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I think this angle has accidentally stumbled into some twisted brilliance. Bryan's chase isn't the title anymore, it's the idea that HHH really wants to bury him. Maybe they do, I have no idea. But they'll build this match with that Rock-Cena meta-vibe and I think it's going to be genuinely compelling to see whether or not Bryan actually wins, and how. I think having the title involved at this point would take away some of the drama of Bryan conquering, because it would be an obvious feel-good ending. This is more mysterious, and interesting, to me from both a storyline standpoint and "real".


Also they got 20,000 to chant for the match after Bryan came out and said that's the match he wanted, so, they got a good visual and momentum for it.

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At this point, I don't know if they genuinely believe that people just want to see Bryan featured prominently and they think a match with superman HHH will cut it or they're doing their usual "we'll acknowledge the fans but we have no idea how to book our way out of it anymore" style. People are rightfully worried about Orton/Batista but there's going to be a Brock/Taker match at Mania too. That title match has no chance.

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There is literally no one on earth I want to see wrestle less than 2014 HHH. I knew the match with Bryan was coming, and I'm sure they will work hard to make it compelling, but I have absolutely no interest in seeing it.


I would wager that a lot of people feel that way, especially for $65.


Kinda interested to see how many are interested in it for $9.99.

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Not sure who is telling Lana is show more skin on those promos but I give that man props.


Yeah this crowd is complete shits. I mean even Bryan had to force the crowd to react when he first came out.


So we get two matches where their partner causes the wrestler to get disqualified "by accident". That seems like pretty lazy booking.

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See that D-Bry commercial? that's what they should've been doing months ago. Don't find petty reasons to not support your most over wrestler, just do whatever you have at your disposal to make money out of the guy. Late as hell, but good job nonetheless by WWE.

Also, I'm happy as fuck they didn't break The Shield tonight. If Cena's injury is serious, Shield vs Wyatts II is an amazing backup plan

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I fully admit that I thought Taker would just dramatically sign his name. It reminded me of the set up for Taker/HHH. That was such a better way to do it though. My first hope (fully thinking he'd just sign) was that he'd make lightning come down and sign his name. Screw that real sports build. I want magic Taker Lightning.


This was good too though.

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