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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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  Loss said:

If he's under WWE contract, he should be subject to the same stringent testing as everyone else.

He is. He's on the A-Tier, the Undertaker, HHH, John Cena, (formerly) Batista tier of star testing.
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Funny "what could have been" scenario.


Shane Douglas in his 94 ECW timeline shoot says during one of the periods Flair was having problems with Bischoff he had Arn contact Heyman about Flair possibly coming in to ECW to work with Douglas. Said the proposed idea was to do a 3 match series of Flair beating him in Charlotte, Douglass beating him in Pittsburg and and a final blow off in Philly with Douglas winning on PPV. Said Flair initially agreed to do it for a guarantee of 100 to 150 grand but then a few days later he ended up signing back with WCW.


Douglas also said one of the reasons he even started talking shit about Flair to begin with was because he was in a weird tweener position with the crowd and he thought burying Flair would turn him heel in Philly but that it kind of backfired on him.

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  goc said:
  Loss said:

If he's under WWE contract, he should be subject to the same stringent testing as everyone else.

He is. He's on the A-Tier, the Undertaker, HHH, John Cena, (formerly) Batista tier of star testing.


Yes, and I still think their policy has no credibility until someone at that level fails a test and they announce it publicly.

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  flyonthewall2983 said:

All due respect, seeing Flair in ECW would have been like listening to Dark Side Of The Moon on a gramophone.

Sounds awesome. Falir showing up and hooking up with Woman in ECW in 94 would have been gold.

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  FLIK said:

Funny "what could have been" scenario.


Shane Douglas in his 94 ECW timeline shoot says during one of the periods Flair was having problems with Bischoff he had Arn contact Heyman about Flair possibly coming in to ECW to work with Douglas. Said the proposed idea was to do a 3 match series of Flair beating him in Charlotte, Douglass beating him in Pittsburg and and a final blow off in Philly with Douglas winning on PPV. Said Flair initially agreed to do it for a guarantee of 100 to 150 grand but then a few days later he ended up signing back with WCW.


Douglas also said one of the reasons he even started talking shit about Flair to begin with was because he was in a weird tweener position with the crowd and he thought burying Flair would turn him heel in Philly but that it kind of backfired on him.

When WCW was promoting the AAA "When World's Collide" PPV they were threatened with a lawsuit by ECW, who owned a trademark on that title. They negotiated the use of some WCW talent as a settlement, first asking for Flair who refused to do it, then agreeing on Steve Austin, then Austin had his knee injury so Brian Pillman did the spot, coming in as a mystery partner for Shane Douglas, along with Sherri Martel managing them. Sherri did an angle where she turned on Douglas during the match on behalf of Flair (who she'd been managing in WCW)

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  FLIK said:

Douglas also said one of the reasons he even started talking shit about Flair to begin with was because he was in a weird tweener position with the crowd and he thought burying Flair would turn him heel in Philly but that it kind of backfired on him.

That makes sense, but doesn't really fit with the stories that Paul Heyman was giddy over getting the Philly hardcore fans to chant Dick Flair. The goal from Heyman's perspective seems to have been to turn WCW into the ultimate heels.

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Question: Was Monday's match the first-ever one between Lawler and Danielsen? I'm not sure if Lawler ever worked with Danielsen during any of his indy stops. If they worked each other before, is there another match or matches worth checking out?

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It was nice to see Lawler vs Daniel Bryan although I have absolutely no idea why they booked Lawler to be in the Beat the Clock challenge. Maybe it was just an excuse to have Cole out there by himself and try and establish that he's not as much of a douche anymore.

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  kjh said:
  FLIK said:

Douglas also said one of the reasons he even started talking shit about Flair to begin with was because he was in a weird tweener position with the crowd and he thought burying Flair would turn him heel in Philly but that it kind of backfired on him.

That makes sense, but doesn't really fit with the stories that Paul Heyman was giddy over getting the Philly hardcore fans to chant Dick Flair. The goal from Heyman's perspective seems to have been to turn WCW into the ultimate heels.


Well, Douglas just said Heyman wanted him to do something to try and turn the crowd against him but that it was his own idea to burry Flair. When they got the opposite reaction I could see Heyman being fine/happy with the anti Flair/WCW aspect of it atleast or atleast wanting to run with it. From a bunch of stories diffrent ppl have told Heyman seemed to have that "go with the flow" attitude

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  KrisZ said:

Booking Lawler vs. Bryan was Big Johnny's way of getting DB the title shot

Did I miss something where he would want to do that? I mean from a kayfabe standpoint if he were going to rig it for someone, wouldn't it have been The Miz?
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  FLIK said:

Heh, def gonna have to listen to that one first tomorow on my way to work


speaking of podcast, don't see this one talked about much so wanted to give a recomendation for ppl to check out the 3 way with Fire & Ice show with indy wrestlers Angel Orsini & Amber O'Neal at http://3w.pw247radio.com


It's kind of like a female version of Cabana's podcast. They've had some good interviews the past few weeks with Tracy Smothers (starts slow but picks up once he gets going) & Lance Hoyt among others and their latest one with they just put up with Joyce Grable is one of the best podcast i've heard in a long time as she has a lot of great/funny stories about her time in the business.

Finally got round to this. Joyce is such a jolly woman. Id say she would be fun to talk to after a few Sherrys at a reunion banquet or something.


  goc said:

Guess that has been happening on Raw, I don't remember anything like that on Smackdown. Other than the couple of weeks Punk and Bryan were having champion vs champion matches.

Dont remember either. Bryan was more on an island on his own I thought away from the Cena mix.

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Heh, on that subject


Another podcast recomendation that ppl might skip over or not know about otherwise. On the Rinbells show they did an interview with Little Egypt of GLOW fame a few weeks back. She makes some pretty head scratching ridiculous claims like GLOW being the inspiration for the WWE Divas & TNA Knockouts and gets some basic facts wrong like saying Ivory held the WWF women's title for 3 straight years but if you can get past that stuff it's a good listen otherwise. Some entertaining stories about GLOW, the upcoming documentry, tracking down former GLOW wrestlers to be involved in it, Cauliflower Alley and other stuff.


They just put up a new show with Ivory today that i'll get around to checking out soon



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Did I miss the discussion of what a trainwreck the "Extreme Reunion" was? Post on the Torch boards:



  bandit said:

I'm not sure where to put this, so I'll put it here, since this is the one size fits all place, and Wade's section takes days to get approved.


The Extreme Reunion was a disaster. They supposedly drew 2,400, which is fantastic for what it was.


But my God was this a disaster. I did, for a moment, consider going to it, after hearing Axl Rotten's hardsell for it on Sean Radican's show. But after how terrible the Hardcore Justice show was, I immediately suspected this show was going to much, much worse. And it appears I was right.


It started out with Sabu being found unresponsive in his hotel room:




Former ECW wrestler Sabu was "found unresponsive in his hotel room" by Extreme Reunion staff on Saturday, according to a new report by TMZ, which led to Sabu being rushed to a local hospital in Pennsylvania. TMZ quoted a representative for the event, who said, "Management is currently awaiting results from his doctors to find out what actually happened."


The rep also said Sabu had "prior health issues that might have been a contributing factor." Organizers are "concerned for his health" and are hoping for a recovery. In the first update on Sabu's health, the belief was he had an allergic reaction to medication.


Which ruined the show's main event, since Shane Douglas vs. Sabu was going to be the main event. So, hours before the show, Douglas made the call to wrestle Justin Credible in the main event. Sounds like it could work, as he and Shane have wrestled a bunch on indies and have a decent match. Well the problem was, he showed up too high to perform:



Justin Credible was removed from the main event of Extreme Reunion shortly before he was due to wrestle Shane Douglas after he passed out in the locker room and was reported to have shown up to the event very intoxicated. Too Cold Scorpio will be a last moment replacement. The fans were kept waiting for 30 minutes while the event was re-booked, which angered their audience.

So, what does Shane Douglas get greeted with from the 2,400 adoring don't-say-ECW fans?




Here's a full, sad report of the show from a Torch reader named Dominic:



- I attended Extreme Reunion and figured I’d provide some live notes from this disappointing show. Sabu no-showed the main event since he was reportedly rushed to a local hospital after having a bad reaction to medication he was on. We learned of this by word of mouth (I’m assuming people were on their smart phones and came across the news) and it really seemed to spread during the intermission. The mood, which wasn’t great to begin with, really worsened. No one working for Extreme Reunion addressed it before the main event.


- Shane Douglas, who looked extremely discouraged, grabbed the microphone upon hitting the ring and tried to talk about how the ECW locker room was like a fraternity (back in the mid-'90s), but the crowd really wasn’t having any of his small talk and really got aggressive. Seeing this, Shane talked about 1994 when the line was crossed and said he contacted 2 Cold Scorpio so they could re-live 1994 once again. At this point, the lights went off, 2 Cold made his way to the ring, and a good amount of the crowd made an early exit. People were chanting for refunds right after the intermission, and it got really loud with Shane was trying to explain the Sabu situation.


It was interesting that Shane made it sound like they couldn’t confirm Sabu was at a local hospital. I’m not sure if that was him trying to save face or they honestly couldn’t locate Sabu at this point during the show.


- Sandman and New Jack had very short appearances in the ring (neither match they were in had any conclusion; they just sort of stopped and everyone went to the back). Sandman spent more time getting around the crowd with his beer than actual ring time.


Raven was another interesting story. He came to the ring with a group of individuals, ranted over a muffled house mic (another big problem throughout the show was you could not hear anything on the mic), and then let his group of unknowns attack one half of the Pitbulls. Sandman interrupted the action (after a long, stumbling drunk circle around the ring through the crowd) by landing a couple cane shots while Raven watched from the ring apron. Afterward, Raven just left. He didn’t get involved in anything physically, and walked off while Sandman handpicked three members of the audience to jug beers in the ring.


- There was a bald, tattooed shirtless guy who jumped the barricade on two occasions early in the show. I guess it was supposed to look like a shoot, but no one bought it. He ended up costing Stevie Richards and The Blue Meanie their tag team match against the FBI.


- Al Snow’s match with C.W. Anderson went at snail’s pace with the longest armbar segment I’ve ever seen; honestly, Snow’s post-match confrontation against “Head” was more entertaining then the match itself.


- Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney had an okay chairs match. But, the highlight of the show up to the main event without a doubt was Jerry Lynn. He wrestled right before the main event. I haven’t a clue who the guy was he wrestled (there were a couple new faces through the night - if the house mic wasn’t so messed up I’m sure I could’ve told you who they were), but they put on a good match. It was the only match that got a loud “ECW” chant up to that point in the show.


- It seemed like the crowd was more entertaining than the show itself, especially after fans learned of Sabu’s absence. They really gave Shane hell; I don’t know if I agree with the amount of crap they gave the man, though. Now, granted, he probably should have kicked off the show with the news of Sabu’s absence instead of waiting until the end. Had the show been better I don’t think the news would’ve been received so poorly, but being an ECW fan since 1996, I have to say this was an absolute trainwreck of a show. I’ll definitely be skipping the show at the end of June.

The opponent for Lynn was Devon Storm, who was in ECW for a while in 1996, I think.


They can't possibly be doing the June show, can they? And weren't they going to get Kleinrock to release it? I can't see this making it to DVD.


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  bandit;537161 said:

"ECW" has turned into a fraternity.


Justin Credible was nice enough to Twitpic Sabu passed out:


Posted Image


But Luke Hawx was nice enough to Twitpic Aldo passed out:


Posted Image


with the caption:



Originally Posted by Luke Hawx

****ing drug addict ****toids embarrassed themselves and ECW for the sake of "Living The Life" one more time #****ing




He's never heard about ECW before tonight, has he? Two guys passed out = a boring night without Bob Bass in ECW.


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Heh, yeah


Douglas posted a youtube response to the show the other day



Gist of it is basicly that he was disapointed in the show & the behavior of some of the wrestlers too. Promised to do better next time, that he wouldn't wrestle on further shows and that the roster would be freshened up.


IPPV/Download version of the show is supposedly going up soon.

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