can take or leave but if they can afford them, Akiyama who they've been using a lot anyways, Go & Suzuki would be big boost to their full time roster.


Best case scenario they do a similar thing to Kensuke Office whear they work mainly as All Japan guys but remain a seperate group that just runs the ocasional stand alone show or outside booking.

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So, as I sit here after two days of suffering with norovirus, I'm watching RAW on dvr. They're going on about how AJ was poor growing up, so far as to where she once worked as a janitor to get by.


Since when is being a janitor some terrible thing? Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure janitors make a decent living. It's like how I'd always laugh when Dusty would go on about being the son of a plumber. My buddy Brian is a plumber and he's a wealthy dude.

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So, as I sit here after two days of suffering with norovirus, I'm watching RAW on dvr. They're going on about how AJ was poor growing up, so far as to where she once worked as a janitor to get by.


Since when is being a janitor some terrible thing? Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure janitors make a decent living. It's like how I'd always laugh when Dusty would go on about being the son of a plumber. My buddy Brian is a plumber and he's a wealthy dude.

People who've never done it assume it's a low-skill minimum wage job only ex-cons can do.

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So, as I sit here after two days of suffering with norovirus, I'm watching RAW on dvr. They're going on about how AJ was poor growing up, so far as to where she once worked as a janitor to get by.


Since when is being a janitor some terrible thing? Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure janitors make a decent living. It's like how I'd always laugh when Dusty would go on about being the son of a plumber. My buddy Brian is a plumber and he's a wealthy dude.

People who've never done it assume it's a low-skill minimum wage job only ex-cons can do.


Which actually leads to what really baffles me. Ok. Maybe being a plumber in West Texas in the late 50's/ early 60's didn't pull the bank it does now. I can get that, and Dusty's so fucking awesome that it works.


But who in WWE Creative, when looking at AJ's real life story to use as her character, thought that her being a janitor was just as sad and rough as her being homeless and living in a car? "AJ has had a tough life! She was homeless, lived in cars and cheap motels, and had to take a job as a JANITOR. A job that pays well and probably has benefits!" If the third part of that was "and had to suck cock under the off ramp" then sure, that's hard times ;)

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