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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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People talk about Danielson vs Morishima being a prototype for what a Brock vs Bryan match might look like. However, I noticed they faced each other quite a few times in ROH. Which match is it specifically that people love so much? I want to check it out.




Yup, "Manhattan Mayhem II". But honestly Loss, you should check their whole series. The MMII and Final Battle 08' matches the ones that get the most praise (to me, their first match is by far the best they had) but they have 2 other matches that really help build the feud up. Bryan had probably the best promo of his career during that feud too.


Most of their encounters were relatively short for indy "main event" matches too so they are not a chore to watch.

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Is the little tether rope in the corner of the ring for tag matches strictly a WWF/E thing? I can't recall now if I've seen it in any other feds, and last night I was watching some 93 WCW and I noticed they didn't have the tether rope present.


I've long wished this was used more in tag wrestling. It would really increase the drama of the need for a tag if emphasis was put on the geometry of a ring and the positioning of the wrestlers.

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WWE gets on random kicks where they treat the rope like it's important and it features prominently in matches. Most of the time it's completely ignored. I always liked it as a gimmick/rule. I'm guessing most of the guys don't like it. Some guys use it now, some guys don't, and the ref never cares either way

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happened upon a video from 2009 and I had completely forgotten that Stephanie recruited Kane to help her against Legacy. I don't even remember what the hell the set up was for that. In fact her whole run as RAW GM in late 08/early 09 is a complete blur. And seeing Steph as a vulnerable babyface is weird given the last 9 months

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I just wanted to thank this board for a decided lack of snark. That's one of the things that helped to drive me away from the pro wrestling community ten or so years ago, and I'm happy that this board is relatively free of it. It's not the joking that I find troublesome, because everyone likes to laugh and have a good time. It's stuff like telling others they're wrong if they have a different opinion than you. People disagree all the time around these parts, but they respect each others opinions.


I was just listening to a podcast where they railed about how Daniel/Trips from WrestleMania XXX is not a good match, and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. That years from now people are going to look back at XXX and realize it was a mediocre show, and that there were no great matches. They finished by saying anyone who doesn't think they will do that is just wrong. My take is, there's nothing wrong with not liking Daniel/Trips, or XXX as a whole. It's all about how one presents their opinion and how accepting they are of others opinions. This board has plenty of great, and different opinions, but I rarely see discussions grind to a halt because one person feels the need to tell everyone else that they're wrong, or intimate that people who think differently than they do are stupid. Basically I'm happy this place seems to avoid that sort of negative discussion.

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I'm glad you like the board and that you see it that way. We have moments of weakness sometimes where things get heated, but I too like the community that we've built over time. I like that I can see something pretty much exactly the opposite way that Matt D or Nintendo Logic may see it, as two random examples, and we get critical of each other, but it doesn't often get personal.

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Have any of our favourite satellite forums (DVDVR/WKO) ever done a Top 100 Promos or Angles poll? It would be a lot easier than doing our match polls. There seem to be a decent chunk of people who would value the promo just as much as the match...not that I want to open that big can of worms - because I would never compare a promo to a match for the sake of keeping some sort of structure for the polls. Most promos and/or angles/skits are a lot shorter than the matches. Has it been done for any of the decades or territories or Year X of Promotion Y?

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I will be doing a top 100 of the 90s after making my way through 1998 and 1999. I am actually drafting my working list for the 90-97 stuff as we speak, so it's funny that you mention it. But I'd be all for a group nomination and voting here if people are interested in something that covers all eras.

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I remember Matt D. asking a while back about the Hart Attack name being used for the Hart Foundation's Bearhug/Lariat Takedown combination. I can't remember the specifics of the question, but I think it had something to do with if it was ever used in an actual match, or the first time it was used. Well, I was just watching King of the Ring '94 and when Owen and Neidhart hit that combination on Razor Ramon in a post-match downbeat Savage calls it the Hart Attack. Not sure if this is relevant to what you were asking Matt, but I heard it, remembered that conversation and figured I'd mention it here.

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Reigns is going to get tons of chances to be the guy. Even if the push this summer doesn't work they won't stop there


It could go all Ryback though... That's a very real possibility.



Highly doubt it. Ryback ended up flopping because they kept putting him in high profile matches were him winning wasn't seen as the best scenario by the company (vs Punk, Shield and Cena) until he was just another guy and ended up in the dreaded midcard limbo.


With Reigns, it seems they'll be pretty comfortable putting him over pretty much anyone. I also think Roman has way more potential than Ryback so having more patience/faith in him makes sense.

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