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WWE TV 01/02 - 01/08


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  On 1/3/2017 at 9:54 PM, Blehschmidt said:


  On 1/3/2017 at 8:47 PM, Strummer said:

so Dave thinks the idea is to recreate the Bryan storyline from 2014 with Bayley and Charlotte/Stephanie


So is that why they are bringing Mickie James back, to play Batista?




Pretty sure she's going to eventually be the reveal for the La Luchadora angle on Smackdown.

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  On 1/3/2017 at 7:59 PM, goc said:


  On 1/3/2017 at 6:03 PM, victory said:


What's with all the Braun love on Twitter? I feel like it's some sort of inside joke I'm not in on. He's fine, but it's out of control on Twitter. I can't tell if people are trolling, joking or honestly think he's the next best thing. Maybe I'm just too old or out of the loop.

Part of it is definitely a backlash to the excessive pushes the former ROH dudes like Rollins & Owens have gotten.Their inability to actually deliver great main event matches despite being lauded as some of the best wrestlers in the world has definitely not done them any favors.


But despite that, what is not to like about Braun? He's very good in his role as the monster of Raw, he's been booked really well and he's clearly improved by working house shows since he debuted a year ago. He's got potential to wind up being what Big Show SHOULD have been in WWE since they've pretty much gotten Braun's booking right while they screwed up Big Show right from the start.

Thanks, that makes more sense now. Thanks to FMKK and KawadaSmile for their answers as well.


He is fine in his role from what I've seen. I admittedly have not seen the whole push. I was just so confused with all the Twitter hype on him.

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I'm not on Twitter so I didn't know Braun was getting love there, but hearing that he is reminds me a bit of late fall 2013 (I think) when Roman Reigns was actually pretty over with a growing portion of the mainstream audience and the "IWC." There was still some Cena hate around and Ambrose was still considered the "natural heel" of the group and Rollins was the one that the real "in the know" fans thought was going to get forgotten, but Reigns wasn't super unpopular. IIRC, he was even kinda cheered at Royal Rumble 2014 (when the fans weren't booing the shit out of everyone not named Daniel Bryan).


But once the actual push happened, the backlash began. Like it did with Cena before him.


I expect the same will happen to Braun too. They love you as "their guy" until you become their guy.

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Yeah, Braun slowly but surely getting love across the board reminds me of Roman in 2013 too. Thankfully for Strowman, if he gets a super push it seems he's gonna be a heel and not be presented as Cena 2.0. Also, he's not gonna "ruin" the push of the most over guy on the roster that fans have always felt the company has tried to fuck over.

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Yeah, there is no Daniel Bryan to 'get in the way' of company plans, but on the flipside none of the apparent top babyfaces in the company are actually that over (other than Cena but he's fast becoming a part-time legend)


I hope they just keep up the Braun push and even give him the title. A monster heel worker is refreshing in 2017 and makes a change for workrate types on top. The issue is finding strong challengers who can get good matches out of him when so many guys work that spotty style but if they make Braun a killer for the rest of the year then whoever finally beats him could be a made man.

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Braun is 6'8", 385lbs and moves about twice as fast as Kevin Owens, whom for some god awful reason is the champion. Last night, watching Owens during his match, I was audibly laughing at the TV every time he did any sort of run spot. My god, Akeem put in better effort. There was one spot where Owens has to run and fall over the top rope to the outside and it looked like he was stuck in molasses.

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  On 1/4/2017 at 1:09 AM, fakeplastictrees said:

Is Stephanie pregnant? This is the second week she has worn all black with items designed to cover her stomach. Last week it a a big black blouse and this week it was an oversized black blazer.

It would be ironic if Steph finally enters a feud with another woman where she should get her comeuppance but can't take a bump because she's pregnant. Gotta keep the heat on the McMahons at all times.

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  On 1/4/2017 at 1:09 AM, fakeplastictrees said:

Is Stephanie pregnant? This is the second week she has worn all black with items designed to cover her stomach. Last week it a a big black blouse and this week it was an oversized black blazer.

To me it looks like she got some sort of plastic surgery. At the very least Botox



And a much needed Dolph heel turn. And Smackdown is running 1990 wcw angles and it's great

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  On 1/4/2017 at 2:10 AM, Strummer said:

Another incredible promo by Cena. AJ wasn't far behind


It was great, but when he gets serious he puts on that accent from his rap gimmick days and it throws me off a little.


Show has been amazing so far, especially Maryse. Miz is a lucky man :).

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My God. The ONLY downside of this episode was not-Renee tripping over her lines, and even that can be justified as her being nervous after that slap Maryse gave to Renee.


Corbin, American Alpha and Dog Ziggler got elevated so much, and from the looks of things Apollo might get something to do, too.



I love wrestling sometimes.

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Raw still continues to be a plodding slog while Smackdown is the best weekly television WWE has done in years. Even the little things like building matches for the next week just go to point out that whoever is writing this show knows what they're doing.


AJ and Cena stole the show with their contract signing promos. Cena really has been missed.

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I've said it before and I will say it again: everyone and everything on Smackdown has a purpose. Who'd thought I'd start warming up to Ziggler in 2017 as he has been DITW for 2-3 years?! Its all really scary how simple a lot of this stuff is. Another thing that Smackdown has going for itself right now is that its not being focused to break any 'historic records' like Raw. With Charlotte, New Day, and Strowman--Raw is (and was in the case of New Day) in a holding patterning. WWE has shown over the last few years (Nikki Bella's title reign being the last great example) that when it comes time to break history---the STORY leading up the record reign means absolutely nothing, its getting there is what is important! This of course leads to a large lame duck session and makes the product less exciting.

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Will echo the love for the AJ/Cena contract signing. I think that's gotta be AJ's best mic work in WWE and one of Cena's best as well. At this point it's kind of embarrassing how much better AJ Styles is than Kevin Owens when comparing Champions as AJ has been putting out better matches all year but now seems to have surpassed Owens on the mic and in the ability to generate real heel heat.

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  On 1/4/2017 at 3:28 AM, sek69 said:

When Ward was writing NXT everyone was mentioning how smoothly it built week to week for upcoming events like the next Takeover show. How funny is it that he might be the best callup they've produced so far.


I wonder if Loss still thinks Ward isn't a big factor when it comes to SD having better writing. A lot of us called it at the time, that dude knows how to do weekly wrestling TV.

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  On 1/4/2017 at 3:28 AM, sek69 said:

When Ward was writing NXT everyone was mentioning how smoothly it built week to week for upcoming events like the next Takeover show. How funny is it that he might be the best callup they've produced so far.

He isn't really a "callup". He was already lead writer of Smackdown before he went to NXT in 2014, and I don't remember Smackdown being so good at the time.

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  On 1/5/2017 at 12:26 AM, cpst said:


  On 1/4/2017 at 3:28 AM, sek69 said:

When Ward was writing NXT everyone was mentioning how smoothly it built week to week for upcoming events like the next Takeover show. How funny is it that he might be the best callup they've produced so far.

He isn't really a "callup". He was already lead writer of Smackdown before he went to NXT in 2014, and I don't remember Smackdown being so good at the time.


Well, SD wasn't its own show then. It was RAW lite.

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