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Shoots Review and Preview thread


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KC wanted Backlund for 1981, but they couldn't come to terms on a price tag. Too bad too, I would have loved hearing about the famous Valentine match where Greg was announced as new champ. I guess we can hold out hope for Bob for 1982, because I have no idea who else they can get besides Snuka, and that would be a trainwreck. Maybe Afa and/or Sika?


Hopefully they will try and get Bob for 81 but why does he want so much. I guess there is little chance of getting Hogan to do a timeline.




They wound up doing '81 with Rick Martel. But, I'm hopeful for 1982. . . . .

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I can't imagine a Hogan shoot would be of anything of value aside possibly entertainment. Then again that could be said for most shoots.


Im glad that Flair did one even though it was a tad annoying he kept spitting in a bottle. Love to hear Hogan do a shoot possibly the same length as that guy in Australia who hosts The Voice I found very interesting. Its a shame randy Savage never did one either as every wrestlers should do one once.




KC wanted Backlund for 1981, but they couldn't come to terms on a price tag. Too bad too, I would have loved hearing about the famous Valentine match where Greg was announced as new champ. I guess we can hold out hope for Bob for 1982, because I have no idea who else they can get besides Snuka, and that would be a trainwreck. Maybe Afa and/or Sika?


Hopefully they will try and get Bob for 81 but why does he want so much. I guess there is little chance of getting Hogan to do a timeline.




They wound up doing '81 with Rick Martel. But, I'm hopeful for 1982. . . . .



Rick Martel was a odd choice for 81 I would have chosen Pedro Morales or Don Muraco as they seemed more relevant to that year.


Whats happening with the Red Shoot? They did a Finlay one for Smackdown Blue a while ago and thought they would cover both shows.

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Bobby Heenan and Jim Cornette cover having sex with Vince McMahon, Corny's temper, their regrets, MULKEYMANIA, the best matches they've witnessed, Heenan's Rumble 92 commentary, best friends in the biz and much more!

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I'm a bit more than halfway through the first edition of Back to Territories, and this first one is a winner. Corny and Duggan discuss the various names and faces associated with the territory, and talk about the horrendous road trips and crazed fans, along with plenty of good stories, and little cutaways for Cornette to discus the history of the promotion.


I'm exactly at the same point, and yes, totally agree, this is great. Cornette is having a blast doing this and Duggan is a fun guest. Can't wait for the following ones.

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Jim Cornette is really good on the Crockett Diaries but man the Highspots guys barely even edited that thing. Parts where Cornette clearly cues them to do an edit they don't edit, with stuff like him restarting stories multiple times. Not to mention you can't hear them asking questions so you have these long spots where they are prepping Cornette to do his next spiel but you can't hear it.

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Dr Death Steve Williams, Brad Armstrong, Skandor Akbar, Tim Horner and Bill Dundee come together to discuss the glory days of the Mid-South/UWF!! Topics include: Bill Watts' as the boss, Ernie Ladd's underwear, Kamala eating a security guard to keep kayfabe, pay offs, injuries, JCP buying the promotion, Dusty wasting Crockett's cash, bar fights, who pinned Andre before Hogan? and much more!!!!

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Jim Cornette is really good on the Crockett Diaries but man the Highspots guys barely even edited that thing. Parts where Cornette clearly cues them to do an edit they don't edit, with stuff like him restarting stories multiple times. Not to mention you can't hear them asking questions so you have these long spots where they are prepping Cornette to do his next spiel but you can't hear it.


Cornette is a amazing shoot guy. When I first heard how many he did I thought why thats gotta be boring but every Cornette shoot ive seen I have loved every minute of them and hes probably my most fav Shoot guest.

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Yea but it seems like he can't help himself but to go off on Vince Russo, Jim Herd or "why I hated Connecticut" rants so I'd prefer him not to even go beyond Crockett selling the company since I've heard everything he has to say about his WWF, SMW & WCW days by this point.

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Is his Doctumentary series any good? Ive seen the trailer when he toured the UK and sounds a right laugh how hes will to take the piss out of them home guards who have to guard the palace and cant move. He had a few stand up shows filmed didnt he? Has anyone watched any of these to know what they are like or if each one is different.

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Just watched the ECW 1998 Timeline with New Jack. It was solid, but not groundbreaking. Jack does a good job of talking about the overall vibe of the year, but he wasn't really involved in the top angles, so there's not a lot of discussion of the booking or the big moments on-screen.

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Ive not seen that one yet. Ive seen all the Kayefabe Commentaries ones he did and 1996 was very interesting about the Vader/Shawn feud. He doesnt hold back either, I forget the amount of profanities he used towards Michaels and Shawn finding God.

He did a 1996 one? I thought he only did 1997 (which was really good, btw).

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Ive not seen that one yet. Ive seen all the Kayefabe Commentaries ones he did and 1996 was very interesting about the Vader/Shawn feud. He doesnt hold back either, I forget the amount of profanities he used towards Michaels and Shawn finding God.

He did a 1996 one? I thought he only did 1997 (which was really good, btw).



No I just meant he discussed the problems with Vader & Shawn & Summerslam.


Are there any future KC stuff in the pipeline? All ive heard of is RVD.

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In their update, they announced they are going to do Timeline 1996 with Raven. Which is a bit disappointing - Raven's certainly a good choice in the abstract, but we've all seen him talk about his ECW run ad nauseam.


Also, they are doing a Breaking Kayfabe with Sabu.

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In their update, they announced they are going to do Timeline 1996 with Raven. Which is a bit disappointing - Raven's certainly a good choice in the abstract, but we've all seen him talk about his ECW run ad nauseam.


Also, they are doing a Breaking Kayfabe with Sabu.


And Raven has talked at length about how shitty his memory is from those days . . . .

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