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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Anyone got any details on this "UK Wrestling" that has randomly come on my TV? Airs Saturdays around 6pm on the obscure channel "My Channel". I set it to Sky + and have recorded it, but the crowd looks like it has about 20 people in it.


Seems to be this:






Genuinely shocked that something so incredibly low-rent has made TV, yet I'm oddly fascinated that things like this are happening. Feel it's going to be incredibly difficult for them to grow their audience, but wow.

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I've started watching just Smackdown and Superstars again. I'm really digging Superstars. The matches get tons of time and the announcers break all the WWE announcing rules. They talk about history, wins and losses, climbing the ladders for title shots and they call moves. It's like stepping back into a time machine for that show.


I really like Sheamus for whatever reason. He has good music and he just seems to break that mold of WWE main eventer. Also digging Cody Rhodes a lot. Still hate Randy Orton.

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I've started watching just Smackdown and Superstars again. I'm really digging Superstars. The matches get tons of time and the announcers break all the WWE announcing rules. They talk about history, wins and losses, climbing the ladders for title shots and they call moves. It's like stepping back into a time machine for that show.


I really like Sheamus for whatever reason. He has good music and he just seems to break that mold of WWE main eventer. Also digging Cody Rhodes a lot. Still hate Randy Orton.

If you like the commentary on Superstars, you will really like the NXT commentary.
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Just turned on RAW and immediatly two things strike me. 1) Sheamus is so damn white that I swear he must be wearing make up to ghost up the gimmick. 2) From behind with the new hair cut (and really from the front too) CM Punk looks just like Randy Orton now....so wrong.

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The only deficiency sunblock could possibly cause would be Vitamin D since your body produces it naturally when exposed to sunlight. I'm sure he takes his Flintstone Chewables to prevent that.


Also you have to remember most of the roster uses so much spray tan they end up looking as if they were basted in BBQ sauce. Someone naturally pale is going to look 100x whiter in that environment.

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Nah, when he first debuted he was a lot whiter than he is now. And I recall the same story about him taking something to keep him lighter and him getting sick from it and all the other ways to stay that pale.


Speaking of this, I love that during the Bryan/ Sheamus feud, Bryan was the "tan" guy. For years in the indys Bryan being the whitest guy alive was a running joke.

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Nah, when he first debuted he was a lot whiter than he is now. And I recall the same story about him taking something to keep him lighter and him getting sick from it and all the other ways to stay that pale.


Speaking of this, I love that during the Bryan/ Sheamus feud, Bryan was the "tan" guy. For years in the indys Bryan being the whitest guy alive was a running joke.


Funny thing about that is Bryan trying to get WWE accepted levels of tan only accentuated whatever skin pigment issue he has and makes the lighter toned blotches he has way more noticeable. I never even knew he had it when he was in ROH, and now he looks like has whatever Michael Jackson had.

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And I recall the same story about him taking something to keep him lighter and him getting sick from it and all the other ways to stay that pale.

Wouldn't surprise me, i've met actual Albino's who aren't as pale as Sheamus.


Anyways, I don't watch WWE TV very often anymore so I don't know how it compares to what they usually do but I thought RAW last night was one of the best shows they'd had in years.


Lots of good wrestling with the matches that needed time getting it and those that didn't still being entertaining. The non wrestling comedy stuff wasn't overbearing and actually was funny for a change and I bought the serious angles they tried to do as well & didn't cringe at any of the promos (helped that Cena was kept off the mic & Lawler was kept off commentary).


Only negative is that 3 hours plus really is too damn long but other then that i'd start watching again regularly if all the shows were going to be like that.

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I think it's a better look for him but I kind of feel like they missed out on a hot angle. People would have cared more about someone kicking Triple H's ass and then cutting his hair rather than "retiring" him, which no one believes.

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I wanted to bring up something that bugs me. I hate when guys have moves that exist just to miss so they can transition a match. Justin Gabriel is guilty of this as he has a springboard moonsault he always misses so the heel can take control. It reeks of laziness and a lack of creativity.

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