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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Forgive my ignorance of 80s NWA here - is Darsow supposed to be an actual Russian in his Khruschev gimmick? I'm guessing no? But all I've got to go on is what's on WWE Network and Wiki so I'm not entirely clear.

No. He's supposed to be an American traitor. It started in Mid South where he was Krusher Darsow, a babyface. He turns heel and embraces Communism and changes his name, teaming with Nikolai Volkoff, I think. Then he went to Crockett and joined up with Ivan and Nikita. They never really talked about him being a turncoat though.

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Reading the lucha section in the new WON made me wonder something. Clearly guys like Niebla and Shocker have serious alcohol issues, why do they A: keep them around, and B: allow things like Niebla having a match where he could barely stand and fell asleep on the floor make TV?

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Paco is eccentric as hell but he deserves to be in the HOF as yeah his father set the template....Paco has done a lot of great things on his own


What has Paco actually done though? Not trying to be a troll or anything, but everything I've ever read indicated he couldn't give less than a shit about wrestling and seems to only be involved because it was his father's legacy.

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Anyone have the date for the Flair/Steamboat with Andre as the ref? Some sites have it as 3/12/78, which doesn't line up with the US Title history.


This listing has it as 9/17/78. Seems right - Flair was champ then, according to Wrestlingdata they wrestled each other that night in Asheville, NC, and Andre was in the territory at the time



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Paco is eccentric as hell but he deserves to be in the HOF as yeah his father set the template....Paco has done a lot of great things on his own


What has Paco actually done though? Not trying to be a troll or anything, but everything I've ever read indicated he couldn't give less than a shit about wrestling and seems to only be involved because it was his father's legacy.


Sometimes I wonder, especially when you hear the stories about the older (smarter) Lutteroths having to come in every once in a while to clean up the mess and restore order. It feels like the family gave him lucha libre as his own thing to do so he doesn't fuck up the real money making ventures that the family has got.


Perhaps the biggest single contribution Paco ever made to wrestling was letting Antonio Pena do as he pleased.

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Is it common knowledge that CM Punk got a DUI in Louisville during his OVW stint?


Not coming up with anything on a quick Google search, except for ESPN's Colin Cowherd trolling response to Punk's blasting an MMA's fighter's DUI.


I know its been rumored that Punk's straight edge gimmick is more of a, "character gimmick" I'll say instead of a legit sham, but considering all of what he's said in the Cabana interview about his reactions to antibiotics and such, I'd definitely would buy him not being completely 100% straight edge being more "I'm good with an occasional beverage or toke while out in a social setting" than being the type to do something stupid, illegal, and dangerous like driving while under some substance influence.


I don't think he's not doing it because he's a recovering addict, or believes that he has an addictive personality, is what I mean, but more of a response to shit that's gone on in his personal experience has driven him to be committed to a certain lifestyle.


Its probably more like how Lawler is "straight edge" but without the tattoo and piercing addictions, where he adopted certain aspects of the lifestyle because there were others out there that had the same thoughts about addictions that he did (in music and other avenues of entertainment and culture) but uses his stage personae as a way to overstate it in order to get the gimmick over. Especially considering his prickly and snarky personality, hence why I'm sure a rumored DUI would come up in a way to "prove" Punk's...or Brooks' I should say, hypocrisy.


Like, oh say someone that has made a reputation as being a champion for a certain people should be, but being torn down because he clearly isn't one to talk about certain cultural values based on some rather dark moments in his past.

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WCW Nitro on September 14,1998 had Flair returning to reunite the Four Horsemen and Sting vs Goldberg in the main event.


WCW Nitro on September 28, 1998 had the Goldberg/Jericho confrontation and Hogan/Hart for the first time albeit a clusterfuck.


WCW Nitro on September 21, 1998 had Raven & Kanyon nearly killing a Villano and Stevie Fucking Ray in the main event.


I went to Nitro on the 21st. Sometimes luck just is not on your side.

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I was recently in a lawyer's office and he had a bunch of wrestling memorabilia signed by a bunch of different guys (mostly guys who had been through OVW). One thing was something signed by Punk. I asked what he represented him for, and he said "DUI". I asked if he was sure about that, and he said he definitely was.


I'd just never heard it mentioned, but thought it may be one of those things I'd missed.


Speaking of Lawler, this same lawyer represented him in his statutory rape case. I don't want to turn this into another sleaze thread, so I won't repeat his comments on that one. :)

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I was recently in a lawyer's office and he had a bunch of wrestling memorabilia signed by a bunch of different guys (mostly guys who had been through OVW). One thing was something signed by Punk. I asked what he represented him for, and he said "DUI". I asked if he was sure about that, and he said he definitely was.


I'd just never heard it mentioned, but thought it may be one of those things I'd missed.



Like I said about the snowballing effect with my example, how much do you want to bet that starts to get some attention by some WWE slanted outlets in order to, not discredit what Punk said outright, but to cast some doubt on the complete truthfulness of Punk's claims.


I mean it wouldn't change a thing since there is way too much smoke in other instances besides Punk, but something stupid and dangerous like a DUI charge, even if it went away quietly based on whatever reasoning (BAC wasn't legal limit, cop was being a quota seeking ahole, or being an ahole based on Punk being a pro wrestler, etc), I can see being brought up as a way to discredit Punk's IRL character.

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WCW Nitro on September 14,1998 had Flair returning to reunite the Four Horsemen and Sting vs Goldberg in the main event.


WCW Nitro on September 28, 1998 had the Goldberg/Jericho confrontation and Hogan/Hart for the first time albeit a clusterfuck.


WCW Nitro on September 21, 1998 had Raven & Kanyon nearly killing a Villano and Stevie Fucking Ray in the main event.


I went to Nitro on the 21st. Sometimes luck just is not on your side.

I was there too. It had Warrior in the rafters and drunk Scott Hall antics too.

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The Warrior shit was brutal. My younger sisters literally fell asleep during all the Warrior stuff. DDP's pyro scared the shit out of all of us and woke us up. I kinda remember drunk Scott Hall antics, but I might be conflating with a different Nitro TV memory. We left early and got to walk next to The Anvil.

I think I always knew you were from Boston, but now I am going to start reading all your posts like you sound like one of my cousins with a thick Boston accent, which will make them only even more enjoyable.

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I was recently in a lawyer's office and he had a bunch of wrestling memorabilia signed by a bunch of different guys (mostly guys who had been through OVW). One thing was something signed by Punk. I asked what he represented him for, and he said "DUI". I asked if he was sure about that, and he said he definitely was.


I'd just never heard it mentioned, but thought it may be one of those things I'd missed.



Like I said about the snowballing effect with my example, how much do you want to bet that starts to get some attention by some WWE slanted outlets in order to, not discredit what Punk said outright, but to cast some doubt on the complete truthfulness of Punk's claims.


I mean it wouldn't change a thing since there is way too much smoke in other instances besides Punk, but something stupid and dangerous like a DUI charge, even if it went away quietly based on whatever reasoning (BAC wasn't legal limit, cop was being a quota seeking ahole, or being an ahole based on Punk being a pro wrestler, etc), I can see being brought up as a way to discredit Punk's IRL character.



That should be easy enough to verify through public records if someone is able to do it. I'm ignorant on this stuff - is telling you that a violation of attorney-client privilege?

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