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Yeah, and the way they're booking it, I don't expect the heat to be anything special for that match except for maybe whatever spots are there to make Roman Reigns look good. But yeah, this seems like it should be a really big deal but it isn't.

I think part of the problem is that Bray is the only one of the Wyatts who is over. The other two are kind of generic big men.


With the Shield all 3 guys are so good and have distinct personas that are pretty well over at this point. It doesn't feel like the big clash of mega-factions that it should be because one of them is still kind of green.

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Yeah, and the way they're booking it, I don't expect the heat to be anything special for that match except for maybe whatever spots are there to make Roman Reigns look good. But yeah, this seems like it should be a really big deal but it isn't.

I think part of the problem is that Bray is the only one of the Wyatts who is over. The other two are kind of generic big men.


With the Shield all 3 guys are so good and have distinct personas that are pretty well over at this point. It doesn't feel like the big clash of mega-factions that it should be because one of them is still kind of green.


Well , now they have Harper talking, and "generic" isn't exactly how I'd describe those two.
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Since we have three weeks until the PPV, I'd imagine the chaos between the teams is coming up. Right now it's dueling promos. And I'm loving these promos. Ambrose's bit reminded me of that great Diesel promo when he was fueding with Taker, "I AIN'T AFRAID OF THE DARK!"

Yeah, I'm enjoying it pretty well too. I think it'll succeed somewhat in spite of clumsy booking. WWE booking heel/heel doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. Still, these are just two very dynamic, interesting squads and it mostly takes care of itself. I can recall a Raw a while back where they almost came to blows and it got an awesome reaction from the crowd - the kind of organically surprised and excited reaction you don't get much. Shame there won't be more time to tell the story with the writing on the wall for the breakup of The Shield.

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Harper is way too good to give him the dreaded "generic big man" tag. Some of his work with Bryan has been superb. Rowan is pretty mundane, but he has a good look and he's big enough that some of his offense just looks nasty - plus you can hide him easily enough in a 6 man.

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Yeah, I'd totally dig a long fued between the two gangs, but it ain't gonna happen so why should I moan about what I know isn't gonna happen? And it isn't just WWE that blows heel vs heel fueds. Historically they've never been as great as fans have wanted them to be. Freebirds vs Devastation Inc had some good matches but it didn't run very long.

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Dammit I hate not having cable(or tv service of any kind!) When I catch up on the credit cards and dental/medical work I am getting some basic cable so I can watch the damned buildup to Mania and would like to buy this one(last one I got was 19 for $35 and when it went to $35 for 17 I was disgusted but still bought 17, 18, 19 cuz I was diehard back then. But when it jumped to 50 for WM20 I tapped out. Any idea what WM30 in standard definition will cost???)


Bought the show, will watch it online because the idiot on SKeiths blog gave Bryan/Orton ****3/4, saying it should have been the Mania main event and I am intrigued.


But I have a feeling I will be sorely dissapointed like when I rushed out to see the ***** Richards/Elgin match which I did not even like. I did see Elgin/Steen ROH title match and really liked it though as I like both those guys a lot. Sooo off topic.


How bout that Chamber match though? Orton, Cena, Sheamus, Cesaro, Bryan and Christian(Random??) Love the fact that there's 1 WWE World Heavyweight Champion although I forget it all the time when reading results. I haven't been paying too close attention. What's the odds Brock sneaks into the WWE title match? Even though it would bomb like Berg/Brock I still want to see Brock/Dave. If they go through with Orton/Dave on last for the title, I just can't see it turning out well.

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Oh yeah. Unified WWE title Chamber match + Shield/Wyatts bad ass heel six man makes me a potential buyer for this show even. Pretty pumped on the roster right now. The only glaring issue is "The Authority" which consists of what now, Triple H, Steph and Kane? Why didn't they just call it "The Corporation". 1 million times better and fitting name, and it's still as relevant of a word as it was in 1999.


But I guess they have to be cutesy and take the idea from one of the hipster writers that typed it up on their Mac Book Pro inbetween tweeting. Fuck!

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From the way they presented Orton last night as having no chance at the Chamber, jobbing and being paranoid it certainly seems he is going over at the PPV. Kane being shoehorned in with Bryan seems like they are just starting back up the Punk program with Bryan in the place of Punk. I thought Harper gave a solid promo for his first effort

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I kind of feel like they HAVE to go with Bryan winning in the Chamber. They could go a lot of different directions after that, but I think they have to just throw people a bone and try to create a happy fan base going into the Network launch.

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well with Kane running in during the main event they were trying to tell the audience that Hunter and Stephanie still hate Bryan. Yes despite the first segment where they were mad at Orton again and praised Bryan. I think from the way they're booking Orton here he is definitely winning at the Chamber. Unless plans change again

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Dammit I hate not having cable(or tv service of any kind!) When I catch up on the credit cards and dental/medical work I am getting some basic cable so I can watch the damned buildup to Mania and would like to buy this one(last one I got was 19 for $35 and when it went to $35 for 17 I was disgusted but still bought 17, 18, 19 cuz I was diehard back then. But when it jumped to 50 for WM20 I tapped out. Any idea what WM30 in standard definition will cost???)

Uhhh..10 bucks WWE Network.


RAW and SD! are also in full on youtube with a few mins of searching each week...

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I kind of feel like they HAVE to go with Bryan winning in the Chamber. They could go a lot of different directions after that, but I think they have to just throw people a bone and try to create a happy fan base going into the Network launch.

I still don't love the scenario where he's defending against Hunter at Mania. I think it means more if he either wins the belt at Mania or at least wins a shot. It matters more for a babyface to win something than to retain it.

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Yeah, and the way they're booking it, I don't expect the heat to be anything special for that match except for maybe whatever spots are there to make Roman Reigns look good. But yeah, this seems like it should be a really big deal but it isn't.

I'm holding out that they ramp this up with the remaining shows before the ppv. This could very well have a TLC 2012 type vibe - especially if they decide to make it tornado (which would be great).

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Considering it was just a throwaway match that didn't mean anything on free TV, without any build whatsoever, I liked the Sheamus Vs. Curtis Axel match. Axel worked the shoulder of Sheamus, the commentators put over Sheamus having previous shoulder problems then the guy that's more established won with his finish clean in the middle. Need more matches like that.



Solid six-minute match and Sheamus makes his opponents look so good as he builds to his comeback. The shoulder work fit in great and made Axel look smart. So good to have Sheamus back in the ring.

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We may have bitched about three-hour Raws but these types of matches (main event) was a by-product of them needing to fill that time. I loved that main event. Wasn't the most exciting match ever but told a great story and really made both guys seem important.


Am I completely out to lunch in thinking that's Orton/Bryan's best match ever?

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According to Mike Johnson:


"There was also a feeling that as much talk as there was about potential creative changes in the last week, there wasn't any real sign of that once they started learning what their segments were. In fact, most I spoke to in the last 24 hours were doubtful there would be any sort of real shake-up with current Mania plans."




If this turns out to be the case, is this the best option at this point?

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