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Times you thought it was a shoot.


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I am a sucker for the knee/ankle injury when you tumble out of the ring. If you don't "sell" it with screams, but you have some trouble moving I am sold. Especially the women, I am conditioned at this point to be so scared for women falling out the ring given so many injuries that happen. So I was at a RAW in Detroit where there was title switch between Beth and a Bella and I thought for sure Beth's knee had gotten fucked up. Another one, recent one was Rollins looked he hurt his knee tumbling out of the ring and I thought for sure he was hurt. He was not selling that much, but limping a little. Of course, he was totally fine and my brother mocks me relentlessly for this anytime somebody takes a bump to the outside now. Given Rollins' massive wipeout this past RAW, we were laughing so friggin' hard at the whole ordeal.

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Yeah, injuries. There were reports that Mark Henry was selling an injury on house shows over the weekend and I have no idea if it was legit or him selling the Brock stuff or what. WWE doesn't usually show that attention to detail but Henry himself is a guy who seems to care about it.

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At one point when I was 12 years old I knew all American and Mexican wrestling was a charade but for a couple of months I was sure that New Japan Pro Wrestling was all for real.


I never thought this myself but many of my friends in Mexico suspected that everything was fake except for mask vs. mask matches and those were shoots.

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I have memories of Steamboat coughing up blood when Randy Savage attacked him with the ring bell. Years later I realized it was Steamboat's selling that convinced me that's what I saw.

I am sure no blood (no puns please) was involved. He was selling it like a trooper though, falling off the stretcher as he was getting wheeled to the back. The commentators put it over big as well if I recall correctly.

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I believed the Shawn Michaels collapsing in the ring, too, but that's already been said.


Here's one I haven't read yet and frankly I'm still not sure whether or not there were shoot elements to it. Around 2 or 3 years ago TNA was doing an in-ring promo with Ric Flair and Mick Foley. And every time Foley would try to respond to Flair, Ric would do something like slap him or knock the mic out of his hand. I couldn't tell if that was scripted or Flair just didn't like him and refused to let him get a word in.

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Here's an interesting one somebody might know some tidbits on.


On one of the early Eliminators vs Sabu / RVD matches, Kronus seems to be fucked off with RVD and starts laying it in stiff. Sabu runs into the ring, as if to protect RVD's image.


Now RVD strikes me as no nonsense guy, and I can't picture him letting somebody take liberties with him in the ring, even back in 1996 / 1997. But I think Kronus had a bit of a rep himself.


Any idea if a little shooting went on there? Any of the three living guys ever spoken about heat in the matches they had?

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With the erratic, unpredictable booking and the sloppy, dangerous ring work I got really hooked on the idea that the brawl for all was legit back in 1998. Stupid in retrospect - I mean nobody would be dumb enough to imperil the health and image of fake fighters in a real and completely off-the-cuff toughman contest!

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Doug Somers took a bump during a tag with Rose at the Showboat once that he seemed to legit fuck up his ankle, to the point where it looked crooked in his boot and he had Sherri help him hobble around. The match ended at that point but I think it was the planned ending.


I think it was against Snuka and Gagne but I could be wrong.


Given the way the tapings were shown, he never seemed to miss any time and there were no indications afterwards that he was really hurt (at least on TV) that I recall. So that's one I've never been sure of. The way his ankle looked in the boot was what I remember.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The Jiz

When Hawk got on top of the Titan Tron to commit suicide...


Really, to this day, with the spot business, you can never tell if a guy is hurt or not. The last one that was hard to tell was Bryan-Orton match being stopped last Summer. There was no way Bryan's head ramrodding into the barricade didn't hurt him, but you had to wonder if he mistimed that dive just because it's such an insanely stupid spot to do. Then the match stopped, which turned out to be a shoot, but it came off as a work on TV, unless you factored in that dumb dive.


If I ever meet Bryan in person and he's still active, I'll personally tell him to cut the shit because you know 95% of the boys in the back and fans encourage him. He needs someone to tell him, even if the probability of him listening is next to zero. Just a moral obligation. Guys need to stop doing that to themselves, especially on free TV shows where more than 100 are done per year.

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Bryan actually got hurt from bumping in the ring after the dropkick off the top, not the crash into the barricade. The crash he was just selling, after he hits the dropkick you can see that something is wrong because he doesn't move, the ref swoops and they immediately go into time-killing mode.


Not that Bryan doesn't do stupid stuff, but in this case he was hurt from a pretty straightforward dive off the top.

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Guest The Jiz

Yes, you're right now that you remind me. But it's still an insanely stupid spot. He went full speed into the barricade without even putting up his hands. I'll disagree by probability that the missile toe drop kick is what injured him. On paper it was but that dumb spot is likely what led to his not being able to absorb that spot not even two minutes later. It's like saying Dynamite Kid's permanent back injury in Dec 1986 was caused by running the ropes.

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TECHNICALLY not in terms of shooting versus a work, but I always thought the Rumble was booked on the fly and improvised by everyone, but with strict instructions not to disrupt whatever the final grouping (6 or 4, whatever) would be, since that would be a more manageable match to script out for the finish.


How detailed is the Rumble match worked. I used to have the idea that everyone knew their entry number and knew how they were being eliminated. I realized that was wrong as they started doing more spots as the years went on like the dance with Too Cool/Rikishi. It just seems like too much information for everyone to remember.

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I think it's exactly that. Guys know about their entry and elimination, and if they are doing any significant spots - Kofi's antics, a big face off, if they're involved in the finish, etc. They wouldn't go into much more detail than that because, as you say, it's too much detail to plan out every single minute.


You can pretty easily tell the parts of the Rumble that aren't scripted, because the vast majority of it is punch/kick and attempting to throw someone over/save yourself.

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