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Drunk Wrestling

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I am hammered.


What's everyone's favorite wrestling to watch while drunk?


For me, it's ECW. Lots of violence, swearing and blood. Back in high school, my buddy!s and I would get all messed up then try and find ECW on my parent!s satellite system. It was the next best thing to getting laid.


Now that I'm older, my favorite drunk wrestling is Attitde era WWF. Strictly for nostalgia reasons.

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I usually watch wrestling alone when I'm at home. I never drink alone, and I'm usually not home when I do. So I'm sure it's fun, but I don't have anything that stands out to me, unfortunately. Maybe if a PWO regular lived in Chicago proper, I'd give it a shot.

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I usually watch wrestling alone when I'm at home. I never drink alone, and I'm usually not home when I do. So I'm sure it's fun, but I don't have anything that stands out to me, unfortunately. Maybe if a PWO regular lived in Chicago proper, I'd give it a shot.


Kind of the same way, but coming home drunk and turning on some wrestling while going to sleep is a pretty regular occurrence for me considering the wife just crashes right away when we get home.

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WCW syndicated TV for me, hands down. We always would try and make guesses on who would be in the next match (Disco Inferno? Van Hammer?) and pick who would win and what way they would win, just endless conversation about what was going on. It's still and always has been my favorite drunk wrestling.

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I can point to a particular instance that was a blast. I had gotten home from working at the club where we had a bit of an "after party". A co-worker dropped me off and I went to the mailbox where waiting for me was the Memphis set. I went to my room, cracked open another beer and put on the First Family disc. I sat there laughing and drunk as the First Family was having their BBQ where they were all drunk and it was a good time.

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During Wrestlemania weekend this past year, my friend came over the night before and we got drunk and watched part of Will's SMW set, which led to us searching YouTube for Dennis Coralluzzo promos. I don't know how they are sober, but Dennis Coralluzzo promos are AMAZING while drunk, especially all of the crazy racist stuff he was doing in Memphis with Koko Ware.

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I remember going to Philly Civic Center Crockett shows in the 80's and getting a buzz on drinking beers. We were only 16-17 and my Dad would usually drop me and my pals off and then taking his girlfriend out for dinner and sightseeing in the city. If you sat in the cheap seats, which were awesome, the beer vendors didn't exactly ask for ID. They'd say "Are you 21?" and we'd say "Yup, sure are." and we'd get served. We'd pretend to be tired and snooze on the ride home. I'm sure my Dad knew but since he knew he was getting laid later I'd guess he let it pass. :lol:

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I tried to reply to this thread at 4 in the morning, but I was too hammered to be using an iPhone to type anything out. Thus I gave up.


My buddy and I watched a shit ton of Randy Savage stuff wasted a few years ago. It was the greatest. His promos are hilarious enough when you're sober, but they're incredible when you're smashed. There's a promo from...I think it's World War 3 '95, where he randomly shouts "YOUR MOUSTACHE IS CROOKED!" at Gene, and we both completely lost it.


If I come home drunk and end up watching wrestling then it's usually the Memphis or Mid-South set. I literally must've watched half of the Mid-South set the first time through when I'd come home hammered on Friday nights. The other half I watched hungover on Saturday mornings.


Most fun I've ever had watching wrestling was the Michaels/Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 25. I used to have a Wrestlemania party at my place every year, and there was about 12 of us going nuts for that match. And we were all either hammered or on the way to being hammered.

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My roommates and I used to play the crap out of WCW/NWO Revenge for Nintendo 64 while drinking. I think it was that game that had a battle royal feature where you could come back as a new character when you were eliminated. It was great when you'd get someone shitty as a replacement. I remember some girlfriends getting really pissed at our marathon sessions.


My sophomore year, we went on an all-day bender on St. Patty's day that ended with us playing that game. We lived in a two-level apartment that had a spiral staircase up to the second floor. I decided to drop a big elbow from the top onto my roommate on the couch. We were both ok. The couch wasn't.


Come to think of it, we never watched much wrestling when drunk. We usually ended up wrestling ourselves. I had a buddy that was a big, 300 pound dude. He could throw some wicked powerbombs into the couch. It's amazing no one ended up seriously injured.

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When I get drunk, I tend to get a little more active, so I don't watch wrestling. I do drunk wrestle a lot though. However, high on pot? I love watching just about everything wrestling related. I tend to like deeply psychologically based wrestling matches or "OH SHIT!" wrestling spot-centric matches.

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My roommates and I used to play the crap out of WCW/NWO Revenge for Nintendo 64 while drinking. I think it was that game that had a battle royal feature where you could come back as a new character when you were eliminated. It was great when you'd get someone shitty as a replacement. I remember some girlfriends getting really pissed at our marathon sessions.

We did too. I would usually use Eric Bishoff and get cocky as hell when I'd win. Of course, this led to drunken wrestling brawls.

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Watching wrestling hungover might actually be my favourite way to watch it. I'm really weird when it comes to watching wrestling, in that I can only ever watch it before I go to bed or not long after I've woken up or I'll fall asleep after about 15 minutes. If I try to watch wrestling in the afternoon or the evening I end up falling asleep. Every time. When I wake up hungover I usually throw on some wrestling since I'm not really in any shape to be doing anything else, anyway. Watching wrestling hungover on weekend mornings is something I've done since I was, like, 18. I did it when I lived with my parents, and I still do it in my own place to this day. I honestly was not joking when I said I must've watched half the Mid-South set hungover on Saturday mornings. Shit, most of my wrestling watching in general these days is done on hungover weekend mornings since I have hardly any time to watch it during the week (although if I wouldn't keep falling asleep when watching it at normal times I'd have more opportunities).


My hungover wrestling of choice today was 1990 CMLL, btw. El Dandy bodyslamming Angel Azteca on his head doesn't do Angel Azteca any favours, but it takes the edge off a hangover ever so slightly.

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Nothing beats live Osaka Pro Wrestling when you're drinking in the Arena with a bunch of friends. It's literally not possibe to have more fun with your clothes on. Except, maybe, for drinking with Osaka Pro wrestlers:


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...and so on...

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Love watching wrestling after coming home from the bar. I watched a lot of the 1994 yearbook in that condition as seen from my awful typos/thoughts in the threads. Yearbooks are pretty good when you are not paying attention to the match listings as you are just getting a whole hell of lot random stuff. You really don't watch to be watching serious technical match ups though. Good call on Savage promos. Got to think a Dungeon of Doom set would make for some quality late night viewing.

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