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Punk Walks Out of WWE


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Mentioned in the WWE and Meltz threads but I thought I'd start a separate one. He's been written off future storylines,including mania. Fuck him this is going to cost Bryan the belt now. (Bryan V HHH is now on for mania). That's all I care about now. I'm going to have to enter psychoanalysis over this shit

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It will be a news story if Cena left. Cena has proven he is the only one who constantly moves the needle for WWE. How many times have WWE rushed Cena back to TV due to low ratings? If/When Punk leaves the IWC will cry foul and that TERRIBLE website cagesideseats.com will post a million markish articles by their idiotic staff on how this is the biggest WWE fumble in the history of the company and how the WWE will go out of business within a year. The reality of a Punk departure? WWE business will keep on trucking upwards and ROH might get a special Punk appearance here-and-there. That will be the state of the world when Punk leaves WWE.

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I actually want them to do Bryan vs HHH for the title now. There was some talk of them changing plans to have Bryan win the Elimination Chamber, stick with that. Then do Bryan vs HHH for the title with HHH not trusting anyone else to get the job done. There is no better way to ensure a great crowd reaction than leaving that match to the very end of Mania.


Who cares how they screw Batista out of his Rumble prize, they can still do Batista vs Orton, Lesnar vs Taker and Cena vs Bray Wyatt. Might as well have the last 3 matches be Taker vs. Lesnar, then Batista vs Orton then HHH vs. Bryan.

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Not that I'm happy about this (I'm not), but this TOTALLY works out in Bryan's favor.


Bryan vs Sheamus = throwaway mid card match.


Bryan vs HHH = headline match, and a win over HHH at WM? That, at the very least, means AS much as a title victory in this fucked up fed these days.


So Bryan beats HHH at WM, in a fresh, and likely very good match (could see it being like a Punk/HHH / TAKA/HHH hybrid). Bryan could be hotter than ever coming off the HHH win and at that point, best time to get the title for real this time. Extreme Rules is in Bryan's home state. Maybe Lesnar will be champion?


I know this is all wishful thinking and blah blah blah, but I actually am feeling good about the Bryan situation at the moment.

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Not that I'm happy about this (I'm not), but this TOTALLY works out in Bryan's favor.


Bryan vs Sheamus = throwaway mid card match.


Bryan vs HHH = headline match, and a win over HHH at WM? That, at the very least, means AS much as a title victory in this fucked up fed these days.


So Bryan beats HHH at WM, in a fresh, and likely very good match (could see it being like a Punk/HHH / TAKA/HHH hybrid). Bryan could be hotter than ever coming off the HHH win and at that point, best time to get the title for real this time. Extreme Rules is in Bryan's home state. Maybe Lesnar will be champion?

Mike Johnson had reported they had changed their mind and Bryan was going to get the title at the EC and then it would be triple threat with Batista and Orton at Mania. Not happening now. I'm just freaked out he's never going to get that belt. I don't think him v Hunter will be for the belt. No way.



and trying to decipher Meltz in a post at cageside, he seems to be implying that Punk might never come back. Everyone in wrestling comes back but Punk has saved his money and thinks he doesn't need them.

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That might not be smart enough to do HHH challenging EC winner Daniel Bryan but it's right there waiting for them and nothing else they can do with Bryan or the title would get a better reaction on the show. It's even better than Bryan finally beating Orton clean since they've already established that Bryan can beat Orton.


The ultimate goal for Bryan vs The Authority should have always been Bryan winning the title and HHH challenging him for it. They fucked it all up but they could actually wind up taking a big shitty detour and still making it where they need to go.


Then they can still recoup their Batista money by having him be Bryan's first challenger. Heel Batista is money anyway.

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In the interview he did with Helwani, Punk seemed very noncommittal about his future plans. Looking back, I wouldn't be surprised if he already had his mind made up at that point and was just waiting for the proper time.


Dave did point out in the BREAKING NEWS update that Punk's never been concerned about money, and seemed to be implying he's just tired of dealing with all their bullshit. He's one of the few guys that has fuck-you money, and that appears to be what he did.

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As far as Punk leaving, if he is actually gone for good, I am not sure it ultimately hurts the WWE that much. Bryan already seemed like he was about to take his spot as "the guy behind Cena" and I don't think he was ever going to be able to do another good heel run, so he was pretty much stuck as lame pandering babyface until the end of time. It doesn't hurt Punk either because I don't think he'll really miss WWE that much and if he misses wrestling I'm sure he'll eventually do a match or two somewhere a few years down the line for some person willing to pay way too much money to do an indy show with CM Punk on it.

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Fucking hell Strummer, your mental breakdown from this Bryan situation is quite pathetic.


I not sure if putting the belt on Bryan at EC is a good idea. He needs to win it on the big stage if anything, and that's unlikely. Batista swanning in and taking it is annoying but he brings the big numbers. I honestly think it might be too late with Bryan anyway. He should have got the belt last summer. That's when they truly fucked him. Still, I'm happy with HHH/Bryan, with or without the belt, it's the way this tale was supposed to go.


Strangely not bothered about Punk leaving. Loved his heel run a couple of years back but he's looked completely rotten since his return and it seemed like he was just getting worse.

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I'll throw out something our old friend Victator said on DVDVR a while back: WWE doesn't want to create superstars. They want to create an army of midcarders who are financially dependent on them. As we're seeing with Punk, a financially secure wrestler has leverage, and they hate that. I think it's also why they're hesitant to do anything with Bryan. They're afraid of creating something they can't control.

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No one seems to know how the Mania payout will work with the Network this year. Perhaps they told the guys what to expect and Punk figured there was no point in waiting.

I wonder if being pencilled in to work with Hunter at WrestleMania played a factor in this too. He knows how that goes.

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