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WWE TV 01/09 - 01/15


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Was it just me or did it seem like Stephanie had to be extra bitchy and emasculating to everyone she came into contact with on this week's show to make up for the fact that Undertaker wasn't going to bow down and fear the McMahon.


Sasha, Bayley, Foley, Rollins, Reigns, etc.


We've had a heel authority figure for almost 20 straight years now, it's mind blowing.

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When was the last time Stephanie showed ass to someone on the roster? Vikki? Brie? That was 2014. But yeah, less is more. Talking down to Bayley is one thing, but the entire roster? Especially the world champions and all top contenders? Overall an okay Raw, its amazing how The Club are just flat out not getting over at all while New Day has become a parody of itself and is getting less over by-the-day. I heel New Day would at least be 'fresh' and would gain some people back, but The Club is dead-in-the-water. Holy shit! I don't know what can be done to revive them.

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  On 1/10/2017 at 1:46 PM, FMKK said:

If they really want Bayley to get over big, Stephanie really should take a few bumps for her.


Or they could just keep her as far away from Stephanie as possible. Stephanie pats herself on the back for giving all of the women a fair chance and on the same show she's knocking down Bayley for being average and plain. It's counterproductive, it makes no sense and it's awful.

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Ultimately, the Stephanie stuff doesn't matter at all. No one has turned on a guy they liked because Steph talked down to him and they didn't hit her. She's just the annoying regional manager who acts tough when the real boss isn't around. WWE hasn't really operated on the principle of "assault your boss and expect to keep your job" since the mid 00s


Stephanie is the personification of bureaucracy that everyone has to deal with, but ultimately isn't important. That people are still getting so angry when she doesn't get beaten up is so weird. You've been watching this show for years. You know how this is going to go and it isn't going to change. It is pointless, but it doesn't hurt any of the talent because no one gives a shit.

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  On 1/10/2017 at 4:27 PM, The Chief said:


  On 1/10/2017 at 1:46 PM, FMKK said:


If they really want Bayley to get over big, Stephanie really should take a few bumps for her.

Or they could just keep her as far away from Stephanie as possible. Stephanie pats herself on the back for giving all of the women a fair chance and on the same show she's knocking down Bayley for being average and plain. It's counterproductive, it makes no sense and it's awful.

Well, from their perspective they're recreating the success of the Bryan vs Authority story, which was based on Bryan being not good enough to be a star. Which helped make Bryan a star, and using that logic, will help make Bayley a star

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What's silly to me is that it does seem like when Steph or HHH have been involved in a major storyline over the past few years, they've repeated the "Daniel Bryan Storyline" (screw babyface repeatedly for 9 months before losing in the final battle) when the show would probably be just as successful if they tried, say, promoting Steph more like Vickie Guerrero, who was foiled and embarrassed almost every week but was victorious just enough to make her effective and worth fearing (another example - Vince himself).


I don't think we need to see Steph get put through tables or have fake feces dumped on her by Seth Rollins, but at this point, her motivations are unclear to me. Why again does she hate Reigns and Rollins? With Vickie and Vince you could always point to the previous week or month and say "Austin did _____ so Vince is really steamed" or "Vickie wants revenge for _______ and now she's on the warpath." Steph's character has been written very poorly for being such a focal point of the show and part of that is because, though she's constantly around, she doesn't actually do anything or have any sort of struggle. She's kind of a stick-in-the-mud for the sake of being a stick-in-the-mud. She dislikes Reigns because Reigns wouldn't go "corporate" in 2015? She dislikes Rollins because he failed her and Triple H when he was "their guy" 2 years ago? Is that what we're meant to believe is still bothering her?

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She dislikes Rollins because of Rollins' attitude shortly before and after his injury where he claimed that he didn't need The Authority and they were holding him back. She dislikes Roman because he's been a thorn in her side for the past 2ish years now and violently assaulted her husband multiple times (and speared her at WM). Post WM 30, The Authority hasn't really been anything but a plot device to move the show along, a different entity from segment to segment depending on what that particular segment needs. Doing what's best for business, if you will.

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Sort of just had Raw on in the background today, but Rusev is so amazing. My wife (not a huge wrestling fan) and I were on the couch cracking up at Rusev demanding HBK put Lana in a movie that was already made. The dude got a little cheap heat by bashing Star Wars and telling HBK to use CGI to put a real person in a movie that is coming out in a week. Brilliant! I love that guy.

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  On 1/10/2017 at 11:23 AM, Blehschmidt said:

Was it just me or did it seem like Stephanie had to be extra bitchy and emasculating to everyone she came into contact with on this week's show to make up for the fact that Undertaker wasn't going to bow down and fear the McMahon.


Sasha, Bayley, Foley, Rollins, Reigns, etc.


We've had a heel authority figure for almost 20 straight years now, it's mind blowing.



Raw was so schizophrenic, since when does the Commissioner have the power to evaluate (and potentially fire) the GM of a brand? Steph and Foley for weeks were portrayed as if not equals, at least close enough on the chain of command to back up each other's decisions. Now suddenly Mick's being talked to like an intern who fucked up for the last time. The line about Smackdown beating Raw in the ratings made no sense from a kayfabe standpoint, since what is Foley supposed to do about John Cena returning? That's not even mention pretending Foley was unsure about Taker showing up when it was advertised several times last week on TV.


The segment with the women was so self defeating. If you want to have the usual Steph as Alpha segment, fine. I mean, it's not fine, but it seems like it's something they have to do. There was no reason to have her tell Sasha that she is the real legit boss. Going to the extent of trying to kill someone's gimmick is impressive by the usual browbeating segment standards.

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I can't wait until Reigns wins the world title again. They should have him retire Taker or something and make him the undisputed ace of Raw or the company. I know this is pretty spiteful but I really find the 24/7 complaining and the grass is greener syndrome of many WWE fans grating. "He is being made to look far too strong as US Champion, have Jericho beat him for the title" " Oh no he is no longer US champion, he is just going to be inserted back into the main event scene" Well which is it?

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The people that complain about WWE each week are watching because the enjoyment they get from it is being able to gripe and armchair book. So that's never going to change and there never is any way to win for WWE, because those people are watching to have things to complain about in the first place.

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