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What's going on with Daniel Bryan? :(


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Daniel Bryan was pulled from upcoming "Daniel Bryan Appreciation Night" house show appearances and the UK tour after Mania. But the real red flag, IMO, was when he backed out of WrestleMania Fan Axxess.


Brie was off the shows this week too.


WWE's statement was something along the lines of: "Bryan requested time off and it was granted."


I'm speculating, obviously, but there seems to be more than meets the eye here. I really hope there isn't any worse news about Bryan medically. That's my main worry.


I hope not, but I wonder if Bryan is trying to get out of his WWE deal to work indies again. With his concussion situation being what it is, I really hope he has finally moved on from this line of thinking and we can rule it out definitively. It's a nagging thought in my mind (and not in a good way, obviously), but I hope it's a farfetched scenario at best.


I'm starting this thread because I really feel this is going to become a "bigger story." I hope I'm overreacting though and this ends up being something minor. Time will tell, I guess.

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I doubt it is him trying to get out to work indies at this point. I would actually be a little surprised if he didn't make a push for it down the road, but his retirement didn't feel like something he did haphazardly or just to appease the WWE. I would imagine it sticks for a while. I obviously don't know the guy at all, but from a distance he strikes me as the kind of person that would have trouble being around wrestling if he can't wrestle. It could be any number of things. Here is to hoping it isn't something serious.

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Maybe he just wanted the time off?


It's had for me to buy this. 4/14/15 was the last time he wrestled. He took almost a month off before coming back in May to give up the IC title. I don't believe he made any appearances after Elimination chamber and if he did they were so few-and-far-between. Bryan has essentially had 1 year of time off. I can't see him asking for more time off unless there is something really going on. Him not being emotionally able to come back and trying to get rid of that 'itch' and transition into normal life is a real possibly and if that's the case then I wish nothing but the best for him.

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Yeah it's not so simple as wanting time off when he hasn't really wrestled for more than 5 months in two years. It is likely a mental thing and I don't fault him for not wanting to come back so soon after really having had to wrap his head around retiring and no longer doing what he'd done for 18 years.

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It could also be him wanting to or needed to dedicate extra attention to his other interests. I would imagine that this could be a very compelling time to up the activity with regard to sustainability issues. Maybe he just wanted to sort out those things.


Maybe he is really Dr. Who and he had to leave for a bit to avoid crossing his own time stream in the next few weeks. It is tough to tell really.

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Could be they made the decision to book him around the time he was retiring and the further into his retirement he gets the less inclined he is to want to go back to it especially if he can't actually wrestle? Retirement does do funny things to people, especially one who is only 34 years old and needs to develop new income streams to support his lifestyle regardless of how well he'd saved all those years. You're still looking at at least 30 years of healthy living you need to support not just yourself but a wife and future kids if that is in their plans.

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If they came to him with those ideas a month ago who's to say he would have known he wouldn't be up for it? He could have been swept up in all those emotions of gratitude for what the crowd showed him and thought he'd be up for it but the reality of it showed up in the month that followed and he's no longer swept up by those emotions but rather different emotions he doesn't want to face any longer.


I mean really, it isn't impossible to imagine time does change things.

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When were the Appreciation Night thingies first planned or announced? I think that bit's important. Because one of two odd things must have happened: either 1.they booked a bunch of appearances without asking him if he even wanted to do them, or 2.at some point after agreeing to these appearances, Bryan changed his mind.

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Pure speculation, but I think it is Bryan's call. I've always felt that Vince, Hunter and Steph really like and respect Bryan. Not in a "he can be the top guy!" sense, but I always got the feeling that they had a lot of respect for his ability, and Triple H and Stephanie liked working with him. This is in contrast to Rey or even someone like Punk, where I always felt that despite their popularity, Vince felt a bit...unhappy with their success, or simply did not like the fact that they became as popular as they did. Hunter did aarguably the best heel work of his career apart from the 2005 Batista feud while working with Bryan, and Bryan is legit the last person for whom Steph showed ass or even the slightest display of vulnerability. That was 2 years ago, and since then, all we have got is Sting and Hunter stopping her from slapping them, and that is less her showing ass and more them behaving like self-respecting human beings who do not appreciate it when they are slapped unprovoked, at least physically.


I just think that he maybe thought he could do the fan meetings, but after the huge emotional roller-coaster that his farewell was, he just did not want to go through the entire thing again.

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So the WWE 24 on Bryan's retirement left the impression he really didn't want to retire and Brie basically begged him to/talked him into it but it. Plus Dave was talking about how it appears he wasn't at the Bellas' mom's wedding, I hope the issue isn't marital issues between them.

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Man..the last two posts in this thread :rolleyes:


I'm not sure how you could watch the WWE 24 special and think that it wasn't Bryan's own decision to retire. He flat out said he knew he had to retire once he saw the test that showed he had a lesion on his brain. How did Brie convince him to retire when she said "Bryan came home and started crying and told me he knew he had to retire"? Like what part of that led you to think she was convincing him instead of consoling him?


And no there isn't anything odd about a guy deciding to retire when he realizes he has a lesion on his brain that causes seizures. The thing that would actually be odd is if he still tried to wrestle knowing that.

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Man then theres quite a few incompetent doctors out there in very prestigious spots if they didn't find this lesion before or at least explain what it meant in terms he would understand he had to retire. I didn't watch the special, but fuck yeah the timing of the retirement was weird as hell and if you don't think so, well that's you. As for the seizures, he's had them since what...2011? If it scared him so much, why didn't he quit then?


Edit: I am not suggesting he shouldn't retire or anything but the circumstances and timing of it all is all I question however I am glad he finally came to that point he did walk away.

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Why is this one doctor the only one doing that test or possessing the ability to do so? He's the only one who went "Say, let's try this new magic device I got that no one else in highly regarded neurological facilities has"? I don't get it. I ask that sincerely having not watched any of the news about him.

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