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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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So, yesterday I heard that Chyna is over here in Japan teaching English and that she got fired from her job because she kept on showing up drunk.

And not because there are some videos out there of her going into gang-bangs with wrestlers look-alike ?


It's Japan. If anything, that would make her a more popular teacher.


Pretty sure that with her weirdo look and the pro wrestling past she could make pretty decent money there as a hostess.

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Pretty sure that with her weirdo look and the pro wrestling past she could make pretty decent money there as a hostess.

Yeah. Well, English teaching in Japan seemed to be a pretty cool way to go back into a normal, more stable way of living. I remember WWF always pimped the fact she spoke several languages back then. Hopefully for her, the whole "fired because drunk" thing is just a rumour.

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Anyone know if this is going to be a hard-hitting documentary along the lines of Heroes of World Class or if this is kind of a fluff piece?


FWIW, here's the website of the company that is producing the documentary.



Depends what you mean by hard-hitting. Not the absolute emotional gut punch that Heroes of World Class was. GLOW is a lot lighter and human interest-y than Heroes but it isn't out and out fluff. Probably not worth watching a second time but I liked it.

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I read somewhere that Mania 19 was the first digital cable only PPV. As in you could order it ONLY IF you had a digital cable box. Maybe that had something to do with it?

I was required to get a digital cable box to order WrestleMania 17. Maybe that was just a thing with my cable company and not across the board though.
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I read somewhere that Mania 19 was the first digital cable only PPV. As in you could order it ONLY IF you had a digital cable box. Maybe that had something to do with it?

I suppose it's possible. I don't recall forced upgrading being quite that severe in '03, though.
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From a DDT news update:


The press conference continued with the appearance of Keisuke Ishii, who immediately attacked HARASHIMA. Tempers calmed down and the two were able to continue the conference as if nothing happened. HARASHIMA decided the rules for their upcoming DDT Extreme Title match in Nagoya. After wrestling Antonio Honda in a Blindfold Bra Match where he had to rely on just his hands, HARASHIMA now wanted to see what it was like to wrestle with just his feet. So for the match, both men will have their hands tied together and will have to rely on their legs to wrestle. However, Ishii had an idea of his own. He wanted to have a Cliff Death Match where you have to do a move from the ring apron to the floor in order to win. Ishii is a big fan of apron spots. He even has a Top 3 all time favourite apron spots. His Top 3 apron spots are:


3. Akira Taue giving Kenta Kobashi the Dynamic Bomb from the apron to the floor (21st March, 1995).

2. Kenta Kobashi giving Jun Akiyama a Brainbuster from the apron to the floor (10th July, 2004).

1. Mitsuharu Misawa giving Kenta Kobashi the Tiger Suplex from the stage walk to the floor (1st March, 2003).

Ishii having a "top 3 apron spots" list is so PWO it needed to be posted. Gotta say mine would look different, and probably be topped by the big Nowada Taue finally hits on Kobashi in 6/9/95 that fully sets them on the path to victory.


Taue hit the nodowa on Misawa in that match.

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So, yesterday I heard that Chyna is over here in Japan teaching English and that she got fired from her job because she kept on showing up drunk.

Kept showing up drunk implies they allow you to show up drunk a few times, but once you show up drunk too many times, they fire you


Well, this is Japan we're talking about.

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From a DDT news update:


The press conference continued with the appearance of Keisuke Ishii, who immediately attacked HARASHIMA. Tempers calmed down and the two were able to continue the conference as if nothing happened. HARASHIMA decided the rules for their upcoming DDT Extreme Title match in Nagoya. After wrestling Antonio Honda in a Blindfold Bra Match where he had to rely on just his hands, HARASHIMA now wanted to see what it was like to wrestle with just his feet. So for the match, both men will have their hands tied together and will have to rely on their legs to wrestle. However, Ishii had an idea of his own. He wanted to have a Cliff Death Match where you have to do a move from the ring apron to the floor in order to win. Ishii is a big fan of apron spots. He even has a Top 3 all time favourite apron spots. His Top 3 apron spots are:


3. Akira Taue giving Kenta Kobashi the Dynamic Bomb from the apron to the floor (21st March, 1995).

2. Kenta Kobashi giving Jun Akiyama a Brainbuster from the apron to the floor (10th July, 2004).

1. Mitsuharu Misawa giving Kenta Kobashi the Tiger Suplex from the stage walk to the floor (1st March, 2003).

Ishii having a "top 3 apron spots" list is so PWO it needed to be posted. Gotta say mine would look different, and probably be topped by the big Nowada Taue finally hits on Kobashi in 6/9/95 that fully sets them on the path to victory.


Taue hit the nodowa on Misawa in that match.


Yeah, what a mistake to make! I think it's that whenever I think of that spot my mind just links it with Kobashi crawling over Misawa to protect him.

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I think it's a lot of different things. I don't think they really put enough heat on Austin/Rock, I think they put way too much focus on Hogan/McMahon and they had the roles completely backwards for Angle/Lesnar.

I too always thought the Vince / Hogan dominating most of the advertising materials was a factor. Although is was a great match / build, it wasn't the match which should have been put front and centre.


Austin / Rock seemed quickly put together at the time. The absence of both long term before the match and the knowledge Rock was soon out again didn't help. Nor did his recent heel turn IMO, as great as it was. it all seemed very out of nowhere. For the first time in three years Rock wasn't booed at Wrestlemania - and he was a heel!


And yes, the Kurt / Lesnar dynamic worked better with Bock as heel.


Still a great card though, one of my top 3 Mania's ever.

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Mania 19 was great, but I think there's a lot of factors involved in why it didn't draw. I think the main being that WWE business was absolutely dying at that point, and nothing was going to save it. Things really fell off a cliff in 02. 02-04 are the modern WWE 94-96 dark years.

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Anyone ever see this Silent Library game show with some WWE guys on it? It's got Dolph Ziggler, Chris Masters, Trent Barreta, Caylen Croft, JTG and Curt Hawkins, so pretty much guys WWE didn't care about throwing to some obscure MTV game show, but it's kind of a fun concept and worth a few minutes of time watching.

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Speaking of Mania, I've always been somewhat skeptical that Donald Trump was what sold that Wrestlemania, simply because I don't remember any buzz at all about Trump's involvement at the time. I think I'm wrong on this one though and would appreciate it if someone would just tell me why.

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But at the time, it doesn't feel like there was enough excitement and mainstream exposure about that to justify the buyrate for the show. However, there was a lot of buzz about WWE being in a resurgence and they were pretty hot at the time. What am I missing? Why wasn't Cena vs Michaels what sold the show?

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Mania 19 was great, but I think there's a lot of factors involved in why it didn't draw. I think the main being that WWE business was absolutely dying at that point, and nothing was going to save it. Things really fell off a cliff in 02. 02-04 are the modern WWE 94-96 dark years.

Business was tanking, but it's weird that the Royal Rumble drew better than Wrestlemania (numbers taken out of the Observer) and even if you don't believe in the accuracy of the numbers, The Rumble suffered an 80-100k aprox. drop, No Way Out a 100-125k aprox. drop, and Mania had a 250-280k aprox. drop. That's very weird. The "digital cable box only" explanation is the one that makes the most sense to me, but I don't know if that story is even true.

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But at the time, it doesn't feel like there was enough excitement and mainstream exposure about that to justify the buyrate for the show. However, there was a lot of buzz about WWE being in a resurgence and they were pretty hot at the time. What am I missing? Why wasn't Cena vs Michaels what sold the show?

I'm not american so I could be wrong, but I do remember reading wrestling news sites at the time that were reporting the mainstream attention WWE was getting with Trump's involvement. I mean, they were getting mainstream buzz. But I don't know if it was powerful enough to say Trump was the biggest draw of that show.

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