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Introduction to the Board as a wrestling fan


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Hey there,


I'm Mike, and I'm 24. My father got me into wrestling at a young age, and I've been hooked since then. Living in New York, I've been spoiled with being able to go to hundreds of shows of the years. I pride myself on having varied tastes, and being able to find enjoyment in anything from a local indy with a shitty deathmatch, to WrestleKingdom. I haven't really been on forums for the past few years, but I just love discussing wrestling, and learning about as much as I can. Recently, I've decided to try to jump in, and really familiarize myself with Smoky Mountain.

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Greetings everyone.


My name is Matt and I got into wrestling as a little kid living in the Netherlands (American military brat living at a NATO base). My parents were mostly bemused my enjoyment of wrestling, but my English grandmother would actually watch it with me whenever she came to visit. While she did not "get into it" the way many English old ladies were known to, we did have fun watching it together. She seemed to particularly enjoy seeing Bam Bam Bigelow in action, or as she more often called him Bim Bim Bigelow. In fact for decades after she would sometimes ask me how old Bim Bim was doing.


Anyways, once we returned to America I watched a good mixture of late 80s and early 90s JCP/WCW & WWF, before primarily becoming a WCW fan until the Russo years at which I mostly checked out of wrestling. Then sometime in the mid-2000s I started watching some random wrestling videos online (I guess after You Tube was founded, but in my head it seems like it was pre-2005), and started getting interested in American indy wrestling. These days I mostly watch NJPW World (never watched New Japan before and have enjoyed going through their older matches), Chikara (I know, I know...but I enjoy those wacky guys and gals), and still just watching random matches and segments from late 80s WWF and WCW.


With all of that in mind I have been a board lurker for the past few months, and recently decided to take the plunge and register here. I will readily admit that my wrestling knowledge is quite limited compared to the vast majority of the active board members here, but still thought I would enjoy chiming in on some conversations and continuing to learn more about this crazy little "sport" we all love.

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Hello, I have been a pro wrestling fan since 2004 with Wrestlemania 20 being my first wrestling memory. I thought the matches were the coolest medium of storytelling I had ever seen. I was basically a WWE fan for the first few years and then I discovered WCW and ECW matches. I knew Benoit, Liger, Eddie etc. so I watched Benoit vs. Sasuke from Super J Cup 94, which was my gateway to Japanese wrestling. At first it was only New Japan Juniors but then I discovered All Japan with Misawa vs. Jumbo 6/90 being my first match. From there I diversified with Joshi and some shoot-style (RINGS). I found this site in 2013 and have been lurking until now. Even though I knew Santo and had seen the When Worlds Collide Tag match, I was almost completely unfamilar with Lucha until I saw how highly Dandy, Casas, Satanico matches were ranked on this site. I checked them out (and was extremely impressed) and so this site is what got me into Mexican wrestling. I wanted to participate in the 2016 GWE poll so I signed up.

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My name is Josh, Im a 33 year old born and raised Texan. I started watching wrestling in the late 80s, folks in my family were not and are not wrestling fans at all outside of my Dad watching a few shows that came through the area. I watched the larger syndicated programming and have always been drawn to tag team wrestling. This led to Arn Anderson being my favorite wrestler growing up and that point still stands to this day. I definitely preferred NWA to WWF although Id watch both.


I watched wrestling all through the 90s, getting online in '97, discovered tape trading and the like. My wrestling fan friends and I amassed footage that was pimped including 90s Japanese wrestling and a smattering of "Best of Insert Year Here" compilations. I enjoyed seeing the different styles and things going on around the world. One of my buddies had satelitte and I remember staying up until 1am on Fridays over his house to watch ECW shows that we all really enjoyed for their time. There is a ton of wrestling I still want to watch and would especially like to see more Lucha and territorial US stuff I havent seen outside clips and a smattering of small viewings.


Ive fallen in and out of wrestling throughout the past 15 years, although Id always kind of keep up on the outside lurking here without a membership and DVDVR for years. The GWE project has really piqued my interest and Ive enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts. The posting of everyone should submit a ballot made me think maybe I should try and participate. Ive seen a ton of wrestling but theres so much more Id like to watch.


Some of my all time favorites would include


Arn Anderson


Randy Savage

Barry Windham


Bobby Eaton

Atsushi Onita

Terry Funk

Stan Hansen

Toshiaki Kawada

Jushin Liger

Steve Austin

Ric Flair


Id go on and on but you get the idea, I enjoy all styles and Id still say tag team wrestling may be my favorite and I love old studio shows with squash matches along with anything filled with hate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

I'm Daniel, Ship Canal on here as that's the name I make (weird, rubbish) music with and I couldn't think of anything more creative.

I lurked here for about a year before signing up and I'm really glad I found this place.

I'm from Manchester England originally but am now living in Newcastle Upon Tyner even further up north.

I've been a fan since I was 6 years old and my auntie took me to rent a video and I picked a British Bulldog tape for no other reason than I thought the big muscly dude on the front looked badass and like a super hero. I'd never seen wrestling in my life.

That began a life long (although fragmented) obsession and now here I am 24 years later. I'm particularly fascinated by the history of the business, cultural, social, political etc and love finding out about that sort of thing, often on the podcasts some of you guys do.

I didn't watch wrestling between the age of 9 and 15 and came back big time during the Attitude era, as you can probably imagine for a teenager at that age who was also mainly into punk rock and drinking alcohol illegally. Through that me and my mate sourced a wrestling shop in the middle of a shopping arcade in central Manchester and would spend our weekends hanging out there with the guy who owned it watching tapes and talking about this ECW promotion that he was raving about (even though retrospectively it was probably past its peak by then).

We'd buy these bootleg tapes off him of all sorts of shows, ECW, Japan, Mexico, shoot interviews, a ton of RF Best of compilations, everything we could get our hands on, all for six pounds per dubbed VHS.

After that I had another long break from wrestling at university and that lasted until I finished there around 2008 from which point I would reconnect and watch most of the pimped matches in a year but no historical stuff, no standalone full shows.

Then, not to get too all deep and shit, but about four years ago I was having some rough times in life and for some reason I just craved wanting to escape by watching wrestling again and I just got consumed like never before, because I hadn't realized how much the internet and the online footage boom had changed the way fans talked about and watched wrestling.

I'm pretty much at the point now that pro wrestling is my number one priority in terms of hobbies and interests so starting to post here more seemed to make sense.


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It was in the old Coliseum initially. Ground floor at the end just before the stairs. I never knew of one in Afflecks during the time I was hanging out there and as a teenage punk I was at Afflecks A LOT hahah. There could well have been one there at some point though and I just somehow missed it or it was short lived, a lot of stores in Afflecks used to last a matter of weeks it seemed.

It was called Extreme Central (although there was no sign above the door heheh) and it was run by a bloke called Mike Hough. He kept a listing of every tape he had in stock (under the counter of course to avoid piracy laws, you had to know and ask him, which gave the whole place the strange air of the League of Gentlemen Hilary Briss scenes) in a big yellow binder we referred to as the "Bible". He told us he did all his own star ratings for every match but God knows if that was true or not, we believed any old shit at that age.

He now has some involvement in HXC in Manchester I believe? At the very least he promotes their shows heavily on facebook.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all, My name is Shawn.


I'm in my twenties from the Maritime's in Nova Scotia. I've been a life long wrestling fan, I started watching with my father when I was only 1 so my whole life as I can remember wrestling has been a part of it. My father and several others in my family are hearing impaired so wrestling was a favourite amongst them due to the obvious ease of understanding what's going on through the body language and straight forward presentation of professional wrestling. My father in particular loved telling me stories when I was young about going to see the Atlantic Grand Prix wrestling all the time and bragging how all his friends called him Cuban because of his long black hair and beard bearing a vague resemblance to The Cuban Assassin, talking about the guys like Leaping Lanny, Stephen Petitpas, Leo Burke, The Beast, etc and how his favourite was always the Great Malumba(My dad loved to recall this promo they hyped Mulumba with by saying he drank blood and paddled his boat up the river!) . He had a particular story he loved telling about the time he drunkly challenged Killer Karl Krupp and was thrown out of the building while trying for the ring.


As for myself growing up in the early 90's my first solid recollection of steady wrestling memories were of watching the WWF Superstars and WCW Saturday show on TBS that we got up here in Nova Scotia and then seeing Monday Night Raw and Nitro when they started. My early favourite was Razor Ramon until I saw him toppled by Shawn Michaels in their SummerSlam 95 ladder rematch from a tape of the show from one of my dad's friends and it was Shawn from then on until present day. My family was poor off so I never got to go see wrestling live until I was old enough to pay for myself and still never got to see WWE live until 2013 in Calgary when I lived there(Bret Hart Appreciation Night). Also due to being poorer our cable got shut off regularly over the years so there were periods of wrestling I've missed because of this(the biggest being from August 02-May 2003 during Shawn Michael's comeback and title win :( ) so during those periods I would watch over and over again the few old Colosseum vids we had, Wrestlemania's 5,11 and 14 on tape, and a few old Nitros/Thunders and Raw's that my dad hadn't taped over. I learned wrestling was predetermined when I was in the 4th grade after reading a book called the buzz on professional wrestling which my local library had and although people had told me all along it was "fake" I wasn't deterred because now that I had confirmation it made me hopeful that one day I'd maybe be able to wrestle since I didn't figure myself ever to be tough enough to wrestle for real. So funnily enough I ended up amateur wrestling in high school because of guys on TV like Kurt Angle, Bob Backlund, etc. and doing well, winning some provincial titles and competing at nationals and almost getting to go to the Canada Games(kind of like a junior Olympics here in Canada) if not for the lack of funds my family had. So to tie this all in it was around the time I started amateur wrestling that I began to fall out of love with pro wrestling, The two biggest reasons were WWE killing the relaunch of ECW(me being a huge ECW mark after reading about them in the books and magazines I'd get ahold of and then seeing the Rise + Fall DVD) and then the Benoit tragedy sealed it as it made any wrestling talk seem horrible as someone would always bring it up if they learned you were a pro wrestling fan. So from 2007-2010 I watched very little if any wrestling besides catching Wrestlemania with friends at their places or a few dvd releases and switched all my obsessive watching and learning into MMA which was red hot. It wasn't until Shawn Michaels retirement that I started to fall back in love with wrestling while watching his stuff back. So to sum it up to present day I'm as big a pro wrestling fan as ever and wanting to learn more about it's history led me to google a pro wrestling forum and this popped up and after reading a few threads and listening to a couple episodes of between the sheets and learning how to join, signed up. This is the first wrestling forum I've ever been a member on or really ever read as I did not have internet until I was 18 besides my school and the library so I didn't follow the "IWC" until recent years. As for my wrestling tastes and favourites they have evolved dramatically through the years from a kid being a mostly WWF fan, to the early 2000's being a huge deathmatch fan and discovering Japan and ROH on fight network here in Canada, to now liking a bit of everything from WWE, NXT, ROH, NJPW, Indies and I love the connection of UWF style groups like UWFI, PWFG, and RINGS to MMA so I collect and watch a lot of that stuff now. I don't watch any shows regularly but try to watch the NXT specials and WWE ppv's and any NJPW/ROH show that has some buzz and whatever indies may have a show I'm interested in like the occasional PWG or such. I've learned a ton reading this board and especially listening to the placetobenation shows like between the sheets. I'd love to someday get to buy and watch through all the DVDVR yearbooks to see all these great years and matches people on here rave about. So that's a brief overview of myself here of my first post, obviously I'll be now posting on here in hopes of always learning more and getting to know the members and their recommendations and opinions and hope I can contribute to the discussions with any knowledge I have. Thanks for having me and if anyone had any questions please respond and ask because I'd love to hear from you folks. Thanks again and have a good one.


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  • 1 month later...

After a couple of years of lurking and realizing that holy shit, my wrestling knowledge is a drop in the ocean compared to some people, I've finally decided to up and join the board here. I've been watching GWE stuff like mad in particular, trying to get as knowledgeable as possible. I'll be trying to post thoughts on a lot of the stuff I've seen/will see before finalizing my ballot. My tastes are pretty eclectic but I promise to back up any weird opinions I end up throwing out there. Glad to be here, now I'm off to drop the self-deprecation and try to not appear out of my depth.

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Welcome SPS and Mrzfn :)

Hello all, My name is Shawn.


I'm in my twenties from the Maritime's in Nova Scotia. I've been a life long wrestling fan, I started watching with my father when I was only 1 so my whole life as I can remember wrestling has been a part of it. My father and several others in my family are hearing impaired so wrestling was a favourite amongst them due to the obvious ease of understanding what's going on through the body language and straight forward presentation of professional wrestling. My father in particular loved telling me stories when I was young about going to see the Atlantic Grand Prix wrestling all the time and bragging how all his friends called him Cuban because of his long black hair and beard bearing a vague resemblance to The Cuban Assassin, talking about the guys like Leaping Lanny, Stephen Petitpas, Leo Burke, The Beast, etc and how his favourite was always the Great Malumba(My dad loved to recall this promo they hyped Mulumba with by saying he drank blood and paddled his boat up the river!) . He had a particular story he loved telling about the time he drunkly challenged Killer Karl Krupp and was thrown out of the building while trying for the ring.

Absolutely great stuff, thanks so much for sharing that, genuinely brought a smile to my face.


After a couple of years of lurking and realizing that holy shit, my wrestling knowledge is a drop in the ocean compared to some people, I've finally decided to up and join the board here. I've been watching GWE stuff like mad in particular, trying to get as knowledgeable as possible. I'll be trying to post thoughts on a lot of the stuff I've seen/will see before finalizing my ballot. My tastes are pretty eclectic but I promise to back up any weird opinions I end up throwing out there. Glad to be here, now I'm off to drop the self-deprecation and try to not appear out of my depth.

I worried about appearing out of my depth for ages on here but now I just sit back and take in as much as I can and contribute where I feel like I can. That's what its all about.

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After a couple of years of lurking and realizing that holy shit, my wrestling knowledge is a drop in the ocean compared to some people, I've finally decided to up and join the board here. I've been watching GWE stuff like mad in particular, trying to get as knowledgeable as possible. I'll be trying to post thoughts on a lot of the stuff I've seen/will see before finalizing my ballot. My tastes are pretty eclectic but I promise to back up any weird opinions I end up throwing out there. Glad to be here, now I'm off to drop the self-deprecation and try to not appear out of my depth.

I worried about appearing out of my depth for ages on here but now I just sit back and take in as much as I can and contribute where I feel like I can. That's what its all about.


No-one should ever worry about feeling out of depth with Judy Bagwell here and their unfunny attempts at 'humour'.

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I figure I should introduce myself as I'm new around here. I'm Thomas, I'm 22 and I'm from Iowa. I've been lurking for about a month. Ive been here because I've been watching a lot of older wrestling (watching late 70s Memphis right now) and this seems like a decent place to discuss that. I also frequent Midwest wrestling shows and might talk about them from time to time as well.

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A board member by the name of Supersonic said I should check this place out. I am a regular on the ROH forum, but he said I needed to get my ass on this forum. Here I am. All you need to know about me is in my profile. Favorite wrestlers: Flair, Michaels, Windham, Malenko, Daniels, Nakamura, Muta, Danielson, KENTA, and Liger.

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Hi i’m Andrew. I’m 33 and i’m from Exeter in England.

I’ve been a fan since I was eight and the first show I watched was the Royal Rumble 92. It’s still my favourite Rumble match.

I’ve seen a lot of Flair in his prime and 90’s All Japan which I love, but it’s mostly been 90’s WWE and WCW. I stopped watching wrestling for a few years because I got sick of the WWE product. I’ve come back to it again recently, watching a lot the Japan stuff that has been uploaded to you tube. I love the all 90’s Japan guys, particularly Kobashi.

I listened to the Fair for Flair series by Parv a while ago and really enjoyed it. Listening to that inspired me to go back and watch Flair again for the first time in years. It was nice to be reminded of his greatness. Listening to that podcast also led me to this site and I was astounded to realise how much stuff there is out there that i’ve never seen and how limited my knowledge is. I would have loved to have taken part in the GWE project, but i’m embarrassed to say that after over 20 years as a fan, right now I would probably struggle to put together a credible top 30.

Hopefully I can expand my knowledge and get involved with the discussions over the next few months.

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Hello from Vancouver, BC, Canada.


I grew up watching the WWF from Canada's west coast from about 1984 onwards, when I was ten. Remained a casual fan until university, when I began reading Scott Keith. Watched WCW from 1994 until it ended. Went on hiatus from about 2005 when the WWF didn't do it for me anymore; recently I noticed the explosion of footage on YouTube from the territories and Japan and was hooked back in. The links from Keith's site to PTB led me to all the podcasts affiliated with PWO and I now have the desire to systematically watch stuff from Japan, WCW and the territories.


Like Andrew, I want to expand my knowledge base and join in the discussion. Maybe by 2026 I'll have enough confidence to vote for the next round of GWE ...


A primer on how and where to watch all sorts of footage would be much appreciated.

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Hello guys, my name is Michael and I'm from the South-East of Ireland. I'm twenty-two years old and I work on the family farm. I swear this isn't a parody account.


The first wrestling I encountered was a tape of SummerSlam '01 when I was eight. It was a sleepover at my neighbor's house and I watched wrestling for the night with five rowdy boys who were all older than me. They practiced wrestling moves on each other and me for the rest of the night, I don't remember what I thought of the show at the time but it was fun and I knew I liked wrestling. A couple of weeks later I borrowed the tape and never gave it back because they never asked for it. I watched it quite a bit for a few months. It was a really fun card and I wondered what Chef Boyardee was for many years. Tajiri and Steve Austin were my favorites.


Between '01-'04 I watched hardly anything. We had nine or ten television channels and none showed wrestling. In 2005 a friend asked me over to watch Royal Rumble; I hadn't watched any wrestling in about two years (there's only so many times a child can watch Lance Storm vs Edge) and I was really excited for it. Batista won and I enjoyed most of what I saw, Eddie Guerrero was probably the only guy I considered a favorite over the next few months for his charisma more than anything else. I watched WrestleMania 21 at that same friend's house and was really hooked, Michaels vs Angle being the main reason along with Shelton Benjamin doing crazy things in a ladder match.


My grandmother got Sky television channels around that time and so I spent most Friday nights at her house to watch Smackdown on the condition that I'd help with the cows the following morning. My parents used wrestling as a bargaining chip for most of early fandom and got plenty of farm and school work out of me before they eventually agreed to get the TV channels in 2006. In 2005 I found The Wrestling Channel hidden in the listings and started watching TNA and World of Sport. I didn't think much of WOS initially, but the more time I spent at my grandmother's watching the channel constantly the more I warmed to the style. TNA was my favorite promotion at this time; the X-Division excited me and the heavy use of older guys such as Raven, Sabu, Jarrett, Rhyno etc. didn't grate on me like it did others. I had read The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pro Wrestling and came out of the experience thinking of late 90's WCW as the pinnacle of all wrestling (having never seen a second of it) and of Captain Lou Albano as a wise elder whose word was to be treated as gospel. Magazines and DVD's fed my desire to find out more about older wrestling, from Powerslam and PWI to Bret Hart, Ric Flair and Jake Roberts DVD compilations. I loved the photographs in PWI and never really cared for the content.


I ended up getting access the internet in 2009/10 and I've been playing catch-up on wrestling's history since then. Like many, late 80's and 90's AJPW is what I consider to be the peak of wrestling. What I've seen of U.S. wrestling in the 70's and 80's is patchy, mostly the famous matches and moments and more extensive watching of favorites like Flair and Funk. Watching as much wrestling as I'd like to is difficult but I'd like to make more of an effort and that's mostly why I've made an account here. For the most part, nowadays, I only watch Evolve, NJPW and WWE PPV's with regularity and well recommended matches in other promotions.


Bleh, I should probably flesh out who I like and why I like them, and shows I've been to but there's time enough for that.

I'll try and get involved in some way on the board and hopefully it ends up in me watching and writing about more wrestling, old and new.

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I'm from Maryland and I'm in my mid thirties. I've been a wrestling fan since I watched the famous Hogan vs. Orndorff cage match in early 1987.


I've been aware of this place and its spiritual predecessors for years. At this point in my fandom, I am far more likely to watch off-the-wall stuff than 'the classics,' and the good folks here are often the only other people I can find writing about the stuff I'm watching.


But it's the Greatest Wrestler Ever countdown that brought me here. I finally paid attention to the GWE about a week before the deadline. I initially decided not to cast a last minute ballot. I have tons of blind spots and decided my goofy last minute ballot wouldn't be fair to the people who slaved away for years on this project. But as the due date drew closer, my opinion started to change. I decided with over 100 ballots cast, what's one more, even if it is an oddball ballot which no doubt would have featured Jacques Rougeau in the Top 30. Unfortunately, real life got in the way and I was unable to submit that last minute ballot. Regardless of my lack of participation, I'm keeping a close eye on things and marking out a little whenever one of my guys (Poffo! Norton! Ouellet! even Honkytonk Man!) pops up. I wish I had been able to submit a ballot. No hiding behind anonymity from this one. I'd have been out there on the front lines defending each and every one of my picks.


So I grew up a massive WWF fan. Discovered NWA, UWF, GLOW, AWA and other stuff not long after finding WWF way back in '87. I liked other wrestling but WWF was always 'my thing.' I was partial to sports entertainment heels growing up and, even today, sports entertainmenty heels are typically my favorite (I love Toru Yano for example). I guess you could have called me a diehard casual up until '95 when my fandom leveled up due to becoming an Apter Mag fanatic and finally starting to care a tiny bit about workrate/match quality. I got into ECW, went to 8 shows at THE Arena, bought a ton of tapes once I got online in '98, and loved the Monday Night Wars/Attitude Era. After ECW, I got into the indies. Went to a bunch of ECWA shows in 2001-2002 (Ki vs. Daniels for the win) and followed ROH from the beginning. I feel like I spent the bulk of my paychecks in the late 90s-early 2000s on wrestling tapes. Went to a ton of indy shows from 2001-2006 while remaining a WWE fan (though not as much as I had been in the 80 & 90) and also watching TNA.


Stopped watching wrestling altogether in 2009. Didn't even follow it for three years. Nor did I even watch my beloved older stuff. I thought I had finally left wrestling behind after 22 glorious years. But us old fans are hard to kill off completely. I got back into it, though mostly on a historical level, in late 2012. I don't watch much modern wrestling but I'm still devouring the older stuff. I'm all about the 80s & 90s US wrestling. Oh, and I was on the Jerry Lawler bandwagon before it really picked up steam. "The King" is definitely a Top 10 all time fave.


Fwiw, my all time favorite is Ric Flair followed by Owen Hart and Mick Foley, though 'favorite' and 'greatest' don't necessarily mean the same thing, and they wouldn't have my been my Top 3 had I participated in the GWE.

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I don't have much to say, so I'll keep the introduction short:


I'm 20. From NY. I've been watching wrestling on-and-off since... the mid-2000's, I think. Mostly WWF/E, but with the advent of the Network I've been meaning to expand my palate and also do a little catch-up on old 90's RAWs.


Anyways... been lurking for a couple of months now. Glad to finally be here. Looking forward to discussing graps with you all.

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