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  On 7/20/2015 at 1:04 AM, Zoo Enthusiast said:


  On 7/20/2015 at 1:03 AM, goc said:

The only thing I care about on this show is if Reigns can drag something good out of Wyatt and what happens with Brock.

I actually really liked Sheamus/Orton. Thought the tag match was alright.


I don't have a Network sub so if the consensus is Reigns/Wyatt sucks I probably won't catch any of this show at all. I like Sheamus but not enough to go out of my way to watch him against Orton.

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I'm appreciative of this Reigns/Wyatt match because it gave me time to read & catch-up on this thread. :-)


The best part of Wyatt's act is his entrance & even that is soured by the commentators never shutting up & talking over it. They don't know how to ever let anything just breathe.

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  On 7/20/2015 at 12:56 AM, Zoo Enthusiast said:


  On 7/20/2015 at 12:55 AM, JerryvonKramer said:

Judging from the prematch package, this Wyatt vs Reigns feud looks to be the least compelling thing in modern times.

It lends credence to Dylan's theory that someone just really wants Reigns to fail. Fortunately, he looks to be too good to fail, at this point.



Bray's doing his best to bring Reigns and this match down. Even stole Orton's extened chinlock.

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  On 7/20/2015 at 1:15 AM, JerryvonKramer said:


  On 7/20/2015 at 1:14 AM, goc said:


  On 7/20/2015 at 1:13 AM, JerryvonKramer said:

The Superman punch has to be the lamest finisher ever.

It's not his finish and never has been, it's just a signature move.

Well it's lame as fuck


I do not agree. When he doesn't overdo by hitting it like 5 times in one match I like it. Especially if he doesn't telegraph it.

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  On 7/20/2015 at 1:20 AM, JerryvonKramer said:

I don't pretend to understand the booking, but from the shows I've seen and the people I've seen Wyatt lose to, this seems like a burial.

Everyone trades wins with Wyatt. They keep him strong so he can trade wins with other guys. I think of him as the reverse gatekeeper. When they need to derail someone from the top echelon/title picture, they stick them with Bray for months.
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Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns
- I have to give these guys props… they were just out there beating the shit out of each other.
- Right after I said this, they went into a really long headlock sequence.
- That was a really great counter to the running dropkick that laid Reigns out on the outside.
- Wyatt on offense isn’t always pretty but he has some awesome counters and momentum killers.
- It was a cheap win but it looked like Luke Harper to me so I can dig a Roman vs. Harper feud.

EDIT: Ok, it was Harper.
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