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WWE TV 03/05 - 03/11


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I guess the question on Ronda was did she do the Samoan Drop because that was the only other move she knows how to do besides a body slam (which wouldn't have looked good) or that her finisher now. I am hoping they are saving the armbar for Wrestlemania.


You can tell that Cena is near the end of his WWE run because now he is having a match with Golddust. I wonder if they have ever faced each other before? Now if we can get this on a house show so we know it would get at least 10 minutes and be even more awesome

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  On 3/6/2018 at 1:55 AM, hammerva said:

I guess the question on Ronda was did she do the Samoan Drop because that was the only other move she knows how to do besides a body slam (which wouldn't have looked good) or that her finisher now. I am hoping they are saving the armbar for Wrestlemania.

I'm guessing they'll do a simultaneous submission spot as the finish for WM, or at least have Angle trap HHH with the ankle lock long enough for Ronda to get the armbar.

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  On 3/6/2018 at 1:55 AM, hammerva said:

I guess the question on Ronda was did she do the Samoan Drop because that was the only other move she knows how to do besides a body slam (which wouldn't have looked good) or that her finisher now. I am hoping they are saving the armbar for Wrestlemania.


I think it was supposed to be the Angle slam, but not executed correctly.

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In-ring wise, surely is hasn't been good. But as an overall show, it's good. The Mizzies was a great segment, Bayley/Sasha feud took one step further, and the opening was also good.


And the Symphony of Destruction match was also very entertaining. Almost a live action cartoon.

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  On 3/6/2018 at 3:42 AM, KawadaSmile said:

In-ring wise, surely is hasn't been good. But as an overall show, it's good. The Mizzies was a great segment, Bayley/Sasha feud took one step further, and the opening was also good.


And the Symphony of Destruction match was also very entertaining. Almost a live action cartoon.


I agree the opening was well done and exceeded expectations. Bayley/Mandy was arguably the best match and I didn't mind how they furthered that angle. I was not exactly a fan of The Mizzies or Braun/Elias, and couldn't believe how long either ran on for. They even managed to give Cena material that couldn't keep the crowd engaged, and he didn't exactly gel well with Goldust. But hey, different strokes and such.

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Oh, let's not forget booking Cesaro/Sheamus and The Revival in a heatless heel vs. heel match. They connected for a brief moment with the Power & Glory spot, but then put the champs over out of nowhere with a very run of the mill finish. Really a night of uninspired work and booking, especially given how strong the show has been lately and how it usually fares during the build to Mania.

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It was an incredible promo but it is also to use a Heyman word "bullshit" promo. You can't tell people how much the title means to him when he almost never shows up with it and then defends in most half assed matches.


I am little worried because the buildup to Reigns/Lesnar II has been really good because the original Reigns/Lesnar had an embarrassing buildup and then a great match. Now we got Lesnar with one foot out the door and the one falling sleep.

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Lesnar does occasionally delivers, though. The Goldberg feud was pretty much perfect, and much of that is due to his performance.


But, if the match is a stinker due to Brock's laziness, just give Roman a medal. Having to endure the worst Mani match ups possible for 3 years in a row just shows how much he is a company guy.

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Sheamus and Cesaro now have zero credible challengers left for Mania.


So are we getting the hodge podge thrown together team winning the titles with a hasty build up, or the mystery nostalgia team coming out for the huge pop winning the titles in a Mania Open Challenge.


My money is on The Dudleys (though that kinda takes the mystery out of it)

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  On 3/6/2018 at 11:34 AM, El-P said:


  On 3/6/2018 at 1:55 AM, hammerva said:

You can tell that Cena is near the end of his WWE run because now he is having a match with Golddust.


How ironic that he's still the biggest star of the company.

We'll see how the Ronda superpush goes over the next year he I think they'll look to get her to that position
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  On 3/6/2018 at 12:16 PM, FMKK said:


  On 3/6/2018 at 11:34 AM, El-P said:


  On 3/6/2018 at 1:55 AM, hammerva said:

You can tell that Cena is near the end of his WWE run because now he is having a match with Golddust.

How ironic that he's still the biggest star of the company.

We'll see how the Ronda superpush goes over the next year he I think they'll look to get her to that position


They'll have to keep her "special" to accomplish this, and I have zero faith in them doing so. But that's probably the plan. If they close the show with her, which they probaly won't do, that's a clear sign.


Meanwhile, no one gives a fuck about Lesnar vs Roman as the main event. Meanwhile, your most over guy in the company that you managed to protect a whole lot, Braun, has nothing planned for Mania.


They better end the show with Cena vs Taker, honestly. Although Taker won't be able to do the "I'm retiring" bit that he did last year and that was so perfect this time around.

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Especially for Paige. Don't let this guy get close to her again, really... And well, yes. The only time this guy looked like a star was thanks to the Lucha Underground smoke and mirrors (and honestly, his feud with Texano wasn't exactly memorable either).

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Del Rio has a ton of baggage and absolutely no upside. And what a way to shit on Paige after she got her act together, got back in the ring and has now suffered through a serious injury. Anyone with any integrity in that company would be opposing the idea of him coming back as hard as they can.

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According to the report (which I didn't read/hear, but read a summary of, so, reader beware), Del Rio was at Titan Towers to film some talking head clips for an upcoming Mysterio project. He then, supposedly, met with Vince and he was always a "Vince Guy" so if McMahon wants to bring him back, it can and will certainly be read as another example of Vince exerting some power as Triple H and Stephanie consolidate theirs (its been reported that it was H and Steph who were handling the Rousey negotiations, for example, and, obviously, NXT is Triple H's baby).


I'm definitely on the side that believes Alberto Del Rio is one of the biggest busts of recent times. Over-pushed, under-talented. When he first came in, I have friends who tried to convince me of his greatness based on his reputation, but his "match-ography" in WWE lacks the certifiable great matches or angles. Say what you will about "fanboys" overrating CM Punk or the reliance on stipulations that made Edge palatable or all the criticisms that could be leveled against Undertaker and Orton at their dullest, at least they had moments where they transcended their shortcomings and were really captivating characters. At what point was Del Rio as over as his pushed deserved? I'm genuinely curious if an argument can be made. At least Rollins had The Shield and that kickass lumberjack match against Ambrose.

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