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It seems like it was just largely the creators of the show discussing various theories about his death, the real scoop seems to have been them getting Gino's mom to talk about his dad, which finally put the "Is Paul Boesch Gino's dad?" rumor to bed. 

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1 hour ago, sek69 said:

It seems like it was just largely the creators of the show discussing various theories about his death, the real scoop seems to have been them getting Gino's mom to talk about his dad, which finally put the "Is Paul Boesch Gino's dad?" rumor to bed. 

That clip of his Mom debunking the Paul Boesch stuff was one of the deleted scenes they put on YouTube last year after the episode aired.  Sounds like I'll have to give this a look since I don't recall any additional theories about his death making it onto YouTube last year.  Rad!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Alucard said:

-Ultimate Warrior

1 hour ago, sek69 said:

They got Warrior's first wife (not the one who does stuff for WWE now) to contribute, so that should be interesting to see. 

For everyone who wanted the Warrior Award to end, you may get your wish after this airs. 


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Yep. Which is why you should never bully a bully : because it's counterproductive. 

20 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

Dropping dead before he could embarrass himself on WWE's dime surely helped as well.

The way he dropped dead surely helped too. People thought it was so eerie because of the timing (the irony of death will never cease to amaze me sometime) that they got all romantic about it. The opposite of Benoit, in sorts, who was probably a pretty good guy his entire life before going insane at the end, so he's being called a monster. Whereas Warrior was pretty much an asshole and legit hate spreading human being for years, but because he looked sympathetic at the end and dropped dead just at the right time, people softened up on him and were willing to gobble the withewashing. Like if the only thing that mattered was the end... 

I also believe Meltz appears in a few episodes for the first time. So I guess Brucie isn't taking part this time around.

Since they touch the Korea stuff this year, I still have some hope for an episode on the Saudi debacle in the future.

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2 hours ago, RingoPlaysDrums said:

Weren't there supposed to be episodes on XPW, FMW, Bruiser Bedlam and Kanyon this season?

The season is supposed to be 14 episodes long, so more than enough space to get to cut off thumbs, blown up police stations and firecrackers in the anus.

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The Brawl For All was really a stupid idea. I do feel like Jim Cornette and Jim Ross came off as almost delusional when they talked about how big Steve Williams was going to be. I wasn't even online yet when they brought him in and even as a newer fan he felt like a weird fit for WWE at the time. He's obviously an amazing worker but I just don't see him getting over with Attitude Era crowds.

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I think Doc as a good ol' boy jock douchebag type running roughshod over a lot of the midcard could've worked, personally. I don't see him being a fixture for very long, but at least for a year or two with some occasional flirtations around the ME.

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I watched the episode on brawl for all and still think it was a rib on Ross & Cornette for buying into the Dr Death tough guy act 

Russo tried to take the credit but that smells of McMahon to me. 

Midcard bully could probably have worked but he didn't have the right kind of charisma to be top of the card in that era in WWF

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I think he would have been fine in the mid-card. JR and Cornette sound insane thinking he was working on top with Austin. I just don't see it all. Wrong kind of charisma and good ringwork meant almost nothing in this era. If this were WCW and we were talking Goldberg/Williams on top, I would still be skeptical but could see that as a possibility. I think Russo is an idiot but Cornette especially came across as very lazy and close minded booking wise. Saying they couldn't do anything with Bart Gunn really fucking annoyed me. You didn't even fucking try.

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3 hours ago, Mad Dog said:

I think Russo is an idiot but Cornette especially came across as very lazy and close minded booking wise. Saying they couldn't do anything with Bart Gunn really fucking annoyed me. You didn't even fucking try.

Cornette is wildly overrated as as a booker and always has been. He gets way too much goodwill because he managed the Midnight Express. 

Agreed about Bart Gunn. As stupid and misguided as the Brawl for All was, knocking out Doc and winning the dumb thing really felt like a star-making moment and gave him an aura he never had before. So, of course, WWE had to fuck that up and put him on ice for months. Let's not even get started on WrestleMania, where they proceeded to embarrass Bart against Butterbean, who never stepped foot in the company again after that. Then again, I think that was Bart's swan song too. What a waste of time and talent. 

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