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Ridiculous quotes from WO.com columnists


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Damon isn't a top 2/3 name in baseball but I'd put him in the top 10 or so over the last few years.


I tend to think of the average male wrestling fan as someone who reads the sports section of a newspaper and/or watches some ESPN and/or visits sports websites and/or listens to sports talk shows. The only way to have no idea who Damon is would be to essentially not follow US sports.

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Damon is a rather large name in the mainstream for a baseball player. And I agree it came from the Red Sox, and then leaving the Sox for the Evil Empire. The guy has been on Letterman more than the Player of the Decade in MLB.


He's a bigger "name" than anyone on the Yanks this past year other than Jeter and A-Rod. And considering that's the *Yankees* and it's an alleged Team Of Stars, it's saying something.


Probably says even more about the poor job of MLB in getting their players over.



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Also, he had no idea who Ken Jeong was. While he's not close to a big name (especially pre-Community), he's incredibly recognizable from his roles in the Apatow and related movies.

OK, now you're reaching a bit. It's one thing to have no idea who Johny Damon is (although not knowing details also isn't a big deal), but not knowing Ken Jeong is not a big deal at all


I'm not saying it's a big deal, just somewhat surprising for someone in his age group.


In fairness to Todd Martin, the Apatow movies are an acquired taste. I happen to like them myself, but I know many others who don't care for them. To each their own.


I wonder if Martin writes all these "I don't know who this person is" comments as a rib on Alvarez and Meltzer (mainly Alvarez). I'm not expecting that either, as he comes across as a more obvious wrestling/MMA nerd than even those two sometimes, but it wouldn't surprise me.


Re: Damon. He's a very good player, but due to being with the Yankees, calling him a "huge star" is debatable. I'd argue that guys like Jeter and A-Rod are bigger stars. Damon was probably a bigger star with the Red Sox due to a lot less "big name" (for lack of a better term) talent, plus he had a very unique look. Right now, he has the appearance of just another player, even if he's very, very good.


Yeah, I watched 40 Yr Old Virgin and Knocked up and I absolutely hated them. I don'[t think I laughed once. Superbad though I thought was good though not great. If it weren't for one of the wresting forums I was visiting, I wouldn't even know who Apatow is. Neither would most of the people around me if I were to take a survey.

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That says more about you if you only heard about these films through visiting wrestling forums...

Why do people always misinterpert what others say in wrestling forums in order to take a shot at someone else? I said I only heard about Apatow is on a wrestling forum. The movies I heard about in the media. Apatow's name is not well known among the general population. Someone like Cameron is more known.

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Actually I would say Apatow's name is known because his films have been very popular so just because you found out about his name on a wrestling forum doesn't mean the same applies to the "general population" on whose behalf you are commenting.

It depends on what you mean by "known". My standards are high for what a "known" name is. If you were to take a survey of random people, a high percentage are not going to know who he is.

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If you take a survey of random people, a high percentage don't know the vice president's name.

That is true. But I don't think anyone should be looked at oddly or be surprised because they don't know who Ken Joeng is or Apatow especially in a time where we have so many other things to distract us. Names on average don't stick out anymore like they used to. The A Team was a surprise. Elvis or the Beatles would be odd or for today's time a big name like Tiger Woods. That is a true well known name and not just because it was discovered recently he had multiple female admirers.

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Yeah, but what's it got to do with WON columnists not knowing every facet of popular culture?


Most WON columnists got their introduction to MMA via Japanese groups, Bob Sapp was a huge star in Japan, this seems to have caused the WON crew to think anyone who gets big in MMA in the US must be a huge star too.

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