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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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FF through RAW, man, the evil boss gimmick is so played out beyind belief, and Laurinaitis is just grating in a terrible WWE "acting" way.

Eve is a fox, whoever she is.

The Funkasaurus gimmick is everything Flash Funk should have been. I'll never understand how they missed the boat with Scorp when it was so easy to get him over.

How long before Tensai is gone ? He's not getting over and doesn't look very good. Enjoyed the handicap match though.

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The Funkasaurus gimmick is everything Flash Funk should have been. I'll never understand how they missed the boat with Scorp when it was so easy to get him over.

I don't think they missed the boat with Scorp, so much as Scorp kind of buried his own career by getting into trouble while he was there. I think he had an issue with police during Wrestlemania 13 weekend and never recovered from that. Not saying he would have been WWF Champion or anything, but he probably would have enjoyed a much better career had that not happened.
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By WM 13, he was already a dead issue. He was working a dark match while The Sultan of all people was getting an IC title match. He never even got one feud. He debuted in a messy Survivor Series match which also saw the debut of the Nation of Domination and a surprise guest in 60 years old Snuka. He was a complete afterthought from day one. They gave him two mediocre dancers and a pimp suit, and they did nothing else. I picture how awesome a heel Scorp in Charles Wright's pimp gimmick would have been.

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PWInsider.com is reporting that Ashley Johnson, the daughter of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, is now training to become a professional wrestler.


Ashley follows in the footsteps of her brothers David, who is well-known for his appearances with WCW (as part of a pairing with the lovely Stacy Keibler) and the WWE, and Reid, who has been making a name for himself on the independent circuit.


Ashley is a graduate of the North Caroline State University, with a Bachelor of Arts, and is a certified personal trainer. She also boasts many notable accomplishments in volleyball, including two NCHSAA 4 A-State championships, a team captaincy and the Player of the Year for their 2004-2005 year.


She was married in May 2010 to Riki Johnson.

Picture: http://d2jbzo6s60oefc.cloudfront.net/wp-co...shley-flair.jpg



How funny/interesting would it be if she became the best second generation Flair?

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I don't think it's a wise idea for her to break into wrestling considering that her dad is a lunatic. Nor do I think she'll ever be treated fairly. Even if she is good, her accomplishments will be seen as nepotism. If she is disappointing, the criticism will be ten times as harsh. If she's green early on, she'll have the label forever. Some names can be carried over at a second generation level. Being Ric Flair's daughter is an unfair starting point.


Dustin Rhodes was a good worker, and look at all the unwarranted crap about him in 1991. Erik Watts later became decent (supposedly), but could never shed the label.

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C.M. Punk didn't seem to have a real good Monday. Apparently on Twitter, he posted a backstage picture of Paul Heyman before Heyman showed up on camera, ruining the "surprise" for some people. It is also being said, accuracy aside, that he sandbagged Lord Tensai during the main event when A-Train went for the Baldo Bomb (which I have no idea whose fault it was). Finally, and probably the worst of all, a troll on Twitter ruffled Punk's feathers by saying gay people should not be allowed to get married at that they (gay people) "made him sick." Punk responded by telling the person to "kill himself." Punk later issued multiple apologies over the matter because it blew up pretty big & even was reported by some people in the UK because apparently the troll is a 14-year-old kid from the UK.


Not a great day at the office and I wouldn't be surprised if C.M. Punk lost the title now, honestly.


I just don't understand why any celebrities would bother with Twitter at all. It's nothing but a headache & can only lead to bad things. I think the bad far outweighs the good. Look at other athletes in sports media for a plethora of examples.


Also, someone on DVDVR mentioned this & then Dave Meltzer brought it up on Wrestling Observer Radio as well but John Cena, Sheamus & Triple H, three of the top faces in WWE, are all working an arm injury angle.

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By WM 13, he was already a dead issue. He was working a dark match while The Sultan of all people was getting an IC title match. He never even got one feud. He debuted in a messy Survivor Series match which also saw the debut of the Nation of Domination and a surprise guest in 60 years old Snuka. He was a complete afterthought from day one. They gave him two mediocre dancers and a pimp suit, and they did nothing else. I picture how awesome a heel Scorp in Charles Wright's pimp gimmick would have been.

I thought the best part of his WWF run was post-WM14 where he went back to the Scorpio name, was briefly tagging with Terry Funk, then was part of the J.O.B. Squad. He seemed to be getting over and the J.O.B. Squad gimmick had potential IMO, but they never really went anywhere with it.

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I thought the best part of his WWF run was post-WM14 where he went back to the Scorpio name, was briefly tagging with Terry Funk, then was part of the J.O.B. Squad. He seemed to be getting over and the J.O.B. Squad gimmick had potential IMO, but they never really went anywhere with it.

Agreed. The J.O.B Squad name was a little too shooty-shooty for me, but I was happy to see Snow, Holly and Scorp finally get an identity. These are three guys I would have loved to see in WCW instead at the same time.

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C.M. Punk didn't seem to have a real good Monday. Apparently on Twitter, he posted a backstage picture of Paul Heyman before Heyman showed up on camera, ruining the "surprise" for some people. It is also being said, accuracy aside, that he sandbagged Lord Tensai during the main event when A-Train went for the Baldo Bomb (which I have no idea whose fault it was). Finally, and probably the worst of all, a troll on Twitter ruffled Punk's feathers by saying gay people should not be allowed to get married at that they (gay people) "made him sick." Punk responded by telling the person to "kill himself." Punk later issued multiple apologies over the matter because it blew up pretty big & even was reported by some people in the UK because apparently the troll is a 14-year-old kid from the UK.


Not a great day at the office and I wouldn't be surprised if C.M. Punk lost the title now, honestly.


I just don't understand why any celebrities would bother with Twitter at all. It's nothing but a headache & can only lead to bad things. I think the bad far outweighs the good. Look at other athletes in sports media for a plethora of examples.

Not for nothing, but JBL doing the goosestep in Germany was far worse. At least Punk apologized.

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The thing about Twitter stuff I've noticed is, is that it usually blows over, and doesn't hang over people in the long run. It's a tiny ugly blurb, not a long, winding and vulgar Mel Gibson-esque tape leaked to the public. The only exception to that would be is Gilbert Gottfried's jokes about Japan that got him fired from voicing a duck.


Sandbagging A-Train and putting that picture of Heyman on before his segment will probably be more damaging.

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As I recall, JBL's goosestep was actually the impetus for his push. It got him fired from CNBC, and Vince put the title on him to stick it to the liberal media.

JBL won the title in May, the Germany incident was in June.


It certainly didn't have a negative impact on his push, and may have resulted in it lasting as long as it did. I seem to recall them bringing his CNBC firing into his character, something like "they fired me because they said I'm too controversial, but I'm just a real American who speaks the truth" without mentioning the real reason

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