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Masterful carny move by both of them.

Punk has the narrative leverage of wanting to make things work and do business.

Jericho has established himself as the locker room leader/representative and not only has the ability to change the narrative around Punk's return (or be seen as the one who "protected the locker room" from Phil) but also keep leaching off people that are over and the fans want to see to extend his relevancy as a performer :lol:

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Jericho is a massive heat vampire, man. Starks went from having a mini-feud with MJF, with a fucking white-hot promo, to an endless feud with Jericho, and now is gonna become Switchblade food. Action Andretti ain't even making TV. 

But Y2J? Yeah, he's facing a returning Adam Cole, baybay! And will face a returning CM Punk, too!

I hate him.

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It's wild. Literally no one has benefited from a program with Jericho. Even the ones where he "made a guy a star", they immediately lose any momentum and do nothing for 6-9 months while Jericho goes on to be heavily featured in the next feud with whatever talent is getting hot. And the cycle repeats. It's so blatant. 

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There's also the possibility Jericho sees the writing on the wall that Punk's probably coming back after all the shit he talked about him, and wants to get ahead of things so he doesn't become the next one to get pipebombed. 

This is the guy who told Hunter to fuck off when he tried to pitch losing to him at Mania as a big deal, Y2J isn't going to snow him. 

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Well, let me rephrase this then. Can I get Omega vs Ospreay ? Or Ibushi ? And no idiotic internet drama and rumors and tribalism and conspiracy theory ? Like, just a great fucking match for a Stadium (which won't sell out and OMG AEW is dead lolz they can't make a Dome show like WWE Mania was much bigger lol, yeah, ya know all of this is gonna happen anyway and the goal post moving and bad faith is gonna be ridiculous whatever number they do)

Please ?



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4 minutes ago, Jmare007 said:

For last year's Summerslam? They announced 48k and according to the Observer the real attendance was close to 38k.

Nah, the 92 Summerslam was in a different Wembley stadium to the one that is there now. The old one was knocked down and rebuilt with a larger capacity 

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13 minutes ago, Stiva said:

Nah, the 92 Summerslam was in a different Wembley stadium to the one that is there now. The old one was knocked down and rebuilt with a larger capacity 

That was a legit sellout though, stro's point is about being able to run a set up were a big attendance (40k+) looks impressive regardless if half the tickets weren't sold....like WWE did at last year's Summerslam.

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5 hours ago, El-P said:


Well, let me rephrase this then. Can I get Omega vs Ospreay ? Or Ibushi ? And no idiotic internet drama and rumors and tribalism and conspiracy theory ? Like, just a great fucking match for a Stadium (which won't sell out and OMG AEW is dead lolz they can't make a Dome show like WWE Mania was much bigger lol, yeah, ya know all of this is gonna happen anyway and the goal post moving and bad faith is gonna be ridiculous whatever number they do)

Please ?



I feel like you argue with ghosts sometimes :lol:

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1 hour ago, Jmare007 said:

I feel like you argue with ghosts sometimes :lol:

I'm speaking directly to Coach TK, as a fellow former member of the DVDVR light green board. B)

I mean, I'm SOOOOO bored with the endless, meandering drama discussions about Punk and Dax Harwood and The Elite and Jericho and Meltzer. So completely over it. Whatever happens happens and I'll enjoy whatever good/great shit I get as it happens. So, if I can't get Punk vs Omega (and really now, the ONE thing no one seems to realize nor talk about, is that Punk had two major matches followed by two big time injuries that took him out for a while, his body has been falling apart, and I wonder how long he could go at a high level), fuck, I'll gladly take any other great shit they can book, and Punk or no Punk, they can book so many great stuff especially if they get some NJPW talent. 

Gotta say this though, I don't think there has been anyone who, because of his social media/podcasting game, went so quickly from "OMG this guy is so great and he loves pro-wrestling so much he's awesome" to "Yeah, great worker but what a fucking passive-aggressive whiny pain in the ass, can't he shut up for a minute or two ?" as Dax Harwood did. I can almost picture Cash sighing heavily every time Dax is tweeting something, really... I LOVE to watch him wrestle (really, one of my favorite wrestler anywhere these last few years, and maybe my favorite period last year) and I am glad he stays in AEW so I can watch him for the next few years, but really, talk about making a rep for yourself...

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13 minutes ago, El-P said:

Gotta say this though, I don't think there has been anyone who, because of his social media/podcasting game, went so quickly from "OMG this guy is so great and he loves pro-wrestling so much he's awesome" to "Yeah, great worker but what a fucking passive-aggressive whiny pain in the ass, can't he shut up for a minute or two ?" as Dax Harwood did. I can almost picture Cash sighing heavily every time Dax is tweeting something, really...

I used to think that about Cash too. I assumed he would get a little annoyed with how much Dax pulls back the curtain. But I saw him interviewed Wrestlemania weekend, and at one point he was saying that if it was him doing the podcast he would probably be even worse than Dax. I think in reality those guys actually are super tight and are actual best friends which if you think about it is such a rarity when it comes to a tag team. 

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11 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

But I saw him interviewed Wrestlemania weekend, and at one point he was saying that if it was him doing the podcast he would probably be even worse than Dax.

The point is not about him thinking the same way or not, that's pretty irrelevant. The point is Cash being smart enough to not expose himself as a never-ending drama king double-talk annoyance.

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31 minutes ago, El-P said:

So, if I can't get Punk vs Omega (and really now, the ONE thing no one seems to realize nor talk about, is that Punk had two major matches followed by two big time injuries that took him out for a while, his body has been falling apart, and I wonder how long he could go at a high level)

What about Omega? He spent nearly a year on the shelf after dropping the AEW title, and he's worked almost exclusively in trios matches since returning. Realistically speaking, they're both probably on borrowed time as top workers.

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3 minutes ago, El-P said:

The point is not about him thinking the same way or not, that's pretty irrelevant. The point is Cash being smart enough to not expose himself as a never-ending drama king double-talk annoyance.

I love FTR to bits, and I listen to Dax’s podcast on occasion, depending on the topic. (I’d probably listen to it a lot more if Matt Koon didn’t cohost it.)

But I do question the wisdom of an active pro wrestler, who is working for a major organization having a weekly podcast where he basically pulls back the curtain and talks about stuff that he probably shouldn’t be talking about. I don’t know why he can’t wait until he retires to do this. 

Apparently the biggest no-no in the business used to be letting “outsiders” into the lockerroom. I guess they used to have a very strict rule about that in the business, not that long ago. Now you have guys openly talking about backstage stuff on a podcast. It’s a small wonder that some of Dax’s coworkers don’t like it. I find that more often than not, I actually agree with his opinions on things, but I still think it’s a dumb idea to be sharing them at this point in his career.

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2 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

What about Omega? He spent nearly a year on the shelf after dropping the AEW title, and he's worked almost exclusively in trios matches since returning. Realistically speaking, they're both probably on borrowed time as top workers.

It got reported this past week that Omega’s AEW contract has basically been extended until November because of all the time he missed last year with injuries. I know a lot of people were speculating he was actually thinking about testing the waters and seeing if he could go to WWE, not that I think that was all that likely anyhow, but now that Vince is back you have to assume that’s not even on the table. I would guess that the next contract Omega signs will be probably his last contract, and I would assume it will be dividing his time between AEW with some trips to New Japan and Mexico. Not unlike the contracts FTR just signed.

I just hope guys like Omega and Punk make the smart decision for themselves and their families. They probably both only have a limited number of big matches left before their bodies totally break down, so I hope they go where they are properly compensated and can do the kind of work they want to do. In Omega’s case, I think the style that he works, puts a tremendous amount of pressure on his body and he does not strike me as the kind of guy to tone his style down, just to save himself from injuries. As far as Punk, I think it’s probably just age and the accumulation of his entire career catching up with him as well. 

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With Dax, it's also his blatant hypocrisy that's grating - pretending he doesn't care about Meltzer or his opinions, and then throwing a fit cuz he didn't get enough star ratings for a match - shit like that is a turnoff. 

If Punk was not medically cleared to return, he should have never been doing the Mox main event PPV match in the first place. Surely it didn't help his injury issues. 

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37 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

What about Omega? He spent nearly a year on the shelf after dropping the AEW title, and he's worked almost exclusively in trios matches since returning. Realistically speaking, they're both probably on borrowed time as top workers.

He had one of the greatest matches ever at WK a few months ago against Ospreay, and in term of intensity it was on a totally different level than most guys. He said afterward that it showed him he wasn't back 100% like he thought he was (which is mind blowing when you watch him work, really). But it's nothing comparable with Punk, who was off for 7 years and his coming back at 43 and got injured twice in a row in big matches. I doubt Omega is gonna work for another ten years though, especially at that level. 

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