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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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On 9/5/2024 at 5:38 PM, sek69 said:

From today's WO update:

"Keith Mitchell (formerly of AEW, TNA, WCW), Kevin M. Sullivan (WWE, AEW, TNA), and Timothy J. Walbert (WWE) will be part of the production team for Scott D’Amore’s new Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling promotion.'


So it seems that if nothing else these shows will look really good.

(attn: @The Thread Killer )

Oh man…D’Amore issued a press release today that his Maple Leaf Promotion is going to be running the old Maple Leaf Gardens in May.

I would not be able to go to the show anyways because I no longer live in Toronto and can’t go to events like that for health reasons, but the prospect of seeing wrestling again at Maple Leaf Gardens…that’s my childhood right there. Some of my best memories. It would be like going back in time to when things were good.

But if I order that show, then I have to see a Baron Corbin match announced by Mauro Ranallo. I’m pretty sure that’s what hell will be like.

But the prospect of seeing Pro Wrestling return to Maple Leaf Gardens after all these years…that’s some serious history.




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Had that HBK 2005 Montreal promo pop up and lol at the heat and trolling, but also lol that in 2025 HBK in Montreal would get a hero's welcome and Hogan would get a house of boos. But also imagine a timeline where Bret actually did come out and just beat HBK's ass that night. 

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Speaking of which, I've always been puzzled by Meltzer's insistence that the buyrate for Summerslam that year was largely due to people thinking Bret was going to show up. I was pretty heavily into WWE at the time and I never even considered it as a possibility. When they played his music in Montreal and he didn't come out, I figured that was the end of it.

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On 1/30/2025 at 3:11 PM, The Thread Killer said:

But if I order that show, then I have to see a Baron Corbin match announced by Mauro Ranallo. I’m pretty sure that’s what hell will be like.

Sounds like Heaven to me!

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Nope. The opposite, in fact. I'm all for an all cinematic wrestling promotion, really. Make something fresh and absurd. Pro-wrestling is stale. The pandemic years were the most fascinating times for pro-wrestling. I miss stuff like TNA's Wrestlers House and the Good Brothers shows. And of course, the whole idea of Lucha Underground, which was based on regular matches, but had that whole cinematic production around it.

(and yeah, this was B-movie shit and it's why it was great, as opposed to the B-movie shit happening inside the ring as regular angles/matches and lauded by ridiculous "THIS IS CINEMA" claims)

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It wasn't fresh. Only in the context of pro wrestling. In all other forms of entertainment, it was not even B movie (which many of my favorite movies are B movies), but like Neil Breen tier movies. But combined it's the worst of pro wrestling corn and bad C movies into one very bad package. 

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From all other form of entertainment point of view, 99% of pro-wrestling is B-movie level shit *at best*. I've seen some porn movies with better acting and more actual depth than 90% of pro-wrestling angles and acting. Pro-wrestling is inherently ridiculous. Shit, the Cena turn on Cody, in term of dramaturgy and acting, is fucking pathetic when you put it against even the most basic cheap-ass TV show. Cinematic matches brought something pretty unique, yes, *in the context of pro-wrestling*, because it worked from within and embraced the ridiculousness of it (well, for the most part). 

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It is true that the execution of pro wrestling angles is frequently embarrassingly incompetent (the unforced errors in the Cena heel turn pale in comparison to "Yeah, but whose side is he on?"). But cinematic wrestling is even worse. It fails to deliver both the artistic rewards of good cinema and the visceral rewards of good wrestling.

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On 1/30/2025 at 9:11 PM, The Thread Killer said:

But if I order that show, then I have to see a Baron Corbin match announced by Mauro Ranallo. I’m pretty sure that’s what hell will be like.

Well, you sure jinxed it for everyone, now, did you ? Going from Takeshita vs Mike Bailey/Josh Alexander to TAFKA Baron Corbin vs Thom fucking Latimer for the NWA title is not even a drop, it's straight into the abyss shit. It sure started well. And I sure have zero interest in *those* cards now. 

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