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Somewhat related but I was watching old WCW PPVs on the WWE Network on the Chrome Cast at my friend's place the other day. We were watching WCW Slamboree 1993, which was a reunion of legends. I had NO IDEA Missy Hyatt was that attractive back in the day.



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the poor kid in that segment seems to be going through puberty on live TV. I can't remember WWE being so overly sexual before that. Maybe the Sunny Raw bumpers in 95/96


Pettengill spent most of the segment very obviously looking down or straight at Sunny's breasts. Then there was the issue of whatever substance Sunny put on her breasts because it made it look like someone had just finished having their fun with said breasts. All in all it's quite the startling change from the way WWF presented sexuality before that. Sure, there's things like Sherri offering to blow Warrior, but even that is presented with a slight hint of ambiguity. The Sunny SummerSlam '97 segment screams, "Look at Sunny's breasts, aren't they great? And that shiny wet stuff you see glistening on her breasts, that should be your jizz, don't ya know."

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I swear I remember Dave reporting that when WWE saw this segment they decided to push Sable over Sunny because her breasts looked bigger. Sunny tries everything in her power to steal the segment from her including sticking her breasts in Todd's face and mugging them to the camera. Tammy shows way more star power here but the company saw it differently. And Sunny had a reputation for complaining and Sable just did what she was told (at least then)

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There's certainly value in at least doing a retirement match. That would be a pretty emotional scene.


Yes. Since the streak is over my first reaction would be to say "No value left", but since the Lesnar match and ending was so underwhelming and anti-climatic, yeah, a nice "Taker's last match" gimmick still has value I believe. Let him have a grand final disapearance act, Undertaker style.



Sunny at SummerSlam '97 is the WWF's first attempt at being insanely over the top sexual, right? I mean, she's not even really in her top, and it is quite awesome. Easily puts Sable to shame in that segment. Funny thing is, I know the Divas and women in wrestling in general would get way more over the top, but there's something about the way that Sunny found the line in her WWF work and pushed it as far as possible that I find way more appealing than anything that came after.


Yep. It's called personnality, which is a lot sexier than just stripping down to your underwear.

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Sunny's problem was that she understood wrestling too well and was willing to challenge angles presented to her if she didn't think they made sense. Sable - at least initially - went along with what she was told to do because she didn't know enough to question anything.

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Sunny's problem was that she understood wrestling too well and was willing to challenge angles presented to her if she didn't think they made sense.


And that's a problem ? :)


Any news on how she is doing BTW ? I guess no news is good news in her case.

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I can remember the company loved Terri Runnels because she never said no to any angle and always did exactly what she was told. She was even willing to work a semi lesbian angle with Sable in the summer of 96 (that went nowhere). She was one of the workers who had a job for life if she wanted one.

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It's a problem when WWE management would rather not deal with uppity women who won't just shut up and do what they're told.


Well, yes.


I can remember the company loved Terri Runnels because she never said no to any angle and always did exactly what she was told. She was even willing to work a semi lesbian angle with Sable in the summer of 96 (that went nowhere).


She even did the pregnant/miscarriage/not pregnant and PMS deal which she hated. It's a shame Sable got the star treatment when you had Sunny and Terri Runnels who were much better talent.

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I swear I remember Dave reporting that when WWE saw this segment they decided to push Sable over Sunny because her breasts looked bigger. Sunny tries everything in her power to steal the segment from her including sticking her breasts in Todd's face and mugging them to the camera. Tammy shows way more star power here but the company saw it differently. And Sunny had a reputation for complaining and Sable just did what she was told (at least then)


Watching that segment I don't understand how anyone could come away preferring Sable in any fashion. Physically Sunny outclasses her, but in terms of having a personality, understanding the angle, and being in on what is expected of her as a wrestling personality Sunny's vibrant performance completely outshines Sable's flat take,

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So I've been watching Raws as they update them via the network and i started with the day after WM X. Up to 10/92 which means I endured the whole faker UT story and I THINK I've figured it out from beginning to end now. It's just batshoot insane but here goes.


UT vanishes after losing the casket match at RR 94, returning to the netherworld. At some point a random demon (no I'm not making this up, I think this was the idea) impersonates him around various places. Ted Dibiase hears about this and thinking it is the original Undertaker, somehow contacts him and convinces him to join his new corporation.


After defeating Tatanka effortlessly (which might have been a lay down since Tatanka may or may not have already sold out to Dibiase), Ted's fake UT is confronted by Paul Bearer, who is skeptical that this is the real deal. The Fakertaker teases going with Paul Bearer, since it would seal his claim to impersonate the original better and desecrate the spirit of the UT, which was his master plan all along (listen to all the promos, I wish to God I was making this up). But Dibiase pulls out some major cash and being greedy and evil, fake Taker stays with him.


That convinces Paul Bearer he's not the real deal and Bearer signs for the Summerslam match, having faith that the real Undertaker will show up to restore his good name. After his spirit saves Paul Bearer from a choke out on Raw and taunts the fake Taker and Dibiase on Superstars, he does exactly that (wearing purple now because that's the color of rebirth in the Roman Catholic Church). He destroys the Fake Undertaker who is sent back to hell (hence why the coffin is empty when Leslie Nielson opens it.)


So Dibiase was more or less an innocent dude as he really believed his Undertaker was the real deal.



Everybody got that (Say it like Rick Moranis in Spaceballs for max effect)?

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There's certainly value in at least doing a retirement match. That would be a pretty emotional scene.


Yes, for sure.


It probably won't happen, but can you imagine Taker making his grand return, only to turn heel and destroy a fan fave like Daniel Bryan? Pretty sure there was talk from the Observer that Taker was hoping to face DB at some point. It might actually work, the idea that the streak ending caused Taker to descend into evil Ministry'esque madness.

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There's certainly value in at least doing a retirement match. That would be a pretty emotional scene.

Yes, for sure.


It probably won't happen, but can you imagine Taker making his grand return, only to turn heel and destroy a fan fave like Daniel Bryan? Pretty sure there was talk from the Observer that Taker was hoping to face DB at some point. It might actually work, the idea that the streak ending caused Taker to descend into evil Ministry'esque madness.

That sounds horrible, no way Taker works heel if he works at all.

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When was the last time he worked heel and did it successfully?




There's certainly value in at least doing a retirement match. That would be a pretty emotional scene.

Yes, for sure.


It probably won't happen, but can you imagine Taker making his grand return, only to turn heel and destroy a fan fave like Daniel Bryan? Pretty sure there was talk from the Observer that Taker was hoping to face DB at some point. It might actually work, the idea that the streak ending caused Taker to descend into evil Ministry'esque madness.

That sounds horrible, no way Taker works heel if he works at all.



Why not? The idea of the streak ever ending sounded horrible to everybody, including myself. If Taker truly wants to come back and wants to work against a top-of-his-game babyface Bryan, the best way to do it would be via a brief heel turn. They could very quickly turn him face again following the match/program.


When was the last time he worked heel and did it successfully?


Late 2001 and early 2002 was pretty successful in my opinion. He brutalised Jim Ross, beat the shit out of Maven, destroyed the Hardy's and Lita, and verbally admonished the crowd to choruses of boos.

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Small aside, but remember when they had all the coffins at WM? Of all Taker's defeated foes?


Did anyone else think .... "hmmmm, taking that DQ win over Giant Gonzalez is a bit rich" I mean, Taker left that Mania on a stretcher and Gonzalez was relatively unscathed. The coffin is a bit much.

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The Undertaker could come to the ring, murder Daniel Bryan, eat his unborn child from inside Brie, and the crowd would be like "Well, yeah, he probably deserved it..."


Unless you do it another way.


Taker comes out, basically heels the crowd by claiming the reason he lost at Wrestlemania was because they weren't behind him or some shit like that (which was kinda the truth, the crowd involvement was timid at best). He could talk about how it was all about Daniel Bryan that night , prompting DB to come out, cut a face promo and then get brutalised by Taker.

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That would be totally against character though. No, I think the best scenario is that New Orleans was the final act. Plus, I haven't heard anything as to the extent of his injuries after hearing he was taken to the hospital. He could no longer be in shape to perform as well as he could even last year against Punk.

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